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Everything posted by thunderblack

  1. I accidently ordered all my fishing gear.
  2. The bling on fishing rods gets old too. More parts the glue comes undone on or more plastic parts to break. I prefer the simplicity. If you fish hard you want gear to last.
  3. Hey CC, I fish jerkbaits a ton and have fished a lot of rods from both of these manufactures. I think what you want is a legend tourney 7-1 M F. I know its not elite but handle is comfortable and power is perfect. Also look at expride 7' M. A legend elite in M would also work well. Loomis does not have a great model for jerkbaits (110 size)in my opinion unless you find a 842S conquest (more power Tim Allen grunt).
  4. G. Loomis rods have been a hit or miss for me. Guide issues, wraps, cork off center, ect... Love the blanks and the look of their rods but look them over well if you bought new. Some things are minor and some will go right back in the tube for a swap. It can happen with any company and not just Loomis. I would swap your rod and get a replacement.
  5. The 7-6 ML/M is the one you want. The 7-1 is a very powerful stick and reminds me of a 852S. I fished the 7-6 and could not find a technique it could not do. You can fish light baits and you can fish a vision 110. If I wasn't a gear junky I would sell all my spinning rods and buy two of these and call it a day.
  6. I really like captain CA Richardson and watching his show Flats Class. He fishes Bates reels for inshore and says really good things about them. I'm sure they are worth trying out at least. I know the professionals are typically sponsored but it looks like a cool piece of equipment.
  7. Bought that rod too. Fished it all summer and love it!
  8. Fished both in spinning models. I didn't feel that the blank was different at all. Foam vs cork and the orochi has cool details but $100 difference? In my opinion...no.
  9. I use to fish flukes and now fish hard jerkbaits the most. It could just be me but I fished flukes in shallow water by docks or areas that were 6' and under. I have most of my luck on jerkbaits in clear lakes in 7-20 ft depths. If its summer I fish them fast with a pause here and there. When its colder the retrieve needs to be slow. If you want to fish a deep diving Megabass Vision 110 or Lucky Craft Pointer you can fish even deeper than 20 ft. Play around with the size of the bait too. If you are throwing a larger bait try using a Rapala XR-8 or something in the 3" range. Good luck! Try baits that look super natural. Silver / perch ect..
  10. Nice! Keep them in mind for saltwater fishing too. All species will eat these. Just make sure to get stronger hooks.
  11. I prefer natural colors that have some silver or flash to them. Perch and blue are great too.
  12. I'm sure I've said this before but I fish jerkbaits a ton and if its windy you are in for treat. They seem to work best when the surface is a mess. Not always fun fishing heavy wind but man the bite is good on a vision 110 or pointer 110. Get after it!
  13. I fished the Steez 7-6 with the regular size 110 and thought it was perfect too. This rod can do a lot no doubt.
  14. So you're are saying I was right? Enjoy!
  15. I've fished the 7'-6 steez and addermine. Only handled the 7-1 steez. The 7'6 steez can do just about everything and well too. If you want to wrap up 10 techniques into one rod. That is is the one. No pun intended.
  16. A rod that doubles over when you hook a bluegill
  17. I just asked the fish what they think. They prefer the St. Croix elite with no threads showing.
  18. That pretty odd. I would be doing the warranty process for the rod and just be a little extra careful with the next one. I feel like Loomis rods to not have a reputation for being brittle or snapping tips like that. Also very hard to tell how rods are handled and shipped before you buy them and fish. Some places do not tape the rod to one end of the tube when shipping ect...
  19. Just bought all three colors and a couple back ups in case I break one off.
  20. Handles 110's like a champ. 2.0 crank no problem. This model does almost everything well.
  21. I haven't read through all the responses so maybe someone mentioned this but try using some different retrieve speeds with pauses or jerks while fishing the cranks. Sometimes I fish squarebills almost like a jerkbait with pauses and small twitches. If they are wanting the jerkbait though then run with that. I mean what beats a jerkbait anyway? They always work!
  22. I sealed all rods for years with U40 but lately I just prefer the feel and look of them getting used. Just not as concerned about them looking brand new. They catch fish either way
  23. bring less rods
  24. Been happy with Rapala mag spring and Kastking cutthroat pliers. Both are budget friendly and last several seasons. The Kastking saltwater model is awesome. I bring on all my trips and as long and you rinse off they last a long time a well.
  25. Legend would be my choice! Great design this time around.
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