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Everything posted by BaitMonkey1984

  1. Paul was my favorite guy of the show. Saw him at a couple of the local boat shows and outdoor expos- great guy. He is innocent until proven guilty- let's hope the media headlines aren't true.
  2. This is a good answer. Without knowing the financial constraints I would suggest anywhere from $800 - $2,5000 can get you started. You will not be into it for tens of thousands of dollars and you can learn boating step by step and not go from no on the water experience to driving a z21 with a 250. Mistakes will be easier to swallow on your John boat and it is much more forgiven then a fiberglass hull. Easier to drive the smaller boat, trailer, tow etc. Plus, you will have money left over to get all those other things you need for a boat. O and you will soon realize that boats are constantly needing something fixed or upgraded. It will be a labor of love. I still have my first aluminum 14 foot from my grandfather and cherish that more than my Ranger.
  3. I have a 2001 Ranger that is in good condition for its age. There are a few scratches on the boat, however the boat has started to lose its shine. I have waxed, polished, used rubbing compound etc. It works for the short term but I am looking at a long term fix. Does anyone have any experience with this- a ballpark as to how much it would cost for a 19' ft bass boat. Thanks,
  4. Where I am from, bass fisherman and jet-skiers have an issue with one another. Thus, this seems like taboo to me.
  5. 1.Watermelon Creme GYCB 5" Senko wacky rigged 2.Chartreuse Fat Albert Grub 3. 4" Keithech easy shiner on a swimsuit hook #3 is a new lure for me this year and has been exceptional. That strong squid scent presents a scent that the bass in my lake have likely never seen.
  6. I have a dual pro 3 bank charger for my Ranger. I always read to keep the batteries charged. I bought three new batteries last year so I am doing my best to maintain them properly. After a full day on the lake it takes several hours to get all batteries to full charge. Today, I was out for about two hours and it was calm so I would estimate used my 2 deep cycle batteries less than 10%. My question is, I leave my batteries charging till morning even if they only discharged 10%. Is this recommended, or is the charger over-charging the battery.
  7. Just got off a local lake. At the only boat ramp, three guys were loading a boat. I didn't want to cause any more stress/anxiety so I fished for 10 minutes as they went about their business. 10 minutes later they still have the boat in the water and I can still hear cranking. I go to lend a hand and see if I can help them. Turns out this guy just bought a boat- this was his maiden voyage. Boat was 6 years old but looked immaculate. I helped them and they got the boat outfof the water and into the parking lot where they got the boat all tied down. I was impressed with their boat etiquette for novice boaters. I load up my boat and check to make sure they are ok before I take off. They say they are but they tell me they hit a rock and asked about engine repair. The skeg had lost some paint but otherwise looked fine to me. Then they point out the bend of the skeg. I have never seen the bottom four inches of a skeg bend before. It was curved to the right quite noticeably with the motor trimmed up. I have never seen anything like it. I have seen scratches, dents, cracks but never a bend. Has anyone else seen this, and if so is their any possible repair short of a new lower unit. I am wondering if the next time they are out and they get it on plane, it drifts to the right because of the bend. They were very nice people but appeared to be new batting and would like be able to offer some sound advice if I see them around the lake again. Thanks. I got skunked but felt like my day wasn't that bad. After all my boat went back on the trailer without any damage.
  8. If you head out from the ramp at Wellington state park you are going to go south. I found a map that has the rocks marked and pretty cool map showing you your best bet for different species. Hope to see some big sallies pictures posted after the vaca http://markevansmaps.com/avactis-images/ImageNewfound_00001.jpg
  9. I have been on Newfound a few times but have not fished it yet. With the crystal clear water of Newfound I would downsize and use realistic presentations. There is one spot on the lake that is extremely rocky/shallow and is marked by the green/black buoys. It goes on for like 60 yards. Always see people pulling smallies from there- was just up there a few weeks ago. Really nice lake to fish in the morning and hang out on the sand bar in the afternoon, enjoy
  10. A small piece of a beaten up keiteich easy shiner solved the problem. Fixed the problem and I have gotten my first response from Glenn, sweet.
  11. I just purchased a new digital tour 24v 82lb thrust trolling motor. My old one of 10 years finally kicked it. It worked fine the first 2 months but now the cover to the switch to turn on (foot pedal) is sticking. One out of every 10 times when I want the trolling motor to stop it stays stuck on. Anyone have this problem before, it is driving me crazy.
  12. I would have to say an X-rap with some suspend dots
  13. I put marvel mystery oil, seafoam, and star tron enzyme in my gas every fill up. Never had any problem with any of my engines with this habit and routine maintenance.
  14. BTW, Brandon Marshall from the Bears was suspended $15k for wearing orange cleats in 2013.
  15. Brady is one of, if not, the best QB's of all time. Different generation from Montanna and others on that short list so I am not getting into that debate. Needless to say, Brady will be back at the helm when he returns regardless of how Garrapollo does. This will be a good test, with some good teams for the back-up and I think he will flourish. Bellicheck will create a game-plan and provide the personnell for him to excel- similar to the Cassell year. Kid has great stuff so I see him doing well. However, a 4 game sample size is not going to be enough to displace a first ballot HOF who shows no signs of slowing down, despite his age. All of us here in Boston are staying behind our QB- the report did not convince me, and we look forward to the appeal process. Go Pats!
  16. And I thought I had a bad day Saturday because when I snagged a crank bait and could not free. I take my lure retriever and what do you know- end up loosing my true retriever and snapping off my crank bait. I would be interested to see if insurance steps up and does the right thing because that boat although old looked like it was cherried.
  17. Gotta love him getting mad that the scale took so long to weigh that fish...interested in what gear ratio he is using.
  18. The notary can notarize your signature within the confines of the state they are authorized to administer a notary- I believe. I am a lawyer and because many of my agreements must be notarized I am also a MA notary. Therefore, I can only notarize within the confines of the state. A majority of banks will notarize your signature for free, simply bring along a valid photo ID. Or you can finalize the deal in LA so your gf can notarize for you. Just my two cents.
  19. So my trolling motor cable went last year. I had it replaced, and it kept on having issues after the fact. It is a MG 82lb thrust 24 volt on a 2001 Ranger R81vs. I am looking to replace it with the exact same, brand new model. My problem is I cannot find any information as to whether it is the 45 or 50 inch shaft. d**n Marina can't take a second to go measure it- anyone with this boat or with some advice let me know? Otherwise, I am waiting till I can pick it up and measure myself.
  20. Only rig I have caught fish on yet this year. All my friends have been skunked and they wish they could find this rig in stores. Thanks MTB!
  21. I just purchased a subscription when they had a deal- it was $10 for the year. They have some good lengthy videos and a bunch of short videos. Some are outdated- others are not. It is worth the $10 but I did expect something more.
  22. I just got good at reading my down scan. Good thing this is going to be way outside my price-point.
  23. Went to school for Political Science then straight to law school after. Been out 3 years and practicing primarily family law ever since. So I can appreciate Raider's rants, raves, and tribulations. I pride myself in being the only lawyer in town with a Ranger in the parking lot, in tow, from April till October.
  24. Weightless senkos rigged wacky style, the Ned Rig, small grubs fished on the bottom, and once it gets closer to the spawn crawfish colored crank baits.
  25. This is probably the best advice. I do not fish tournaments, however nothing irks me like someone that I take fishing standing with their hands in their pockets at the boat ramp. I realize it may be intimidating but just ask what you can do, transom ties, transom saver, unhook the boat, put in plug, there is a lot to do. If you can back up the boat it moves the process along. Just make sure to practice in advance and not wait till the day of tournament, as it takes some getting used to.
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