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Angry John

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Everything posted by Angry John

  1. I love YHB and if you have one setup it gets my vote. I run 6lb on my setup and dont seem to have any issues at all. How big your fish are and if you plan to throw any very heavy hook with guard type lures would change that. In a do everything with one spinning rod i think i would go to 8lb YHB or 12lb xl. I love the strength and abrasion resistance of the YHB but the xl handles sooooo nicely. The braid to leader is the best way to go on spinning and one really needs to know about three knots in fishing to be good to go. If you go to ***.com and learn the Alberto, uni and Palomar you will be set. You could get that down to one if you know uni and double uni but the Alberto is much better threw the guides and the Palomar you can tie in the dark and the cold.
  2. The amount of damage you can do at speed is more worry some than slow speed dragging. Don't let him river fish. The possibilities would give him a stroke
  3. There are a lot of good worms out there and i find that the standard GYB worms are to soft to last. They have a unique action that some times is unbeatable. Something very similar that you may want to try is a small 4 inch worm like a cane thumper. It has a smaller profile but sinks very slow. Fall rate has a big impact on how well they work some times. In shallow water early season i like the 4" post spawn the larger 5 and 6 inch work better for me.
  4. So the correct pressure sold be determined by a chalk test. This is the same way it's done for cars or trucks with other than stock tires. Don't guess and risk saftey...
  5. I fish a lot and go a year. We're talking 3 or more trips a week. I always turn it around and I get to short and then respool.
  6. Where you at I will do it for you in 20 min and teach you as I go
  7. My wife uses vinegar as the cure all in my house also. Will change the smell for one not quite as bad and will last about a week. Never tried it in clothes but it works wonders for dog pee.
  8. Sounds like you have had an over run or two in the past that has kinked the line and now when stress is applied it just breaks. Its one of the worst parts about dealing with flouro. I have hit a tree when shore fishing on a brand new spool and had to toss the entire spool of line. Not going to risk the lures and the heartbreak of a big fish knowing there will be failures.
  9. From what i can tell the ize and the ito are identical. They cast the same for me and a weight check may verify this to be fact. On clean bearings i have a hard time saying the ize is better than stock or a sol spool. There is a huge difference in the deep zonda spool i picked up. There are a lot of cool choices out there the only part i dont like is how much casting distance goes down if the stock or ize spools are not full. I have a brand new alphas sv that i added to the collection but its still in the box.
  10. I have used a bunch of stuff from carb to break cleaner. I tend to like either now as it does not leave anything behind and dries very fast. The simple green route is a lot cheaper and safer for other parts. I read a lot of guys like 50/50 green and hot water in a small ultrasonic. I have not gone this route yet due to the small volume i deal with but may get one.
  11. When snelling the braid has broken first and when i use a Palomar then the line is breaking at the hook. It is some older sonic braid that has two seasons on it. I want it to break at the hook and was wondering if it was time to flip the braid or replace it. I have never broken anywhere on a fish but i figured if i had to break off i might as well pay attention to what is happening and make the best out of it. I was using seaguar blue label leader material and it seems great. I had some 15 that broke way to easy for my taste and even gave out when tying knots. I think it was a bad spool.
  12. Weightless creatures seem to work best for me when they get real picky. Lizards and hula grubs sink very slow wacky rigged or a light wire 2/0 ewg
  13. When dealing with 20 pound flouro leader on 40 pound braid, where do you feel the line should break when trying to break off. My partner always says at the connection knot but mine never fails there.
  14. A multipurpose favorite for those is the xf dobyns 735. Only used the champion so I don't know how the other lines compare.
  15. The power over the head hook sets are only critical with a large punching style weight imo. This is also critical because of the size and Guage of the hook. Never one answer for all situations. All treble baits can be reel set in my experience along with exposed hook baits like dropshot.
  16. My sol is 6 years in my possession regular cleaning no issues 3 additional alphas ITo,s 4.5 years no issues and a sv 1 year no issues. The only issues I have had are the clear side plates on the ITO's a known weak point and the spring going back in on the sol but I don't recall the name. There are several artices on this as well. Overall supper happy with them. If I could ask for one thing it would be more drag.
  17. The alphas sv is fantastic and great for medium to bps fishing. They have a lot of mods available along with a 3 or more gearsets. They palm the best imo and should be new right around 220 shipped. I got the 7.2 but the ipt is not fast. I love it for Sammys and jerkbaits on an avid 66mf
  18. Poppers sit head up tail down. Other walking baits sit flat. The bubble walker sits flat as does the spook. Sammy and the duo pencil baits rest in the same position as the popper when still.
  19. I never understood the black marker on braid. Black is so visable we use it in mud and at night.
  20. A super spook or a duo pencil 110 would be the best learning baits. I learned on a frog and that was a lot of fun. I trim the legs a little on a frog.
  21. I have met rude people every day of my life. It's no diffrent on the water than on the road. If I was retired I would never fish the weekend and just do something else. Fishing during the week is more peaceful and more productive in my experience. Me and my partner are both very conservative and give people wide berth. I will haze jerks when they act stupid, but that's rare and I am happy most people just want to have a good time.
  22. I have 10lb 832 on one spinning rod and 20 on the other. The size difference between the two is almost nothing. Neither has ever let me down and i have set the hook with the bass flying over the boat with one pound fish more than a few times with the 20. If your using a 3 power or less spinning rod i think you should be good to go. I would not frog with it but thats just me.
  23. Lots of good information here and covered better in some areas what i was trying to say. How you search for batteries to buy is important also. A lot of effort is going into batteries for solar and storage. Might be worth it to do some research and see if there is a 24v deep cycle to meet your needs at an overall reduced price from two separate batteries.
  24. http://www.eplastics.com/plexiglass_glue The 16 is thick and works well as a filler. The #4 is thinner than water and will draw into cracks and makes a much stronger bond. Acrylic is all about the same with many brand names to include Plexiglas. poly-carbonate is different but the same glue will work. Finding the exact same thickness can be difficult and if depending where you live you can go to one of the shops and go threw their castoff bin. I have been to the one in san diego and picked up a bunch of scrap for projects way cheaper than sheet costs.
  25. Yes and starting at the 200 dollar price point they can be made at a profit, now show me a loomis rod made in the us under the cost of the e6x at 180ish that would compare with the premier. Second the company is not american owned. Profits are sent off shore but its still better than made in china. Most people could care less I just prefer to employ my countrymen and support the USA.
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