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Angry John

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Everything posted by Angry John

  1. Call them directly they have the info and are great to talk to.
  2. Any reason to get the x over the regular? If you are running a leader the standard would be better or if your far enough north to deal with ice. My LE is a 70mhf and my favorite to date jig rod. I do run a steez reel so that makes the rig very lite. I am not going to split hairs about how much feel you get between the models listed but if your interested TT has a good review. Only difference would be the handle if you get the X. http://www.tackletour.com/reviewstcroixlegendeliteec70mf.html
  3. It has an sc5 blank arguably one of the best. If you like split handles and small guides then it's a win for you. I stick to the same blank in full handle. The only thing that I cannot comment is ballance. This is the one thing to find out about. My sons avid-x is more tip heavy than any of my standard avids.
  4. Get basic jigs and use the trailer for flair. No need for 100 color jigs. Gman uses black or brown. I add green pumpkin because I'm a rebel
  5. It's a resistance thing and the weight of the oil is less important than having clean not overly lubed bearings IMO. Some companies reels have some heavier oil and seems a little grease mixed in when new. I think this is done to make them last for people who don't take care of their gear. "This is my opinion"
  6. So anything that happened after the mercury program is technically space age, thanks john glenn
  7. Kinda a hard question as i don't care about the way it works, i have always used and like daiwas because i did not want to take the side of the reel apart. Seems simple but its how it all started for me.
  8. This is the time for a tear down and clean and lube. things to have on hand is some simple green, some blue shop towels, some ether to spray stuff clean but leave no residue, q-tips and some good hollow ground screw drivers. Reels are easy to clean and take about an hour total. For grease this is what you want http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Daiwa_Space_Age_Reel_Greaser/descpage-SRG.html You dont need a lot its good stuff and the applicator is very small and will help you get it where you want. Tons of oil choices but in your case i would not go super thin as regular application is needed if you do. Your reel most likely came with a small bottle. If you do a good job your reel may cast further than new.
  9. Not a shimano guy but there are tons around
  10. Got out today but due to it being the dead of winter i figured i would do some testing. I played with a tungsten weight in front of my owner beast hook and trash fish. Because the weight is so dense i could use a very small weight and get the bait to the bottom with no issue. I did not get any bites but i really did not expect to, This also would work well for bed fishing because it makes the bait sit nose down. I caught it on a video with a pro doing it and sad i did not think to do it earlier. Might be even better if you used a tungsten bead and could color it to match eggs.
  11. If your dieing for a 3000 size reel then grab a classic. One of my favorites. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Team-Daiwa-Sol-3000-Spinning-Reel-Great-Condition-DH103/202182621961?epid=1422913972&hash=item2f1305fb09:g:cbMAAOSwz5laVoyk
  12. The advantage is a tank and is as tough as a zillion. I have two and they are very nice. If you can pick one up for under a hundred dollars in good shape you would have enough for a professional clean job and money for line. They do have a new arid on ebay for around 60 but i have never used one of those... https://www.ebay.com/itm/Daiwa-Aird-Coastal-100HLA/112728542201?hash=item1a3f250bf9:g:ucgAAOSwSrNaOBTh
  13. Daiwa advantage 153 hst or htsl https://www.ebay.com/itm/Team-Daiwa-Advantage-153HST-Super-Tuned/282786183020?hash=item41d75eb76c:g:wRYAAOSwttVaQpqi you right or left?
  14. Daiwa zillion coastal, daiwa advantage htsl, daiwa millionaire bay area special , Daiwa luna off the top of my head.
  15. You should be able to replicate the transducer face out of polycarbonate and just use some 100% silicone. I would go with some material about 1/4 thick or even 3/8ths. The materail works well with wood tools like a router.
  16. It depends on what i am doing. For drop shot, and shakey head i just use a section of my p-line 100% or sniper in 6lb test. For jigs or swimbaits i use 12 or 15 lb p-line. I think the two lines are almost identical but i found a bunch of good deals on flea bay for heavier p-line so i picked that up. I have used leader material and its good stuff but when i did i was useing seaguar.
  17. So if your looking around i will warn you that there is a product called reel magic. It is not to be used on flouro and it even says so on the can...
  18. I was going to try and get out today but kids had a project for school. I will try and sneak in an hour tomorrow before the deep freeze starts again...
  19. Kvd is all I use. Mostly on flouro
  20. Black, white and clear. Those are the standard colors that will give you the most versatility. Every company has there own names like clear water minnow which here is called monkey butt. I some times add to those colors but am trying not to. The i know it is a clear bait on the swaiver so i almost jumped on that but here its a sexy shad. JMO
  21. I am partial to the st croix as i have one and love it, do not care for the dobyns rod and know nothing about the g rods. At the price point you also may consider megabass or a daiwa steez.
  22. Orgil golf course was over an inch thick all the way around. A little open water in the middle where some ducks were playing. This sucks...
  23. It's soooo much quieter threw the guides, and it holds its color well. I never really fished the original. My first braid was ss8 and that frayed on me pretty quickly so I bailed looking for something diffrent. I used 832 on a reel I got off TT and it was a little stiff to begin with but I got no wind knots like I had with ss8. To be honest the perfromance braid by suffix is also good. I currently have some 50 original pp i planned on trying for frogging now that I live in Tennessee and have thicker veggies. I got it to cut threw the thick stuff but have yet to put it on.
  24. https://www.bassresource.com/seasonal-fishing-articles/ It really helps to study the season your in and before a transition read ahead for the next season because the fish transition in groups. Two seasons tactics can work at the same time and you will know the next expected movement
  25. Don't know if you have to cut a lot of veg or not but 832 is a good 8 carrier and 40 lb is my favorite size. I run leaders for baits when I need to and it can pass for frogging if you have only one setup. I find its the most versatile in 832. If you try another brand just match diameter.
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