I have been making lures for 3 years now and I have learned a lot from the internet, but I first bought an e-book from Kermett Adams which was indespensible on how to do it. You can go to his website ( http://www.klures.com/index.html)and find it there. I have e-mailed him several times and he has answered many questions for me. Big C said it right when "you should start with topwater baits and then move down the water column". Topwater baits are super easy to make and you can hone your skills with those until it's time to tackle crankbaits. They are by far the hardest to make, mainly because you have to get the ballast right, and the bill completely in balance with the rest of the body for it to run right. I know I am still trying to get that correct! There are many guys here on the internet that have figured it out but you really should try some first to figure some things out yourself before inundating someone with questions on how. (I say this only with crankbaits) You have to understand these guys have been tinkering trying to figure out how for many years and for someone to ask after their hardwork could set some off. After saying this these same guys have been enormous in their help on how to do things, I'm just saying try some of the work yourself before asking, that is the fun of it! There are many forums here and videos to learn some things so start there. I hope this hasn't discouraged you but encouraged you to get your hands dirty and give it a try! If it stops being fun there is no reason to continue doing it. You can e-mail me questions if needed and I will help if I can and if I can't hopefully I can direct you in the right place. Hope this helped.
Michael Bruner
Trinity Lure Company