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Angry John

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Everything posted by Angry John

  1. Fishing in areas with limits and no exemption for competition sucks. The exemption is free so it sounds like they are trying to be mindful of competing. I dont eat bass so it sounds good to me but I'm sure it effects someone differently.
  2. If your paddling or peddling yes. If your using powered propulsion no. I usually peddle in to my spot in 30 minutes or so, and just work my way around. It's not a race but the wind will determine your level of exertion.
  3. Deep cranks pull hard and if you spend a lot of time cranking, having a handle long enough to tuck into your armpit is a wrist saver. Two handed casting for bombing cranks is also very helpful. Most rods suck for me because the rods keep getting longer and the handles shorter. Sometimes I crank for 6 hours so if it's just a few casts then it's not as critical.
  4. If you are trying to save money fill up the reel. You can use braid for years and then reverse it. When your spool runs down then add backer. You will get more use of the line this way than using smaller sections.
  5. Technique matters a lot. If I am drop shotting I rely on my drag to protect my line so I set it about half of breaking strength with my trigger tester at home. If I am punching or swim baiting with the jig hook I lock it up and bring the hate. I use non the fly adjustments for my cranking setup
  6. As a repair an maintenance plan I agree, it's not really a plan at all or at least a destructive one. As a just in case dont want to be stranded contingency I can see a lot of value. Your running a three battery setup so I'll just assume that it's a bigger boat. Never meet a guy with to much battery capacity. The current cost of Li is to high for me but they were going lower. If there is anything about going green that might be good would be lowering battery costs. If you have any technical ability building a battery pack may be cheaper and better. Tons of YouTube videos of people doing it.
  7. Most tow vehicles have a transmission cooler. My.little tacoma has one as part of the towing package. My truck doesn't get close to moving its rated capacity. It struggles at highway speeds and the gas mileage sucks. I would recommend against towing in a small car other than a kayak or small Jon boat. You add a outboard, trawling motor, batteries and the list goes on and you will get in trouble in a hurry.
  8. You must have a small car like a Subaru. If you do have a subI you should really look at cvt and towing. How far do you plan on going regularly?
  9. Uh nope, and the one time I did it because I used the rig I had with me, it worked just as bad as you would think...
  10. Fish club level events where buy ins are 20 bucks and it's really guys out for the sport of it. It can itch your competitive streak and be fun... if you take them to school every time out then it's time to move up.
  11. A single piece motorcycle rain suit is hard to beat for function or cost. CYCLEGEAR is where I bought mine.
  12. That depends a lot on the time of year and location. In Connecticut during the summer I absolutely feel your frustration. The Kitsap peninsula is not a problem year round. Tenessee and Texas are a mix. California high Sierra ponds and lakes never an issue. Type of impoundment time of year and location makes a huge difference.
  13. I love walking baits and the duo is the best I have found. I still use my Sammy's but they are not as easy to work.
  14. Sounds like someone who needs a white python ?
  15. So beyond the legal, physically keeping one alive and healthy will directly depend on the size of fish. If your catching it on a fishing rod and reel you are likely not going to be very successful. If you find a few fry and raise them from about 2 inches and larger your feeding and care requirements will be doable. Once the fish reaches about 8 inches that tank will no longer be big enough. So you get about a year or so... then you cannot release that fish for risk of disease. Will you be able to handle killing the fish to keep disease out of your local waterways. It's not a good idea and it's very possible to do, but morally I would not. A bluegill or crappie would be a much better choice.
  16. There is some fishing I did from shore at lake cuymaca up in the mountains. They have shut down all access to calaveras right next to my moms place in oceanside. Pier fishing in oceanside has always been terrible. Lake Dixon is always an option and was home to a giant for many years. That may be your closest best option. Lake wolhford is right up the hill and has a lot of access if you like a hike. They rent boats and that's how I fished it with a friend. Only been there once but it was fun.
  17. The quality of components and service ability comes into play for me. How easy do the spool bearings come out. Are parts easy to get.... more than just shiny for me.
  18. I prefer skipping worms with a spinning reel. About zero consequences for small mistakes.
  19. Store ammunition in a cool dry place just like the components. Heat is the enemy as it speeds up the break down of the powder. Gun powder is a very complicated substance which has acids inhibitors and other fun stuff. I advocate for keeping it inside the house unless you have huge volumes. Inside a safe with a heater bar to prevent rust is probably the worst choice.
  20. My bfs setup is a dobyns champion 702 with daiwa sol 2000 spinning reel with 15lb 832 that I tie 6lb sniper leaders on. I dont have numbers but I would call it a medium fast action a lot slower than my fenwick or st croix rods.
  21. My daughter has been in my kayak with me for my 6.3 three years ago and my new pb 6.15 this year, does she count
  22. I'm not exactly a spring chicken but not near old enough to be wise. I try to listen to the wisdom of the older generation and learn from both. Heck most of my friends are gentlemen with more gray than anything else.
  23. So I would normally agree with test driving every gun to find the best fit, but finding the ammunition for each it getting very hard. Some things that may help. 1. The more a gun weighs the less the recoil is a problem. All steel guns are heavier and if your not carrying that around all day better. 2. People have bias and favorites and just like fishing rods and reels some are adimate about their position. 3. Consider a significant others needs if they may need or have access to use said weapon. Guns to read up on. Cz 75 models there are a ton Beratta m92 military sidearm Glocks because they are hugely popular and available Honorable mention Smith and weson 686 or ruger gp 100 in 357 magnum. Shoots 38 and 357. This is great for sd, fun at the range and in some areas legal to hunt. 4 inch barrels are very handy I like a 6 for target and hunting.
  24. Congratulations.... it doesn't matter if its 5 or 500 putting up a new pb is exciting and something to be proud of.
  25. Flooding sure seems to spread the biodiversity around. There is a great example in the lakes on.mt st Helens. They were literally sterilized and are already teaming with life and fish...
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