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About bcarter261

  • Birthday 01/30/1989

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Orlando, FL
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass

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  1. Thanks Wayne. As always, you're very helpful. I'm going to purchase the thru hull for sure. I'd like to purchase the better transducer as well. I'll start looking around online. I was flying across the lake and hit a set of waves that ripped it off. It was pretty rough and I'm not exactly suprised with the plastic mount the thing came with. It could have cracked as you mention. I was pretty careful installing it, but you never know.
  2. 19.5 ft ranger 397v fish n ski
  3. Hello, Yesterday I ripped the transducer off the back of my boat somehow and now I'm stuck deciding what to do. This is the transom mount SI ducer for a Helix 5. I purchased a helix 5 when they first came out and to replace the transducer I'm looking at roughly $150. Would it make most sense to just replace the transducer or should upgrade the unit at the same time to take advantage of some of the newer larger units that are connectable and things? I only have one unit now that I have at the drivers seat for graphing. Don't have anything up front yet at the casting deck but I'd like to get something up there as well. Also, if anyone has an extra "XNT 9 SI 180 T" transducer please let me know. Thanks!
  4. dude lake mary is loaded with golf course ponds full of bass. In all the neighborhoods in the retention ponds you'll find bass as well. Just google Map the area and you'll see them everywhere.
  5. I need to learn how to read the water and the conditions around me a lot better. I've become a boat fisherman this last year and am finally getting an eye for the right spots somewhat, but really need to master how to eliminate the unproductive waters before fishing them. I can catch fish, now I need to learn how to find them on a more consistent basis.
  6. They aren't however I believe you could use humminbirds pc software to download the way points and add them to the front unit (with the sd card). I'm not 100% sure if you're looking to do more than that, or even if you are able to transfer them like that, but it's worth looking into. The helix 5 is real nice and that 7 is looking sweet. I would purchase the 5 again.
  7. where'd you pick up the rig?
  8. Anybody have any tips for this tough summer fishing? Haven't been having the best of luck lately here in Orlando area. We've been throwing all kinds of stuff but have had some luck on a carolina rig. This is my first summer fishing from a boat.
  9. Thanks for the help everyone I mounted it on the 2nd tier to the right and went for a spin today. Seems to be getting good signal it's a clear image. Able to get readings to a good enough speed for me.
  10. Hi guys I'm just looking for some opinions on the best spot to mount this transducer on my Ranger 397v fish and ski. It's the stock hummingbird helix 5 si transducer. I've searched and I cant seem to find a transom quite like mine. It's got 3 tiers so i'm not sure where would be best to mount this for optimal performance. I'm considering mounting a transducer board but i'm not sure i have room. Attached is a photo of the transom and drain areas. Please let me know what you think!
  11. Thanks guys I appreciate the input. I'll start at shingle creek and work from there and hopefully pull in some pigs!
  12. My buddy and I will be making our first trip out to Toho tomorrow and being first timers out there we dont want to get skunked! I was just looking for some tips on where we should go. Any of you guys know the water out there? Thanks in advance!
  13. Bluebasser that's kind of the problem, I just bought this troller for my trihull not expecting to be getting a bigger better boat. It's a foot controlled minn kota edge. I'd rather not lose out on the money spent on the new TM, plus have to get the funds for a new 24v motor. I know it's not ideal but im not a hardcore fisherman anyways, so at least for now, I'd like to just use what I have. Save up for the right one and then sell this one. The main issue I'm having is how to wire the minn kota to the existing Ranger style 4 pin plug. I have found out plenty of ways to wire it for 24V, but none for 12. Can I just wire them in parallel as you suggested and only use 2 of the inputs at the TM plug, effectively making a 2 prong plug?
  14. Okay thanks for your help, I will look into it.
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