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Angry John

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Everything posted by Angry John

  1. Sharp hooks. Hook design all hooks are not created equal. Correct action rod medium fast or moderate for trebbles. Rod length. All things to consider.
  2. Hands down my favorite topwater rod is a 6'6". I like a fast rod but i have used a moderate both in graphite. I like the fast better for control but the slower rod is easier to work the bait for me. I would stay short and look medium or medium heavy to match the bait weight and fast action for me. My friend likes a 6' rod but i am a lot taller so i have more room to work the rod down and not hit the water.
  3. the luna is a wonderful reel and i have both the 253l and the 300l. If i were fishing offshore and i needed the line capacity for large runs i would choose the 300. It is smaller than the shimano's of the same size. They did a great comparison on TT if you can't find the comparison im me and i will send it to you. I use the 253 with 20lb YHB for bass and i use the 300 for salt applications.
  4. I would recommend checking out the pheonix x series. They were rated very highly in the TT shootout and might make a very nice rod.
  5. I would say the daiwa advantage on this sight would be impossible to beat. Its a great reel and retailed around 200
  6. i usually go 50 a month and thats to get free shipping from tackle warehouse. I have tons of good gear already so thats just terminal tackle and baits i want to try. I would say i also get a reel or more a year which will run 300ish. I pick up a steez on sale when i can get them for that price.
  7. i only like two types of flouro so if those are not ones you have tried then i would say yes they would be diffrent. I run P-line 100% and sniper. They are the best for me. Seaguar invesx handles great but stretch is no better than mono.
  8. Your right maybe it was the XBD frog rod i was thinking of. A way more expensive choice. Hear great things about that rod to but its spendy.
  9. megabass perfect pitch, I have not used one yet but its the rod i plan to get next. The reviews are good and its rated up to 2.5 oz. I thing it may be worth a look.
  10. An MS Slamer is a solid choice if you have the rod to handle it!!! An s-waiver is also sweet.
  11. I love the avid but if your short on coin then i also have a lamiglas excel 735 that i love. It might be more of a heavy but i found it cheap. I love it for frogs, small swim baits and all jigging ang punching. I have the older orange one and i picked it up for around a hundred bucks. I would not trade my st croix for the lamiglas but also a good choice.
  12. If it is truly waterproof it will not breath very well and make you hotter than you already are. I would gess the high end temp for me would be right around 70ish.
  13. Most people that are trying to shop american look at st croix because it supports american products. I have found that people dont know that all of the rods are not made in the states and it turns out to be a disappointment if the rod they get is made elsewhere.
  14. A duo pencil is supper easy to work and i have done well on them. They do walk easy and should teach you the feel to work other spook type baits. http://duo-international.com/products/realis-pencil-85/ I also like the DUO bug. http://duo-inc.co.jp/bass/en/realis-grade-a/shinmushi/
  15. I agree. Yhb 10 or 12 is the best all around line. Braid with leader can work well if you tie good knots. I like 40lb braid.
  16. The 735 is an extra fast rod I believe. Might work well for single hook baits but does not carry a high lure rating. You may want to look at the 806 or 807 for SB. A HUD is a great first SB.
  17. cork filler and U40 sealant.
  18. I love the elite tech rods as well. I had the small mouth series and now have a MLXF bass series i use for drop shot. Its not an either or but a little of both that gets it done.
  19. Punching setups focus on heavy cover and should not bring back a clump. Try a bait like the zoom superhawg.
  20. Is your jig getting to the bottom? The weeds are thick in some places this time of year and you may need to punch with a heavy weight and small compact creature???
  21. It would be a shame to rate one of the best blank manufacturer by one of the cheapest products they make. I have a lot of there rods and the SCIII blanks are the poop. I have the legend series as well and there good to go. Fish an avid or one of there better series to get the real feel for what their about. Discount rods are made in mexico or china and are not even close to the same.
  22. The fish there are real spooky and hard to catch. I fished from a yak and you would have a lot better time in a tube or cannoe. Jmo
  23. I have the Fenwick mlxf and love it for drppshot and flickshake worms. I have also used it for keitech spider jigs and small grubs and its great for those also.
  24. I look for a reels reputation on a reputable site like this or TT. I then hunt down and hold the reel in my hands. Is it smooth and does is it well constructed. I then look at price and aesthetics. I am a huge fan of the daiwa sol, advantage, and fuego spinning reels. They are a few years old and i pick them up old stock or lightly used now. If your budget supports i also love the certate as a special treat. I only have one but i love it. I have some brand loyalty so let that not be a secret. A final thing i look for is a spare spool. I have one that has braid and one that is spooled with flourocarbon. I use the flouro in rivers mostly.
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