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Angry John

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Everything posted by Angry John

  1. I will be in long beach at some point, so maybe you could show me where to wet a line in that area!
  2. Food for future projects. I have wanted to do this for about three years now!!!
  3. Your friends live and fish in the same area you do, so their input would be more insitu than us here. There is always more than one way to skin a cat, you must choose which way is best for you.
  4. I would not try doing it as you have found you will lose a ton. If your trying to get deep from the shore a swim jig or a dropshot will be a better option with a lot less losses.
  5. If you are looking for a luna simmons sporting goods on the auction site has them NIB for a lot less than other places new or used. I got my first two from them. Look at line capacity as the 300 is much larger than the 253.
  6. I would have a custom built rod by otter rods on a st croix sc5 or NFC HM blank. Building a rod to do exactly what you want it to do will bring about the best results. Otherwise your just trying to find a fit for the application out of the mass produced rod lineup.
  7. What area are you in. I am looking for someone to fish with in december. My parents live in oceanside and am willing to go to any lake in the area while there.
  8. I keep trying to catch fish on my SPRO little john MD's but they just dont seem to work here in the northwest for me. I did ok on them in the north east but nothing here.
  9. http://www.***.com/Mustad_Denny_Brauer_Grip_Pin_Max_Flippin_Hook_5pk/descpage-MGPEH.html I use these hooks a lot in clear water around laydowns with 15lb flouro. I have never even been able to get the hook to flex let alone get it to straighten out.
  10. This is the truth. Never overlook the dropshot. Use a crappie jig or a drop tube in your normal lake colors.
  11. Well thought out layers work better than big dollar suits. I start with thermals, then sweets and then pants. I wear a columbia rain coat on top and their tall waterproof hiking pants on bottom to finish it off. The big dollar item should be your boots. If your bank fishing consider getting waders if there is any chance you will slip in or need to stand in the water.
  12. Funny as the luna was compared in a TT article and was above everything except the TE-DC reels which were more than twice the cost. http://www.tackletour.com/reviewdaiwaluna.html Why would you even consider paying twice as much or more for a reel that is not twice as good and has to be opened up to be adjusted?
  13. I like my 7 footer but i am 6'5" Of note i am fishing from a yak and sitting down so you will be able to use the same length standing with no issue. I own a few 7'3" and dont like them as much. I feel that anywhere from 6-10 to 7 will be very comfortable for most anglers.
  14. Looks like a lot of shimano lovers here. You may want to look at a luna. I would not go above the 253 as thats what i use and its plenty big enough. I have a 300 as well but it may be larger than what your looking for. If you check out the millionaire bay special that may be good also. I like the blue and you should be able to find one that is not all beat up.
  15. I fish for my own satisfaction. I used to weigh them all but i did not like the hook in the gill slit method for getting weight. I have a tape sticker on my paddle and i get a rough measurement very quickly and get them right back in the water. I try to respect the fish as much as possible, as i have already stuck it, and i have no plan of eating them, so i send them again on there way!
  16. The flea bay killed me last week. Ended up winning a steez 100ex for 305 and a zillion for 170 both NIB. It would have been easy to explain one box but two in the same week means she is going shopping and i lose twice.
  17. I have had very limited success on this lure and caught trout not bass. I do better on the heavier version made for casting rods. This type of bait would get murdered by pickeral on the east coast and be gone because its so small. I am glad i dont have to deal with that anymore.
  18. Thought it was cool when i posted on TT. Still trying to figure out if it is a special worm or not, but there made by jackall
  19. The rod you listed is 9.2OZ. You may get tired throwing a one pound rod an reel setup before the bait is added. Its a moving bait so you will have to cast it again and again unlike what most people do with those types of rods with bait and wait. Most people also look for a longer rod to help them load up on the cast. I have never seen someone do this personally so i dont know what the tricks are for that setup. Matt Allen has some great video's on how swimbait fishing is different to regular lures and can cause medical issues with the ongoing heavy weights. This sport is supposed to be fun so manage your risk to injury.
  20. I like his shaky head and the arky jig. I also use a lot of the ball heads for swim baits. his hooks are heavy duty and i fish the shaky jig head on 10lb with a baby brush hawg a lot.
  21. I also use the double uni knot. It has never failed me on smaller lines. On larger lines i like the alberto, but have had issues with 20lb braid. I like the seaguar leader material. I feel as though it is much harder material, but if you have the toray superhard, or sunline shooter those would be excellent as well. The smallest line i use for leader is 10LB. If i am dropshotting i just load the reel with 6lb and no connection knot to fail. In that case i am running sunline sniper or P-Line 100% in the blue and black box. I connect with the palomar knot always. No failures to note with that if tied correctly.
  22. Gary is a great guy and if you have your competition info you may get a great deal. I like the dobyns DX rods but there out of your price range. I have spent more than a little time with a st croix avid and i still use them even though i can afford better. I also love my legend elite. I would call gary before anything as i think he may be able to provide you a deal that no one can or will match. If your on a serious budget you may also consider buying out of the for sale section of this site or tackletour. I have done a lot of business with the guys there and have had zero problems. There are a lot of guys always chasing the latest and greatest gear and lightly used gear is all over.
  23. That lure in #5 and #7 yellow perch worked like a charm on the CT river for just about everything including pike and bass. Seems to be an east coast thing.
  24. Jerkbaits are the most complicated bait in my box. Playing with the weight alone and tuning how it sits in the water is a game all of its own. I use the size and weight of the split rings to change both. I think matching the hatch is most important in this bait as well. The fish are not starving and they get all the time in the world to check out the bait. In very clear water like i have its even worse because you cannot use speed to help you out. This is a learn as you go affair and not a bait to try and cheap out on. The cheapest one i like is the RC sticks. Lucky craft, DUO, and megabass are the other major players. I Limit choices to these as i need the bait to have clear sections and only plastic baits offer that. Line type is also important. I use 6-10lb fluorocarbon. How you try and impart action will have a lot to do with the stretch in your line and the action of rod you prefer. I like my 66MF avid, but a lot of people like cranking moderate action rods. This is just a fraction of the knowledge and you will spend a ton of time to get good with them.
  25. I use the lucky strike jerk baits and have the lucky craft baits as well. The both work well but i will not be spendy enough for the MB lures. The DUO jerkbaits are as good or better.
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