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About zeth

  • Birthday 05/31/1982

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
  • My PB
    Between 11-12 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Clear Lake
  • Other Interests
    I run a landscaping company.

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  • About Me
    Just another guy fishing

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  1. All I can say is that I would invest in some poppers and cover shallow water flats as fast as you can until you come across em. Small to med size with varying sounds rico, evergreen, ima, megabass. follow up with spybaits if they wont come up. If it's windy.slight ripple mix in jerkbait and spinnerbait (solid white with white blades and white trailer). You can thank me later on that last one. If all else fails. Dropshot and ned rig.
  2. I have two and really only need one. Good for BIG baits. I use the other one I have for 10-12” soft baits. Would be good for 12”+ glide baits. $300 TYD unless shipping is over the top but it’s a two piece so shorter tube and hopefully less shipping cost. The rod is brand new never used. I can get you pics beforehand. Secure payment with PayPal. You can pickup local if you are in Sacramento.
  3. I got my hands on a few after fishing with one of their pro-staffers. Just another rod. Edge as a company has the most horrendous customer service. Dive deep and read the reviews. I did try to order a few to try. That did not go so well. I would not support them in any way. I now roll with ALX (has a current sale) and they have excellent customer service. If you call it will be the owner or his wife that answer the phone. If you want super high end then get anything but Edge. St. Croix, Loomis, or some overpriced Japanese rod, custom build yourself one or pay someone to quadruple the cost to build you one.
  4. Personally, it depends on your needs. My default is Tatula 100. I have the elites on things I need to cast far and want better performance on although the 100 is fine. The difference is small. Lighter spool is the main difference. If I were throwing buzzbaits it would be on a 100. If you can get a deal on the 100 and not the Elite get the 100 for sure. If you have the money to spend and neither are on sale then get the Elite. FYI Elite on Amazon is under $200.
  5. What is wrong with treble hooks? Serious question as you don't really get into why... You most certainly are losing/missing fish because of this. It is also likely your baits are not running as designed depth-wise at least if your single hooks weigh less. Treble hooks are of no concern. Take out pliers and remove them. Takes .00005 seconds. 1 out of 20 may be slightly more difficult and take a whole second or two. Go buy yourself some spro or owner split rings and some Hayabusa, Owner, Gamakatsu.... hooks and put them back on or if you are cheap get some vmc or mustad hooks. Best split ring pliers are texas tackle brand. Don't even bother with the others. Best pliers imo are cheapo rapala with the spring on them or any other brand that stays open.
  6. Most brands will become kinked or damaged. I have found that Keitech will likely not. I have had Keitechs out of their clamshell for 8+ years and still no kinks. I decided I don't like that method so stopped using it and just keep them in now and so that box has sat forever and they're still good.
  7. Yeah forgot about spooks. I have literally thrown a spook 1 time in 20 years. Always go for other brands so I forgot they have silent ones. I'm surprised there aren't many others.
  8. other than the balsa options and the evergreen does anyone know any 90-100mm 100% silent walking baits?
  9. problem solved: https://www.ebay.com/itm/225226496042?chn=ps&var=524168370133&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=524168370003_225226496042&targetid=1531876735678&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9032424&poi=&campaignid=19851828444&mkgroupid=145880009014&rlsatarget=aud-1412318123216%3Apla-1531876735678&abcId=9307249&merchantid=101689147&gclid=CjwKCAjw44mlBhAQEiwAqP3eVqzZ2ScBmTz9mg3Pces7ibxPlYDcuYkaS3qZ5SLRXyRQe2XR9ZrQuRoCdZEQAvD_BwE
  10. I should say no screw no pokey thing. just a standard jighead keeper of some sort. I found these but really don't want to go that route. https://store.do-itmolds.com/Randy-Howell-Magnum-Shaky-Head-JigbrSz-38-12-34-1-1-14brHk-Gamakatsu-604brCollar-Barb_p_1163.html
  11. Other than Jewel I can't find any magnum shakey heads without screw locks. If you know someone making them send me the link. Thanks
  12. Clear Lake by far. But for a PB there are a ton of other smaller easier to fish places with larger fish.
  13. some kid caught two giants out of there a year or two ago. I cant say for sure but I would say they were caught elsewhere and put in there illegally and then fished for. I tired fishing it for bass back in like 2015 and didn't ever catch anything. Someone was stocking the pond above the Orinda golf course and there were some biggs in there. Same sort of deal I would imagine. Found it randomly and decided to try it. Would consistently catch fish 3-5lbs and had one over 8 and possibly one even larger that broke off right at the bank. That was like 6+ years ago and last I remember someone had been catching them and tossing up on the bank to keep people from fishing it. There are no fishing signs but they are illegitimate so just ignore them.
  14. If you can put it outside only do you have space to get this: https://www.google.com/search?q=tunnel+tent+for+vehicle&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS890US890&oq=tunnel+tent+for+vehicle&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l2j33i22i29i30.4433j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 It's what I used when I didn't have a garage. Worked great.
  15. Had a guy in my boat tell me it was his secret bait once. He would throw it all over the place Texas rigged with a bullet weight. He never caught a thing on it...
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