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Big Fish Small Pond

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  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
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  1. Everybody has a go-to lure when they want to procure a bite on the slowest of fishing days. I am curious as to what lure it is that people here on BR reach for when the going gets tough.
  2. Thanks for the feedback guys. Definitely appreciating the descriptive, informative, and lively discussion. Personally, I love hooking a 3.5-4lb bass on ultra light gear. That kind of fight is what fishing is all about. Thanks, Big Fish Small Pond
  3. What is the difference in utilization and application between a 5' Ultralight Power Moderate Action Spinning Rod and a 5' 6" Ultralight Power Fast Action Spinning Rod? Thanks, Big Fish Small Pond
  4. Thanks for your input so far guys. I'm in the process of upgrading my UL gear, do feel free to keep the suggestions and insights coming. Thanks, Big Fish Small Pond
  5. Hey BR, What is a good UL spinning rod and a good UL spinning reel for panfish(smaller bass included)? Thanks, Big Fish Small Pond
  6. Hey BR, What rods are you guys pairing your Pflueger President 6930 Spinning Reels with? Also, what rods are you guys pairing your Shimano Stradic 2500 Spinning Reels with? Thanks, Big Fish Small Pond
  7. Thanks for the input guys. I think I have found what I was looking for. Any further information would be appreciated though. Big Fish Small Pond
  8. Thanks Spankey, I do like those St. Croix's. Now if only they were on sale tho lol. Thanks, Big Fish Small Pond
  9. Thanks for the input ibob. I am interested in getting a St. Croix, preferably somewhere on sale. Big Fish Small Pond
  10. Any recommendations for a M/F or ML/XF Spinning Rod under $100 would be much appreciated. I am doing some of my own research, buy would like to get input from you guys at BR. Thanks, Big Fish Small Pond
  11. I figured as much, seen and grabbed the right stuff today in Wally World. I guess that is what I get for reading in the comment section on YouTube and another forum that started the batting was it. Thanks for looking out SmallJaw
  12. What kind of poly foam is used? Also, short of filing my barbs, are there any other solutions for bucktail storage?
  13. The "NU-Foam" premium densified batting that is supposed to be used as described in the YouTube video does not work as shown in that video. It is very difficult to grab the hooks out of the foam after it is hooked into the material. As it is densified, there just seems to be layers of fabric material to get caught on the hook. I realize how to put the foam in the slot(it is literally in the video), that is not the issue. What foam material did you use in order to get the desired results? Thanks, Rick
  14. Yea, I have tried the storage idea from the YouTube link. The foam that is said to work in the video does not. Thanks for the responses though guys. Keep it coming. Thanks, Rick
  15. Hey BassResource, What kind of storage are you guys utilizing for your bucktail jigs?
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