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Everything posted by Gundog

  1. I just found this thread. I would try the Apple Tree launch between Harding and Ransom. In May, depending on the weather, you may have to look for where streams dump into the Susquehanna to find the smallmouths because the water coming into the river will be cooler. If the weather is hot I would use smaller baits like beetle spins or ned rig baits. Don't forget tubes in the 3 to 4 inch range.
  2. I just want to say this about the natural gas vs. oil debate. In the little town that I grew up in there was one house that had natural gas heat. It was considered a "model" home meaning someone built it as a example of what could be. The house was lived in for 10 years or more. Then one day the owner noticed a rotten egg smell. He immediately left the house and called the gas company. The technicians they sent over to check it out decided that one guy would go to the back of the house where the tank was and disconnect it and one would enter the house and find the leak. The guy that entered the house made the mistake of flipping on the lights and the house exploded. The guy in back of the house was hurt a bit but the guy that was in the house was killed. The explosion leveled most of the house and sent debris across the 2 lane road and onto a friend of mine's front porch. Also his windows were broken. I've never had a problem with my oil burner but my friend did have a problem with his that nearly burned down his house. If he had not been home at the time it happened his home would have been ashes. The truth is there is no safe way to heat a home but I'll take my chances with oil.
  3. You should have seen that one coming across the ice covered lake @A-Jay.
  4. I fish a boulder-filled river here in PA. I use crankbaits that have to be moved at just the right speed to make sure they make contact with the bottom but not too fast that they would get snagged on rocks. Its about feeling what the lure is doing and moving faster or slower by what you feel. Also never continue to pull or wind you reel once your lure stops. Stop winding your reel and move your rod toward the bait to let the crankbait float up. If you are using a soft rod (slow action) it may be tough to feel what the bait is doing. I suggest using med/heavy power with a moderate action.
  5. My uncle would take me, my brother and all of his kids fishing every couple of weekends. Of course, as kids we rarely spent much time fishing. We were more about exploring and running around in the woods. As I and my uncle have gotten older we still reminisce about those days and the few fish we did catch. I share pictures of fish I've caught with him and he still gives me advice but mostly encouragement to keep on enjoying the sport we both love. He's 80 years old this year and can't fish or hunt anymore but I'm so glad he shared his passion for the outdoors with me and my brother.
  6. ^^^Could not agree more. It wasn't just him that was in danger. Pretty much anybody on the lake could have been killed by this person's decision. There should be serious punishment for this.
  7. You had me up until this. Its like putting chapstick on after winning a fight.
  8. Its been too long. After 5 times out fishing and catching nothing I was starting to think it wasn't going to happen.
  9. I agree about the walking. Most people underestimate how much of a workout walking is. Especially up hills. A hour walking up and down hills can exhaust you easily.
  10. Greetings and welcome to the forum. I'm from the Northeastern part of the state.
  11. Susquehanna river is just starting to get good. The big females are starting to feed up for the spawn. Caught the first one of the day no more than 3 feet from shore in a slack water area. Estimated weight was about 3 1/2 pounds. The total for the day was 7 bass. 2 weighted about 1 1/2 pounds, 4 were in the 2 pound range and the big momma above.
  12. Plus you have a lake named after Elvis! Ain't nothin' cooler than that.
  13. Mushroom head bought at Walmart. You can get them with or without weed guards.
  14. Technically Florida has 4 seasons. Spring, summer, fall and tourist. ?
  15. Don't forget Florida. They have a few species of freshwater fish including crappie, blue gill, redear sunfish, blue catfish, gar, warmouth, chain pickerel, bullhead catfish and flathead catfish to name a few. Also you have prime access to canals and saltwater.
  16. Yep. Great for flipping into heavy weeds with a bullet weight in front or a jig inside the craw. But I'm sure by now all the magic has worn off yours so you can send them to me for disposal.
  17. Saw them at a outdoor show. I agree with @J Francho, tough to be in that position for any long length of time. I'd try to find if the company does "demo days" where you can try them out. Contact any local dealers for any info on where you can try before you buy.
  18. I've been a big fan of Lake Fork Tackle since they were making their version of the tube craw. Still have a bunch of them.
  19. I've used felt sole waders since I was 18 for flyfishing and river fishing. The only problem is the felt on some of the brands peels off after 1 years worth of fishing. I've tried putting them back on with plumber's glue but they never seem to hold. Now, because of concerns over transporting "rock snot", felt soles are illegal in some states and becoming harder to find in stores. I might decide to buy korkers for my next set.
  20. Feeling your pain. I'm only working 12 hours a day but its night shift.
  21. Gammy Darter usually in 1/4 ounce.
  22. I could put my .02 in on a thread like that.
  23. Congratulations to the little man. Proof that hard work pays off.
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