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Angry John

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Everything posted by Angry John

  1. I figured you wanted a shopping list and this is a solid one that needs a few more to be complete but a great start.
  2. I would have to agree with this. I dont use rods below avids in the st croix line. They may be just as good but i will spend the money for made in America, if its better or not i am sure many people are willing to argue some are just as good cheaper. Each person has there own value system and i put a lot of value in supporting the American worker. Many layers to why some people do things and my choice is easy for me but would be easily passed over by others. Recently i have gone to the extreme having rods built to support American rod builders on American made blanks. My handle are from CFX an american company. Guides are harder to source but i try and do my part...
  3. Kvd 1.5 Duo pencil 110 Keitech easy shiner Rage craw Sierbert jigs Lucky craft lv500 lip less Owner beast hooks 6 and 4.5 roboworm Aarons magic Big bite dean rojas cane thumper worm green pumpkin Big bite baits green pumpkin double tail grub.
  4. So highly refined of you my man
  5. There are some good options. You like round? Luna, millionaire, Abu. These are moderate cost reels that you can tune and upgrade as you get better. The round reels are a little heavier but have good line capacity. There are a lot of expecive options but those three will last and have resale value if you decide to upgrade later.
  6. Most people equate cheap with best. Fustration sets in trying to convince higher priced reel or rods can represent value. Now the proud owner of 3 sv103 reels I get what you mean. Not a steez but still super nice.
  7. There is a tool but you don't need it. The cap unscrews and you can use a set of snap ring pliers or a small set of needle nose pliers. Put the tips into the hole and unscrew. A watch tool for works to.
  8. 610mxf with 10 or 12 lb yo-zuri hybrid. Add to this an alphas sv or shimano core and your good to go.
  9. Seems like everyone has there own jig and trailer mods also. Trimming skirts brush guards bitting off a section of trailer. I would leAve everything stock until you have a reason to modify. The worst mod is cutting your brush guard to short and ruin the jig.
  10. Never caught anything worth mentioning but I am available this weekend if you want to try one out in my yak. Costs a little like 5 bucks.
  11. I got out on Friday and picked up 17 dinks at perisol in shelby forest. Don't know if that pond holds any quality fish or not as it was my first time there. The fish were very active aND chasing minnows up the creek and pushing them to the banks. Hard to make a good presentation in 3" water. Weightless fluke got lots of bites.
  12. He means adding a small washer to give more travel not another drag washer. You can also replace the 2 spring washers if it is left buttoned down for a long periods. My alphas provide decent drag but they are a medium or ml power rod reel. They will not do well for jig or punch fishing.
  13. A great start. Those are great jigs. I would pick an action and no action trailer and be done. My vote for the no action is a beaver and the action one of the rage baits. I use the rage craw but to be honest they can all be good. Don't go color or glitter crazy a watermellon red, green pumpkin black and a black blue will do almost anything. The less choices is a lot easier on the water. Clear water try watermelon first no go then pumpkin. 6 choices total is more than enough.
  14. If its a small pond that has seen a decent selection of baits you may have to work outside the box. Go with a small swim bait like the huddelston grass minnow or a trash fish. Slow roll the bait and make it an easy target. Both of those baits are very realistic looking and can be fished on a medium or medium heavy regular bass rod.
  15. Right or left handle
  16. What really kills it are all the color options. I have 10 kvd 1.5 cranks. Why I just went overboard. I plan to switch to a 4 color system and keep to it. Hard baits a clear, blugill, shad, and crome. Soft plastics black blue green pumpkin watermelon and junebug. Anything more is just overkill
  17. If you learn on a sv never use anyone else's reel!!!
  18. Or you could have a yak that costs from 300 to 10k. That's what's so cool about it. Get in where you feel comfortable.
  19. The newest scv is dark forest green and I like it. Sometimes I wish they were just black. The previous gen avids were black before they went charcoal.
  20. Daiwa advantage supertuned. Will last forever and performs. A little fat.
  21. I have a first gen 806 champion with the cork handles if your looking at 200.
  22. Looks like a standard countersink so that the screw self aligns. Is the recess tapered or square? Should be quick and easy on a lathe.
  23. Dam my dad is a machinist and if i could figure out the correct shaft length for the alphas trimmed i could have them all done for the cost of postage...
  24. Do you have the specs to modify the drive shafts or did you send it out? I have some alphas that i would like to do this on!!!
  25. You are only spending to much when you fell like you have to justify what your doing. I spend a lot on fishing and i could care less if it bothers anyone. I do what i love for me and provide for may family. If i want a beer i have one of those, but i would rather have another lure
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