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Angry John

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Everything posted by Angry John

  1. I have and use the 74HF sc3. It is a very powerful bada$$ blank. I use mine for a lot more than frogs, but mine is a custom build and I would buy another with out a doubt. I have small guides, not micro because I don't use leaders. 15 lb yhb for swim baits and 50 braid for frogs and punching. A frog rod IMO does not need to be sensitive but this blank is. Even if your only plan is to keep a frog tied on its great for small glides before and after frog season.
  2. Are you seeing any beds? Might be shutting down for the spawn here in two days but I been fishing mostly bigger waters and have not seen any yet. Big waters like Kentucky lake and beech lake are mid fifties.
  3. So I was big on trying aND testing braid on my casting reels. Decided other than frogging I did not care for it. The good news is the alphas has exactly the same amount of line capacity as a 2000 daiwa spinning reel. And better yet a zillion holds just the same amount as a daiwa 2500 spinning reel. So now all my spinning reels sport braid and that's where it shines in my book. Still run 50 on one reel for frogs and punching but I can't imagine that heavy on a spinning.
  4. Do you have a gift card or is this a cash purchase. Tons of high end reels out there to check out. Around the 150 dollar range I have seen the old fuego in near new condition. The tdz is around that price point. https://m.ebay.com/itm/Team-Daiwa-FUEGO-Baitcasting-Reel/222904250802?hash=item33e620f1b2:g:YxIAAOSwIzBavk7n https://m.ebay.com/itm/TEAM-DAIWA-FUEGO-Casting-Reel-EXCELLENT/352314719223?hash=item520797fbf7:g:hb4AAOSwfEVauDox
  5. I like a fast. The dobyns 735 is a very popular rod and is extra fast. A powerful Hookset is critical as those double hooks take a lot of power to drive home. Frog fishing has little to do with playing a fish. It's a rip the fish out of cover as fast as possible type of fishing.
  6. Here in Memphis we have been looking for beds and have not found a single one. The little bucks have been moving up so I feel the next full moon will be the ticket. Most water is about 55 and I don't think they are quite ready. This is prespawn and were getting close.
  7. I switched to that technique for a different reason. Cover kept hanging me up and I used the mustad grip pin hook to the same effect. Much better around wood and other saggy areas. I have also found using the smallest hook will lead to heartbreak. Texas has a lot of good bass and I was dropping a lot until I up sized to a 1 or 1/0. Did not seem to effect the bit but the landing ratio went way up.
  8. Frogs, rats, small poppers. I start with a popper worked slow. East coasters say buzzbait from ice out to ice in.
  9. I like a 12" handle on a frog rod so I can have it along my fore arm and not poke me in the tummy. I am a long handle guy, might be because I am tall. My lamiglass excel 735 I used for frogging before had a 11 inch split handle. I can post a pic of that if your interested.
  10. You put the reel seat where the total handle length is where you want it. On a jerkbait rod close to the end of the blank. On a swim bait rod 12-14 from the end. Use rods you like the feel of to moc it up.
  11. I fish my most expensive setup from the bank. No putting it down no stepping on it. My best setup is the same price rod and reel. The rod was bought used so the msrp goes to the rod.
  12. Angry John


    I never understood those that bring a bunch of beer fishing. Maybe a fitth of vodka ice fishing because it's freezing cold and it's booring. After a long day on the water back at the cabin or at home a dark beer is preferred. Wise acre makes some tasty stuff. A bass ale is always a safe choice.
  13. 10 or 12. Heavier line on things like the 8 and 10 xd
  14. Not a ton of experience with them but if we're all on the same lake fishing the stick worm fish are going to be gone fast. I tried to pick lures that I feel would catch but be different. Tournament driven mind.
  15. Keitech mad wag green pumpkin 4/0 ewg hooKS 1/4 led bullet weight 1.5 kvd square bill in bluegill. Get the best hooks I can to fit the budget
  16. The 4.8 is real nice on the 4/0 owner beast hook. Use a mh or heavy fast action rod and 12 lb line.
  17. So the champion cranking rods are nice if you like short handles. The it factor for me is the steez flexlite. My fishing partner loves his slant bridge white python. Tons of cool nice unique options. They gave the x-10 phoenix rave reviews on tt and said it was alost as good as the steez but less than half the price. A dream for every budget.
  18. You could move a lot of water with a big bait. 4.8 Keitech or larger would be a start. Might be a little cool yet where your at for a wake, but they move a ton of water and can be moved slow.
  19. First deps fish
  20. Not at all. Change out to different knobs.
  21. The bps tails are good and I also use these http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Bass_Assassin_Boss_Shiner_Swimbait/descpage-BSASBOS.html
  22. You can send your reel to the tackle trap and have them do it or order from them. They are daiwa certified for repair and service. The exchange rate sucks right now so getting deal's for parts from Plat is not that good and if all your getting is gears then shipping would suck also. Don't know why in one cast this would wreck the gears but crazy things do happen. My first bet would be th pinion.clean it off real well with ether or simple green and loOK at it under a magnification glass.
  23. http://tackletrap.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1066_2694_2696&products_id=12666 This is going to be my next dsr and i dont think the loomis will have anything that this rod does not except the bigger price. It has a lot more style and the handle looks a lot better. I have no idea why i like it so much but the looms does not have the character for me. Match that up with daiwa certate 2004ch and call it a day http://www.plat.co.jp/shop/catalog/product_info/language/en/products_id/27935/cPath/21_39_40_3285/certate/daiwa-2016-certate-2004ch-free-shipping.html
  24. Blade shape and paddling style also has some to do with it. There are calculators out there for making guesstimates but if you can rent one at a local shop i would try a few before buying. I like a CF shaft so its a lot lighter but plastic blades so they dont get chipped up and broken. I would think a 250 would be in the ball park but i am taller and like as long as i can get. they have several models that have a slide section in them so you can change the length and change the position of the blade. Unless you know exactly what you want i would get one of those first. Here is an example but i am not saying get this one. https://www.campsaver.com/nucanoe-wave-angler-adjustable-paddle.html?_iv_code=NUC-WS2-NUC0027-280253&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=plusbox-beta&gclid=CjwKCAjw7tfVBRB0EiwAiSYGM5X6ytVxraBGN6yxLdhh-A-G2q1qRHmarKpfzmYx4W2wEhyGPLXjrRoCX9gQAvD_BwE I have had 2 cannon paddles and i like them a lot. Mid price range and good product
  25. I rock a set of LL Bean boots that have gortex in them for rain and if i am bank fishing i can walk across shallow water and mud with no worries. Killed my first set in 5 years and 10,000 miles but i feel there worth every penny. I wear cotton short socks in the summer and heavy woolly socks in the winter. https://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/116890?page=men-s-asolo-falcon-gv-hiking-boots&bc=474-629-506794&feat=506794-GN2&csp=f
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