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Angry John

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Everything posted by Angry John

  1. I'm a yhb fanboy and I fish what line I this is best cost not a barrier. 10lb yhb is great for cranks, jerk baits and worms 12 for jigs and 15/20 for swimbaits.
  2. I have some big pike spoons. Maybe I should give them a go.
  3. Back of the boat there are no requirements other than be friendly and helpful. Be well organized and on time. Have fun.
  4. I seem to prefer a faster action on squarebills and i use a heavier rod for lipless cranks. I just had a rod built that was amazing on the phoenix x series blanks. Their rods get great reviews with the only gripes comming in with things like handle length and the like with that being zero issue if your building yourself. The x-10 was directly compared to the steez flexlite medium, with very high ratings. I just had a x-13 built that may be a little heavier than your looking for. http://www.mudhole.com/custom-rod-building-blanks/rod-building-blanks-brands/phenix-rod-building-blanks/phenix-crankbait-series The x12-b or x10 which is 7" and a top end of one ounce should get you right where you want to be....
  5. I use red backlight in.my yak at night and a red headlamp to retie. If the moon is half or more I only use the headlamp while retiring. Red saves my night vision.
  6. Seems the lighter the better with trout. 2 pound is just a mess and I refuse to go below 4 any more.
  7. If you really must use something try and use some anise oil from a worm bag. The bps brand worms seem to be drenched in it.
  8. I dont doubt that having a spare hub is a great idea and I have yet to ever look for an entire replacement. Where do you find these, tractor supply, etrailer??? I have not gone this deep and need to figure out how to size them correctly. The only good news is I have a total load one each side that is almost insignificant. 100 lbs max per. Side. Rotational heat is really my only worry.
  9. This was my thoughts said better. As things always work I greased my trailer after owning it only a short time and 3 short trips less than 10 miles. When I pushed in the grease water came out. So the previous owner was not on their maintenance game. I packed them full and I'm going to go roll around for a few miles to work it in and fill them up again.
  10. I would not use any chemical on a bait. You could use an old tooth brush and some tooth paste to clean it off. Sounds funny but it works. I used a hard toothbrush bought by accident and pepsodent paste if it matters.
  11. So the ones i have are stainless, and your saying that the threads on stainless are going to get worn??? I also cannot see repacking a bearing if your pusing fresh grease threw them. I can see if your in dirty water that maybe being an issue but if your pushing grease threw the system that should keep out the dirt????
  12. I have never flipped either of my two yaks but my current ride, hobie pa 12 has rod straps. This will keep them in the craft if i ever roll it. I spend to much money and effort on rods to add anything to them. Tie or lash them in when not in use and you should be good.
  13. My newish kayak trailer is my first real experience with bearing buddies and so far I find them amazing. There not expensive and seem to help out a lot. Has anyone had a bad experience with them?
  14. http://shawncollinscustoms.net/ here is one i found in about 10 seconds in google. Do it does not do custom sorry about that
  15. I love st croix but depending on where you live the X might or might not be good. The small rings are good until your dealing with the cold, or the cottonwillow all over the water. I fish until the water is solid and have had my micro rods give me a very hard time. The rod is great but the regular vs micro is an important decision depending on your situation.
  16. If you go through a lot of jigs and really know what you want i am positive a custom mold could be made. Then you could make what ever you want exactly how you want it made. They do this for lead bullet casting, and a few other casts like babbitt molds for old motor projects. If you know exactly what you want just go big the first time and be satisfied.
  17. This topic comes up all the time. Your cast control setting will give you more distance in most cases than bearings. A longer rod will do much better than most reel modifications. Lighter line will also give good gains. The one reason i would upgrade now after all the money i have dumped in upgrades is if i was going full ceramic for saltwater. Lots of guys fish tidal waters and the increased protection from the saltwater would add some value. These make noise that a lot of people dont like.
  18. As with may things knowledge of what something is really capable means a lot. I am a life long fishermen so its always there. I have had on and off relationship with guns. My dad was huge into the shooting and reloading sports. He passed a few months ago and now i have everything a person could ever want to shoot or reload with. Memphis is not a great place for shooters if you dont own your own land. I will be going to georgia here soon and there is a little 100 yard range that was free and always open when i lived there last. Not great for long range but i have a ton of old military stuff to shoot off hand and practice with. Might get into shooting hogs with a 45/70. So used to shooting trail boss i dont know how i will feel about full power 3031 loads after the easy target shooting.
  19. I got a little tacoma bro. But if your truck is a full size it should be good.
  20. A 12 fits right in the bed no fuss. A 14 would need some other support. My 12 gets the job done just gravy
  21. It was sarcasm, people think that cartridge has some kind of magical powers. There is ten pages of people ripping on the creedmore on accurateshooter.com
  22. But do you even shoot creedmoor. I know a guy who owns one and he could shoot the wings off a hummingbird at 1k.
  23. I snell a lot and i never seem to have any issues. The one bit thing to look for is the eye of the hook. Good quality hooks are welded shut or are coated. I got some junker bps hooks and when i tighten down the line the sharp edge just cuts the line. Owner and gamy never give me issues.
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