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Angry John

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Everything posted by Angry John

  1. The popping frogs are the easiest to walk. Start with a spro or WA popper then move to the nonpopping.
  2. Seen only one complaint on a sv 103 and that was a drag star looks issue. Still seeing them on the boards regular around 2 or 250. He'll of a reel and I now have 4. Any varant of the zillion will be as solid as any reel on the planet. I have all pre-tws models.
  3. Never seen a 10 or 8xd used from shore, that may get expensive.
  4. A leader will not be long enough in this case and I would be looking at a topshot or switching to a clear line. Very clear water is not where I would be using braid. Can you get a backup spool and run something like 8 lb Berkley xl or maybe even fluorocarbon. I hate flouro but sometimes it's the right tool for the job. For baits something in chunk rock on the bottom is bound to get hung up. How about a 3.3 or 3.8 swing impact or hud grass minnow. A final bait to consider in the situation might be a spy bait. They can be counted down and dialed to the depth you need.
  5. I have no idea why people fear night fishing but I sure enjoy being out alone
  6. Some companies use different blanks for spinning than casting. I always found that strange but nothing seems standardized in rod building
  7. Braid for the most part is bought based on working dia. Not strength. Smaller lines have issues with dig in wind knots tip wrap and other fun stuff. I have not had these issues with 40lb. If your only worried about strength the 20 would do just fine. I don't always provide all the reasons for my choices, but those are why I don't like 30 and bellow on a full size bait caster. I use braid for moderate to heavy weeds where it's strengths are best used. You will determine what size is right for you and what you prefer.
  8. All top water is the same for me. Never set on the take. Wait for line movement. If they are moving tward you there will be a lot of slack.
  9. How are you rigging that superfluke. Are you nose hooking a 1/0 ewg drops hot hook or using a 4 or 5/0 ewg or round bend offset. A good medium would work with the nose hook but driving the larger ofset hooks I would want at least a 7' medium heavy. How you are rigging thsee baits is the key to your question. I am currently fond of the avid x spinning rods in that price for heavy duty work.
  10. 40 is the best size for a standard size casting reel. I have used 30 and 20 but those are better on smaller reels like alphas and the like. Each person is different but I would keep 40 on a multipurpose rod.
  11. My thoughts exactly. The hinkle is nice but I feel as my phoney does the job. Might get one eventually but there now in the 225 and above range and I just cant. Not hating on those that do.
  12. Some of the new guide train layout's use much smaller and lighter guides. The avid x spinning is a good example. I use 2000 daiwa reels on all my spinning rods and do just fine. I am not racing like some people who need a 3000 high gear for speed purposes. I have a 72ml mhx rod that I have yet to try for ds. I had it doNE for trout and panfish. Should give it a shot I think.
  13. So many other materials today that are great. Cork is nice but crap cork is a major disapointment. Carbon grips are amazing, and being a cork guy I was hesitant. Cfx and batston, both make them and are way above Eva in my opinion. I did not like the feel of wingrips but some do. They may have a familiar and comfortable feel if you golf.
  14. Nice equipment will not catch any more fish. I never see the claim that it does. Seems like it's the #1 reason given. A picture for your wall from Walmart fills the spot same as a the famous painting like the mona lisa. Only a select group could see the value and will take the time and effort.
  15. Making bass highways and opening up a choked out section of water. Like thinning a tree and let's for better growth. Way better than the chemicals they use to kill weeds.
  16. All you have to do is see how long they are posted before being sold. That's the truth on su. My partner has a bunch of 316 and I have yet to see a fish caught. My deps 175 does though. Good bait to find used for 60 bucks or so. Got one almost nip for that price.
  17. To be fair I just got mine. The shape is rather simple and a little odd but the paint and finish is excellent. They just had a price increase but you would never know it's a wood bait buy looking at it. The glide is nice and I am still learning the bait with only two sessions so far. No fish yet so can't say it's amazing.
  18. But you could change that 10k cast fish into a 3 cast fish. That's my luck at least. Having toothy critters is a game changer, in risk vs reward. Don't know if I would use them in gator country either.
  19. And this my friends is how you get killed. Try that in Texas and you will not get a second chance to harass anyone. Cooler heads prevailed in this case but the land owner was lucky.
  20. The dx743 I have might be the biggest disappointment I have ever been in a rod. My avids are way better.
  21. I wonder of all the people who say they are only willing to spend 200 have ever fished a true high quality setup. There is just a total difference in the experience. The is always a sub group in every group that are enthusiast. Those are the people willing to pay to fish what they want. If you ask the question to the group at large you will always have more people who are not willing. Are you trying to find this sub group or find comfort in a limit that you set for yourself. How much money someone spends is very personal and those that spend the big bucks are not always ready to share due to being humble or deal with being called ridiculous.
  22. But do you own a donut yet. Get cracking
  23. A rod for every purpose i say. My 70mhf SC5 can do a ton of stuff and do it well. Its my favorite rod when i only have one with me. There are other rods that i have the the MB white python that is way nicer, and the quality is out of this world, for twice the MSRP. Dollar for dollar i dont think an sc5 can be touched, but to each their own. How a rod is put together is a big part of what i look for. Not to many rods come with full handles and its something i really enjoy. It also make the rod easy to balance as people who like split grips are alway talking about a rod being tip heavy. The recoil thing that loomis did for a while was a total turnoff for me but others could care less. It did reduce weight so that's the most critical factor for some. In casting the standard line of rods are my preference and the X models in spinning get the nod. Its so hard to recommend a perfect rod for someone else, as there a lot of factors that are different for each user. This is true for any high end gear and could apply to what you like the best. A loomis, st croix, megabass, Kistler z bone, conquest, Steez, and more. Top tier gear is wonderful and at that level becomes a preference.
  24. That depends a lot on what part about fishing you like the most. I sure enjoy collecting nice equipment. The lures are cool and i like those but nothing compared to a super sweet rod and reel. I dont think i could ever afford to have all the setups that i have an eye for. Just the megabass C-40 rods would be more than a little bit of coin.
  25. Pull the cap and plastic tension rod and put a drop of oil on the end of the plasic tension rod. Should be supper smooth after. You could get into polishing if you want a long term fix.
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