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Angry John

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Everything posted by Angry John

  1. Good stuff man. Are you taking requests??? Love a shot of an owner st-41 to compare to the trokars.
  2. Angry John

    Angry John

  3. Custom is a great way to go if you know exactly what you like. Every detail can be made to fit your style of fishing. I would never go back if i have the choice but its not for everyone. Do you have a high quality jig rod? I use mine for a lot of stuff but it should be your best IMO. The blank is the most important piece of the rod and going low in this area cant be fixed. For a first custom i would go with one of the big three, NFC, ST CROIX SCV, or Phoenix K2. There a few other solid choices out there like Point blank but i dont hear as much feedback about them. If you are uncertain about an aspect of your rod trust the experience of your builder to make a solid decision. Build costs can be all over the map as well. DVT being a sponsor might be a great place to start, and he has very reasonable rates. OTTER rods are amazing but know that you will pay for the name as well as the skill. Some factorys have custom shops and that is another choice, one that i have not used but would feel very comfortable with. Good luck on your journey.
  4. The reason I went to this length is they published bad specs before. Makes no sense to make a rod less versatile than the heavy. I love there product and its a good product, i just feel that giving the customer bad info does nothing to help spread good feelings for there stuff.
  5. Called TW and they verified that they do have them in stock and that the lure rating matched the site specks... Next call the factory Called and tried to talk to engineering and left a message. Hope to be able to report back the "truth" soon.
  6. Do you have that rod because i think they made a mistake and that rod does not exist. I see it on TW but there is no blank for it to be built on. I have the ac74h and its a beef stick but very nice. If you can find the blank somewhere then that's how i was going to try and verify the rating. There is no way that it starts at 5/8 as that is the top end on most of there mediums. I have seen bad data from them before and i personally called and pushed for a correction on the le610mxf because it was totally wrong. Call the factory and talk to an engineer for real facts, the sales guys are nice but only quote what is already a public fact sheet.
  7. I do this with wet nymphs for pan fish and its quite a kick. Easy to teach kids with and during the bluegill spawn when there all up shallow it can be a great time.
  8. You could dip it in a can of polyurethane
  9. I grease for bfs and lite line applications. In these cases the smoth is more important than power. Maybe it's just in my head but my alphas all get a small touch and full sized reels are dry.
  10. No one's rods are faster than st croix in my experience. Point blank has some that are faster I have herd but those have to be built and I have never handled one. The k2 in my hands felt like a proper fast but I like faster actions in lower powers unless it's a cranking rod. Not in love with the spit handle but that is my limitations not the rods fault.
  11. This. Taper and blank speed is part of design but the material cannot be beat. The daiwa steez flex lite cranking rods are amazing.
  12. I'm going out on a limb here and going to say that the blank makes the rod. I like a st Croix sc5 mlxf. Point blank and phoenix both make good blanks. The ml k2 blank is what my partner uses and that rod is amazing for drops hot and a lot more. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Phenix_K2_Torzite_Casting_Rods/descpage-PK2.html
  13. Megabass power versetile 3/8th to 4 ounces moderate fast. Not more all around than that. My only issue is handle length or I would have a few...
  14. Some people spread a list like this by techniques where I feel it is best separated by weight. The power of a rod may not cover the full range of weights well but will do more than technique well. In the case here I have a sc5 610mxf that I run with my le70mhf. The lighter rod is everything it's bigger brother is but is way better on the lighter baits. 3-4" keitech swing impacts and easy shiners along with hud grass minnows are better fished on the 610 because it loads the rod better and the alphas casts the lighter baits better. So if your building rods you may want to keep with this train of thought.
  15. The Google search engine is much better than the key word search that the bar uses!!##
  16. Should you need a few parts and don't mind waiting a few weeks, I order a lot from Plat in japan. They have good prices and are easy to order from as all the diagram's are there on the site.
  17. I like the one I have for throwing ploppers in tight areas like docks. Good for spooks in the same areas.
  18. Good list. 1 and 3) I use the 7mhf legend elite for the smaller swim baits listed with the same steez 6.3 that I run jis on. I love that setup. Line of choice is 12# yhb or 15lb p-line 100%. 5) steez 7' flex lite rod medium moderate, daiwa alphas ito with 6.8 gears and zonda deep spool. 10# yhb or pine 100%. This setup goes down to a #5 shad rap but I don't like a full ounce on it. Rated 1/8 to 1.
  19. Duo dr62 caught me a 6lb 2oz lmb in spring. Swaiver 168 caught me a 5lb 9 Oz and a 5 12Oz in the fall.
  20. Swing.head with craw, jerk bait, 68 hud blade bait. Best of luck I may be doing the same and bring a crappie rod as the are a little more active in the cold
  21. http://www.plat.co.jp/shop/catalog/product_info/language/en/products_id/18906/cPath/2174_2652_1462/optional-parts/fitting-putt-4pcs-set.html Abu Garcia has some also. Some people just use electrical tape.
  22. They sell little rubber socks for theses reels. I can find you a set or link if you need
  23. Bps is a great place to go during the winter and get ideas and look at a lot of product. I do pick up Bps brand stuff there some worms tube etc. The kids like to go and look makes the trip a little easier
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