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  1. Quanjig are there smallmouth bass in the reservior??
  2. I saw a couple guys launching a kayak above bull run on kincheloe road by the soccer fields, I don't know if it is legal but there are places to park and you can walk a couple yards to the water and launch, and are there walleye in the occoquan? I met a person who swore he caught on buy the bridge
  3. I have no idea how to read a fish finder but is that a hump in almost 60 ft of water?
  4. Launched out of bull run at 6 am on my kayak, saw and heard tons of fish jumping on the surface. And of course I forgot all my top water gear so I had to improvise and reel a creature bait as fast as I could onto and only caught one fish (3lbs). Fished for 5 hours after and caught nothing. I don't have a fish finder so finding fish deep is impossible. Any tips? I went up river by the soccer fields and saw a dying carp and thats about it.
  5. My first post here, but have been lurking and reading for years LOL! But launched out of Lake Ridge at 5:45 and went up river, saw tons of herons, 2 bald eagles, a beaver, and some foxes. Kinda makes you forget you're so close to DC. Only saw to other boats fishing. Caught 5 bass and snagged a tiny flathead. Biggest fish @ 3#'s. Saw TONS of baitfish boiling at the surface and bass hitting isolated schools of bluegill. All fish caught swimming a 8inch curly tail worm in about 1-6feet of water
  6. Hey I'm fairly new to Nova region i live in woodbridge and I want to know where some good fishing ponds are that i can fish from shore? Ive tried lake mercer, and burke and got skunked. Ive had a little luck at lake omisol in woodbidge and thats it. Any location is helpful please
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