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Angry John

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Everything posted by Angry John

  1. Nucanoe classic 12. Great for standing and takes up to 3 people.
  2. My sv103 has brass gears on the 6.3. The big damage to a reel is in the cluch assembly. The zillion and 103 are good for around 3 Oz baits but I top out on mine about 2. My 1-4 baits are on the ryoga and luna is 3 to who cares. A steez I have no idea but I would want to do the testing. I run an ounce or a little over on mine but not designated for heavy work.
  3. So I am using a ryoga 1016 and that run's a standard size spool. I also am running a sv103. Big baits I run a luna 253. I own a luna 300 but feel like it's overkill and it sits on the shelf. Water depth has some to do with how much line you need. A I was checking out a 250 tell DC and if they had a left I would have been on that.
  4. Daiwa space age grease. Sold at TW. Works on my ITO alphas just fine
  5. I use the 5" bps brand stick worms to start and if i dont get any action i switch to a 4" dean Rojas cane thumper. There is a huge size difference and fall rate. The large worm sinks fairly fast, and the 4" very slow. i get all sizes on both but they are very different and thats why i make the change.
  6. The little ones seem to grow up so fast HAHAHAHAHAHH
  7. Your bait monkey is thrifty, mine says things like yes megabass, why not get the best and not have to buy it again. Well now a regular reel will not do on a rod that costs that much, you need to be at least in the same league. Pumped the brakes on a MB Lin 10 and settled for a ryoga 1016.
  8. Is the rod loading during the cast? Might want to weigh your total rig and see if your in the mid range of the rod. I would thing your at least and ounce to ounce and a half but thats just a guess. I see my fishing partner throw a lot more than 15 yards so i would say that is short. I just picked up the rod i plan to use so i have yet to start tossing them myself. If you watch the arig video's on tactical they seem to be going a lot further than you describe. Is your cast controls really tight on your real to deal with the heavier weight??? The wind resistance on rigs with blades is also a lot higher.
  9. Headed to Austin Texas for spring break. I am dragging along my yak and will most likely have a front seat available if you want to show me the ropes down there. Planned to fish town lake and maybe a few upstream in that area. Only fished on day on Town lake before so depending on the amount of people and boats i will be looking for somewhere more quiet to hang out....
  10. I think the old pp has a lot higher rating and i was looking at the new one. Says 1.2 oz and i thought the old had a 2oz top end. Is it a weaker rod??? Wish companies used CCS data to help us compare...
  11. All I use is 2000 daiwa's. The old fuego is my favorite and my old sol a close second. My advantage 2000 are my work horse reels and the ones I have had the longest and abused the most. After 6 years I broke 1 and it's going in for service. That one has seen everything including multiple falls in rivers and hiking trips. I have a certate but it's still bnib. If your not fishing fluorocarbon over 6lbs I see no reason to go bigger.
  12. I feel like I get better casts on the smaller baits on the medium. If you sticking to st Croix and 3.8 is the biggest your going then the medium would be first choice. The regular 4" baits swing impact and easy shiner are also medium rod baits. The 4.8 fat has a larger hook that needs more power IMO and I lost a pb on a 4.8 on the mxf so I will not run that bait on the medium again.
  13. I toss the 3.8 on my sc5 610 mxf. The next step up I use a 70mhf.
  14. That's where I picked up my last two batches and the price of the 200 is way cheaper there.
  15. No because they are the most sensitive
  16. I completely agree with dvt on this one. My question is why so short? Love me some 610 rods.
  17. Buy good reels that have top end drag systems. I never learned so I depend on the equipment to do the job.
  18. 95% tackle warehouse 4% used swim baits 1% bps down the road only in an emergency. Yeah I know but there is such a thing.
  19. Mine run a few inches to a foot below depending on the line. Haven't caught a ton but just a steady standard retrieve worked best. The spring and fall are considered prime time for these baits. The larger fish may only be that shallow once a year to spawn and then be gone.
  20. The trebles are large and I have not had an issue. You could run a more moderate rod but your hook set will need to be a lot more.
  21. But that trail 90 though. Can we get a pic of that
  22. Caught an over 6 in that color in tn. The old not the new. In clear I like I know it
  23. The zonda spool is great for casting, and sucks for pitching.
  24. The 168 is the best compromise. Large enough to move water and still have a good glide width but not monster big. You can throw it on a heavy with no issues. My lamiglas 735 and my st Croix 74h both throw it great.
  25. Got one strike and one catch on a top water popper. Things are getting more intesting now.
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