Hello everyone, I'm a newbie on this forum.
Have read several post an enjoyed what I read, especially w/o all the negative response you seem to have on other forums, just something about Big Sam, most locals don't care to share Anything.
To each there own.
I enjoy reading others advice they are willing to share, an don't mind sharing what little I know.
My boat stays at my camp, so Big Sam is usually the only lake I fish, at times I venture over to the Bend.
IMO they are both Excellent lakes, structure, grass, woods, creeks ect.
I ramp at Harvey Creek, an 90% of the time fish that area.
Black Forest, Indian Creek, Hog Branch, Harvey, 147 Flats.
My biggest hang up, and something I really am going to work on this next year, is getting away from the shallow water. Trying to save up for a decent graph, and start fishing deeper water.
My Dad always seemed to fish shallow water, an caught some nice fish in the hydrilla an backs of creeks,
But I sure have read where y'all seem to be doing good out deeper at certain times of the year.
Hope I can gain some info from y'all thru out the following weeks months years ect.
Just fished Indian Creek, but headed back towards the back instead of working my way towards the lake side.
Truth be told, got skunked!! Not ashamed to say it, that lake can be great one day, and brutal the next.
And as y'all all know, the wind can be a "small" factor! Lol
If I can be of any help, please ask away
I'm sure hoping a newer graph an advice on here will help me catch a few more.
Happy Holidays Everybody
Sorry so long, just trying to introduce myself to a fantastic forum!