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Everything posted by HoosierHawgs

  1. Who would be interested in meeting up for eats and talking fishing on the evening Saturday, March 4th? I know it probably seems a little late but that is really a good date for me. I'm open to suggestions on where we should meet... Like I said, I'd be willing to travel for about an hour so I'm up for anything that's reasonable. Something that's local would be cool too rather than some chain place., we're Hoosiers after all!
  2. You might be a little spoiled then But yeah definitely if you don't like it then I would just shop somewhere else for sure. That's usually my solution with those things.
  3. I work for our local parks department , which is located in the park I Fish most often. I pick up all trash I see (bait boxes, cartons, styrofoam cups, cigs,) on and off the job. Can't stand to see a nice park like the one we have being trashed. In another park that we operate in there has even been vandalism recently. Working in groundskeeping professions for 2 years now has made me much more considerate in terms of disposing waste (I don't throw away half full bottles anymore for example). As for confronting, if they do it right in front of me, yes I say something.
  4. I actually like the Cabela's in my area fairly well. This is beyond the fishing stuff as well. I think most of the stuff they carry is standard price, but they run pretty good prices often as well, and their house brand of everything I have always found to be high quality for a lower price. They have a much better selection of gear than say Gander Mountain or Dick's Sporting Goods (where I now refuse to shop). I will say I wish there website was a little better organized and functioned a little better.
  5. I may have to stop by after work. I will probably be in the direction of one to get gas and go to the grocery store so it will definitely be in my path.
  6. Exactly why they started it, and other fantasy sports too
  7. Nice! Wish I had a spot like that lol!
  8. Even with sponsors, the way attendance and viewership has been, they're may still be no NASCAR yet, soon As for Bill Dance, if you don't care for him switching sponsors, don't watch the show. Pretty simple. Money talks and BS walks, right?
  9. I'm gonna swing by Half Price books and see if I can't get lucky with a copy there. I've picked up most of the fishing/hunting/guns books and magazines at their stores for considerable discounts.
  10. That's also a pretty big 'gill in my book!
  11. This weather is taking me for a ride. 55 last night 20 this morning. I got up and left for swim workout at 4:50 this morning and had to pry the door open on my truck, which was a real pain but ran the defroster as much as I could in idle after so the doors seem to be doing a little better. Hope the ice works out though!
  12. I can say that some of the larger Indiana lakes do not have stellar bass fishing from what I've seen. Eagle Creek has been marginally lately, and I've only fished Racoon a few times, mostly due to a lack of fish and size. I have caught much better fish at small lakes or farm ponds in my area. Both numbers and size. I'm not convinced this would make one a better angler though. If the fishery and the conditions are tough, then maybe having grown up in a indiana would serve you well if it's the kind of tournament where everyone is struggling to scrap out 5 fish, but other than that, I would think seeing a variety of situations would make you a more versatile and "better" overall angler and give you an edge on large tournament trails.... then again I don't Fish tournaments, so I may be completely misguided.
  13. This is a very good point. As long as you look stuff over, you should be ok.
  14. Of course. The store is a lot more organized than it used to be. This time they didn't have any worthwhile bait casting equipment FYI. They don't move much of it, so they don't keep a ton of it in stock. The rods take a little looking through, it took me about 20 minutes to find the gem I did, but it's brand new, and at a $30 markdown. They're customer service is always great, and they take time to talk to repeat customers and for that they will continue to have my business.
  15. It's on Vermont Street, right next to the Zoo, and White River State park. It's right across the river and bridge from the IUPUI campus of that makes any sense
  16. I also like that a lot. I like cork or tactical cork, but I've never been a fan of a full foam handle. Feels cheap.
  17. Went to the Central Indy tackle stores today. Got a few clearance baits @ Honey Creek Tackle, and then struck out @ Mooresville Tackle Service Center. Did get lucky and got the some nice surprises @ Westside Bait and Tackle. Storm Arashi's for $5, Yamamoto harbaits for $4, Sebile Hardbaits for $6, and Chuggin Spooks for $3. I also got a 7' Medium Power Fast Action Fenwick HMG for $65
  18. Update: Found a Fenwick HMG in my local tackle store: $65. Went 7' Medium Power Fast taper so I could have a good backbone for hooksets.
  19. It's been a minute since I've been on raccoon, or really fished at all due to time constraints in 2016 but the last time I was there I fished an xr50 and caught a few if that helps, although I probably should have brought along a 7" power worm and I might've caught more numbers. Hope this helps.
  20. Jimmy ought to stop kissing those fish anyways! One of these days he's gonna catch something not so nice lol
  21. Whatever the retailers charge for one issue anymore is heinous and should be a crime, especially with how cheap (or free) subscriptions are or last months magazines are at Half Price Books.
  22. 3.7 GPA in my first semester of college this fall.
  23. The good one or the "new" one?
  24. I think that the sponsors may actually be a good way to deal with some of these things. When Ike "acted up" (which included a full tantrum trying to revive a dead fish, cursing at his boat and livewell system, and then kicking an American flag) he was "dropped" by multiple sponsors who did not what that behavior to be representative of their brand. It is the same way in other professional sports. If a sponsor does not agree with your behavior they will not hesitate to drop you. If you violate your code of conduct your team will suspend you or even fire you (think Duke and Grayson Allen, suspended indefinitely for poor court behavior). These reactions from sponsors show that bad behavior will not be tolerated and sends a strong message to all who are sponsored to watch their mouths and actions.
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