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Everything posted by HoosierHawgs

  1. Nice Hoo Rag!
  2. Nice day! Let us know if that continues to work your next time out!
  3. I've heard a few times on this site that just about any 4-5' bait nose hooked, Texas, or wacky rigged on a good hook in the right DOW and area will catch fish. So when you are thinking about DS'ing, the choice of lure is probably one of the least important factors.
  4. Well, I guess I'm chime in. Hope I don't sound to young and naive, but here goes. I'm a better BANK angler than you! I've fished for 13 years, all from the bank of reservoirs small and large. Learned shallow water fishing at it's finest. I've learned the best bank casting angles, how to parallel the shoreline, look for small differences in cover and structure, with only a handy pair of polarized glasses - no electronics. Caught my personal best, nearly 7 lbs, on a shallow flat adjacent to deeper water and near a small creek with my eyes, no down or side imaging, no sonar, just a handy pair of glasses. Anyone can say they are a better deep water structure fisherman than me, but I'll give anyone a run for there money in fishing shallow structure and cover.
  5. What kayak are you currently in?
  6. Casting show's Harrison Ford will have some sort of role in Episode 8. I would think as a Force Ghost.
  7. I enjoyed Hateful 8. IMO Inglorious is his worst movie.
  8. Will do! Thanks for the offer! Not sure when I will be back next, but hopefully the fish will.be biting when I do!
  9. Interesting. I've got some family in Jax.
  10. Is this a private lake, or is there public access? Can it be accessed from the bank?
  11. That is quite a while. Hope to hear that you are doing well and that your recovery is on the lower side of the estimate.
  12. Good luck with your surgery! Thoughts for a speedy recovery! As for me 2016 is fish more, and waste less of my total time. Maximize the time I've got, because you never can truly have "more time".
  13. Glad to hear you are doing better. Enjoy yourself for sure!
  14. Just go fishing
  15. I'm also a huge Tarintino fan. I would pay 20 bucks to see H8FUL 8. Oh wait, after all is said in done in the theater, I probably will
  16. There are no laws regarding what is put in vapor juices. It does not make you look very esteemed either. If you "need something to do" or a "hobby" go fish. Not vape.
  17. Neat. I just wish there were more good places to shop. Gander Mt is ok, Cabela's in Noblesville is nice, but needs a tad more inventory, and all DSG around here blow. Usually have to go to small places an hour or two out of the way to find any decent fishing inventory.
  18. Thanks for the advice. Losing cash because of weather would be huge bummer.
  19. The Year of Adventure. May all your catches be great this year.
  20. Are you near the Academy Sports down there? We need some up in Central Indy! Soon, hopefully!
  21. I know. I thought there were good numbers of is here! Phoning @Josh Smith ;-) But I know there were several here before tue update! Time to come out of the woodwork guys!
  22. I also find a shorter rod to be idea. It allows you to work tip down without hitting boat, ground, or water.
  23. Bump to this thread. I would really like to hear thoughts on this place or others. Some friends of mine and I (group of 4) are looking for a nice place to camp or stay at a lodge, and kayak fish for about 3 days in the date range above within a 3 hour drive of Indy. If anyone could give us information about this place, or hints to other good locations for these activities within 3 hours of Indy please do! All advice appreciated!
  24. I can't tell you what "the best" setup would be but can tell you that I prefer a Medium power Fast action rod for most top water's. It loads up well on cast and hookset, but the fast action is good for quick twitches and pops. As for a reel any 6:1 ratio reel should work, as long as you aren't throwing on either extreme of the weight spectrum. Also, take a minute to introduce yourself in the Introductions sub-forum. Welcome Aboard
  25. Welcome, where ya from?
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