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Everything posted by thunderblack

  1. On rods I have with minor cracks you can feel them but these little spots seem to be smooth. It's hard to tell. Is it worth returning? It's a brand new rod but also thinking is may be common on many rods. Guess that's why I'm asking. Thx
  2. After looking closer it almost looks like it's just the outline of the guide frame showing through the thread. Where the thread starts to lift off the blank it's just lighter. Looks like a crack but I don't think it is. Almost ever large guide I have looks like this. Either way looks pretty common.
  3. Mick, appreciate your response. I have never noticed cracks in this area either. It's a brand new legend tourney and I feel it's to minor to send back. Thank you
  4. Hey guys, I have a question. I noticed on almost all my spinning rods with Fuji k series guides the first largest guide always has a small almost like epoxy crack or discoloration. Is this from the epoxy not being thick there? The surface seems smooth. Just curious what causes this. Some rods are brand new. I'm sure its minor but curious all the same.
  5. Natty, I have had this on multiple St. Croix rods as well as other brands. If you just touch the guide you hear a click. Its in the epoxy. Almost any guide can do that if just stressed a little or bumped. If it really bothers you I have found a tiny amount of guide epoxy will stop it but honestly I wouldn't worry about it. I have never noticed moisture or thread problems at all. I would keep the rods and enjoy them.
  6. Awesome. Thanks guys for the responses.
  7. Guys, random question here but did earlier model st. Croix rods have tips like this on the St. Croix legends w/ cork handles? (2009) Why is there no epoxy over the tip where is meets the blank. I noticed the new legend elite that just came out has this as well. Thread ends before the tip. Just curious if someone could shed some light on this for me.
  8. Should a small amount of guide epoxy be applied?
  9. Ok, appreciate the response DVT. I don't even think moister can get in the threads it's so minor.
  10. Hey guys, odd question but I do not use rod gloves or lockers but noticed a number of my rods have a guide or two that have a very minor crack or bubble where the excess epoxy meets the blank. Is this pretty normal when the guide flexes to have a small separation. Sometime it can happen just touching the guide. The thread and epoxy are in tact. It's just at the very end on single foot guides. Would u add epoxy or leave? I know this is minor but curious mostly.
  11. I do not think Al changing brands is a big deal at all. They have to make a living and they have a great show. They are very loyal to the brands they have been with and things change sometimes. I also think its awesome these guys are christians and share their faith at the end of the show. They practice what they preach and in no way are hypocrites.
  12. Hmx rods are very nice for the money. A little heavy but nice workhorse rods.
  13. I agree. Completely fishable but at the same time it would bug me. A local rod builder would be my first call. Loomis will take care of you but there are going to be shipping costs I'm sure.
  14. I like the Loomis e6x series for crainkbaits.
  15. Both companies make great rods. Either is a winner.
  16. I have size 35 on my MH 7'-0" rod. Perfect balance and size. 30 would work too but I prefer 35
  17. I struggled with this too when I first bought Pflueger spinning reels. 30 was small and 35 seemed too large. I put a size 35 on anything over 7' and anything 6'-6" - 6'-10" I would match with a size 30. Hope this helps.
  18. Picked one up last week. In the price range....the best Ive seen.
  19. Hey, my Dicks has casting crankbait and worm and jig casting rods. Only a couple. Id ship them to anyone interested for an extra 20.00 plus shipping. If anyone is interested. Probably be around 90 total
  20. Hey guys, anyone know where I can find a 2015 fishing calendar. Could be fly fishing, bass, trout, doesnt matter. Thanks!
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