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Angry John

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Everything posted by Angry John

  1. You may see a difference in color of the wrap if using glue and putting it back in. If it does not bother you then its worth a try as the end result may be the same. I would look into a product called zap a gap, its a fast setting glue uses in building radio control aircraft. Its the strongest "super" glue i have found.
  2. Thats a necessary evil. Do what ever it takes to get on the water. I take one day of the weekend for me "fishing" and she has the other day to do what ever her heart desires kid free the other.
  3. I fish the 40 in the brown color. Not a ton of time with it but it has caught me some good fish. I did not want to go so heavy i had to toss it on a dedicated sb rod. I feel as its a great size all around and its plenty big.
  4. Your talking about the drive gear for the worm drive. It's not that big of problem. Most likely tabs on the back of the gear that mate with the main gear.
  5. Normal 3.5 inch tubes with a 1/4 jig head might be a little light for this setup. If your using the large punch style tubes with a 3/8ths or larger weight it might work just fine. Seen video a guys using huge tubes to catch lake trout deep. Tube fishing is normally a 3 power application and you have what i would consider a 5 power. Not impossible just not the best tool for that application.
  6. If you see him again see how good he does with your setup or see if he changes any settings that can help. If he can cast your setup a lot further then you know its you, either style or how you set the reel. If he gets the same results then you may want to look into a material issue. Tons of unknowns here like the speed of any of the rods, differences in length, line size on his side or the arrow dynamics of either lure. Was he throwing a 3/4 rattle trap and your throwing a spinner bait?
  7. I catch a lot of fish as i fish a lot and i dont keep any because the wife will not let them in the house. I have several people in my neighborhood who like fish. I will bring a few home if i gut hook one early in the session. I keep 2 lb and less fish if i am doing this and what ever size the bleeder or gut hook is. If the fish is over 3 lbs i will let it go and wait and see. I come back to the spot before i leave to check if they have made it at lest that long. I have had them go belly up on return and i just toss them in the boat. I wish all lakes were managed actively and established slots for healthy management. I also think that the slot should be allowed to be kept for tournaments for weigh in and release. They charge for tourneys so that money can go to help manage the lake.
  8. No better reel to learn on. If you make a huge mistake then your not out a bunch. I feel that cleaning bait casters is easy if your mechanical at all. If you have ever worked on a dirt bike or tore a gun all the way apart then your good to go. take pictures so you can see where and how things went as you break it down. Put the parts down in the order they come off...
  9. I was just responding to the huge weight savings as one of the reasons for it being special. As far as i know the HLC is the lightest version which is one of the reasons i got it, but the JD compared to the hlc is not that special. There both limited edditions and lighter and have different paint. I could do without the japan flag, and i like 6.3 reels so its my cup of tea....
  10. Your lake may force your hand as some of the lakes in WA i did not get bit using over 6lb line. Try it for a while and see. I dont mind jig fishing with 12 but i am not putting money on the line... If its just for pleasure fishing give it a shot...
  11. I am a long time cork handle lover and i have always just bought rods that had full cork handles. I have recently, as an experiment had a rod built with a carbon handle and i feel like its a huge win. Tons of grip even when wet, and holds heat while fishing. When its cold it seems as though my rods and reels steel all the heat from my hands and i quickly loose feeling. I have hopes that they will hold up well making them a total win. The cork i love is becoming very expensive and the good quality stuff is harder to get. If your a weight driven angler they are lighter than everything else. From one angler to another give carbon a look and see if you like it...
  12. That spinning reel is nice!!! So it weighs more than my HLC? Not so special
  13. Z-pride, zonda hedgehog, daiwa presso, daiwa pixy.
  14. The one zillion that looks out of control cool that i never owned but always wanted was the blue and red JDM pe special. Looks a lot like spider man to me and even though i hate red i still love that reel.
  15. Its about trying to understand value. Not all zillions are created the same and MY HLC is a very nice reel. Is it better than a jdream i dont know but I dont think it fishes any better than the SV103. I paid about 250 for it used and i am trying to figure out why the value of a jdream is so much more. Limited edition paint adds no value when its all scratched up...
  16. You might spend a lot less finding a used rod and having or trimming your own handle. Not hard.
  17. Did the huge blowout of the sv103 kill the value of all other zillion variants. I wanted a jdream for a long time but never pulled the trigger. Now the proud owner of sv103's I can't see handing over 350 for a used reel. Am I missing something or on point. Seen several jdream for sale and I feel like there stuck because I would not give out more for used over new????
  18. This may be true for low profile reels. Bass fisherman drive that market. Round reels for other species are still slow for the power.
  19. Go braid 40 or 50 on the heaviest rod for punching pitching and frogs. Put 12 lb yhb copoly on the lighter rod and use it for everything else including cranking. Braid leader does work and work well but I do this mainly on spinning rods due to line twist. 15 lb 832 is my favorite but some like others like diffrent stuff. The knots are very small on 15 lb braid to 10 or so mono or flouro. My reels have two spools one runs 6lb yhb and the other 15 lb braid with 6 or 10 lb leader. I have a lot of setups but try to minimize the amount of lines to reduce complications. Braid lasts so for now I fill a spool an toss the rest in the trash. No need to store 10-15 yards. Then I have 6 for spinning 10,12,and 15 yhb for casting rods. In your case I would pick 10 or 12 and be done.
  20. I dont like rods with short handles and tossing huge baits on rods with short handles is even worse. I want at least 12" behind the reel seat to hold onto while using both hands to cast. Dont know what your preference is but a lot of guys have one built. My fishing partner loves the MB slant bridge rods for SB fishing but to be honest you could have one built cheaper.
  21. I slay them on th small duo baits.http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Duo_Realis_Shad_62DR_Crankbait/descpage-DUO62DR.htmle
  22. YHB 6-15lb for normal applications 20lb for swim baits and 50 lb braid for frogs and punching. I love to hate fluorocarbon...... 14lb Berkeley xl for top waters.
  23. http://www.plat.co.jp/shop/catalog/product_info/language/en/products_id/29360/cPath/22_80_919_1733/osCsid/a0d5b5694b0d146b99951a8cb557254f/shimano/jackall-shimano-poison-glorious-1610ml-bfs.html If you have a length preference the entire rod chart is at the bottom.
  24. This is a good choice. I use 15 or 20 lb braid on spinning with 6 or 10 lb leader. 50 lb braid or 20 on bait casters. 20 lb is only on an alphas for finesse. 10 or 15 copolymer for most everything else. I do have a dedicated topwater setup with 14 lb mono.
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