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Everything posted by roblo

  1. Hey Red Haven't been night fishing in a while, last time the bugs about carried me away, lol What's your secret with that?? Y'all have a great day! Rob
  2. I was up there two weekends ago, found the fish schooling chasing shad towards the bank, in 6-8 fow. Whites an blacks mixed, was a lot of fun, biggest around 3 lbs. That was closer to dark, maybe an hour before sunset. Mornings had real good luck throwing a Stanley top toad, ribbit, in the grass. Caught several early then they shut off. I fish out of Harvey, mud creek is good fishing, Good luck
  3. Anybody been fishing big Sam lately? Gonna go to the camp and mow, and do chores Will try to at least fish the mornings. Any suggestions is greatly appreciated This ol'boy can use all the help I can get!! Lol
  4. Very nice fish! Congrats Red, that makes fighting the heat worth it. You in deeper water around structure? Seems like there is still lots of bass in the shallows too. Again dude, nice catch
  5. Anybody do any good over the weekend? Red, you been out lately?
  6. Yes sir, I have priced the garmins,would take a winning lottery ticket to put them on my boat too, lol The pic is really nice though! May try a little night fishing myself next weekend or maybe next good moon. Weather permitting Take care
  7. My dad fished that lake an I grew up fishing it a lot, not as much as I wanted. He is like your dad, loved the bank/shallow water. And he has caught some nice fish, but during the dog days of summer, seems to me, if I was a fish, I would be headed deeper just for the cooler temps. Confidence is the key word you mentioned, an a quality graph. Can't amagin seeing some fish deep, and then being able to catch them. That would be awesome! A few more months thinking about getting a nice graph, leaning toward a HDS 7 touch combo. Would like one at console an one up front, not sure yet. Any suggestions, Red?
  8. I was able to get on the lake a couple times over the weekend, it was nice an hot, that's for sure. Caught several small bass, 12-15" Only fished a couple hours each time, had a lot of chores to do at the camp. Bluebird skies an very little wind made it tough for me. I need a nice graph and then force myself to get off the banks, lol
  9. Hey Red Not to bad at all, about how deep was you fishing? Good Lord willing, I'll leave tomorrow after work, would like to fish Friday morning for a little bit. And then again late evening till dark. Thanks for the report
  10. With the water dropping, now we are left some ramps that are in really bad shape, at least the one I use at Harvey Creek park. It is extremely bad, an since the forest service took the park over years ago, not sure if it will get fixed or not. It's about 2 miles from my camp, convenient as all get out! I'll be going that way after work this Thursday, will get back on here an leave some kind of report, hopefully a good one, lol
  11. Thanks for the report Red_Ranger Have to go that way this weekend to mow, If the weather is right, may go a couple hours in the mornings. You think since the lakes dropping fast, that has something to die with bit? It does on the smaller lakes, not sure about the bigger lakes Thanks for sharing
  12. Anybody been fishing Big Sam? It is a little warm during the day, lol Haven't been myself, just like to hear what's going on. Thanks
  13. Was over there last weekend, caught several on a rage blade, frog and jig/craw trailer. In about 10-12 fow Only had time to fish fri and sat morning for a couple hours. Wanted to do some night fishing, but mowing an cleaning fence lines at the camp wore me out. It's good an warm out, that's for sure. Let us know how you do! And good luck to you
  14. I'm a shallow water fishermen, an it's good at times. But after reading yalls post an comments on here, I really need to invest in a good depth finder an make myself get away from the shallows. I enjoy reading all of y'all's tips an advice for fishing deep structure and ledges. All of which I hope to learn in the near future. I don't fish tournys, just love to be out on the lake, peaceful and stress free! My dad always fished shallow, and that's what I learned. We would snag a few good ones here an there, but the deep bite sure sounds like the way to go, especially this time of year. Thanks for sharing all the experience you guys do! Excellent reading material Have a good day Rob
  15. Yes sir, that is a great thing they did by starting high school fishing. Sure wish that was going on when I was younger! Excellent thing indeed for the young men and women today!
  16. I didn't fish the big tourney last weekend, does anybody know how many ppl or teams that was in it? Did hear about the man giving the boat away to the gentlemen fishing from the dock, you surely don't see that outstanding gesture very often! My hats off to him, an hope the other fellow gets to enjoy the rig. I'm going to Rayburn this weekend, try an finish my water well issue at the camp. But hopefully I'll have the time to get out on the water, I'm guessing the backside of the spawn is still happening, an the others are in post spawn stage?? It's been several weeks since I've been on lake, all or any info is greatly appreciated Thanks Rob
  17. Anybody been fishing Big Sam??
  18. Thanks for the reports, seems like when the weekends rolls around, the weather throws us a curve ball. Small fronts, rain or bluebird skies! That's part of it I suppose.
  19. I was fishing out of Harvey, last weekend also. Maybe try south as Bullet20 said Good luck Bass_Fanatic Let me know how things went Will be after Easter weekend before I get back over there Take care
  20. I did hear they was catching them with a tex-rig lizard Didn't work for me, same as the brush hogs, I tried them both. May have just been in the wrong spot??
  21. The lake is a little over five ft high. Which makes the area they spawned in last yr, about 6-8 ft of water now. And getting to the "shallow" water now, is tough, at least the area I usually fish. Water temp varies, main lake 58 Back part of creeks 60-62 I have noticed that around 64 or better, is the magic number, to get them into a better spawn. That's just me though, could be wrong. The few fish I caught, still had eggs Maybe this next full moon will get them going a little better. It was tough fishing for me, bluebird skies after that little front on last thur. Fished fri an sat, only caught a few. Caught one on a ribbit frog an the others on a jig Good luck
  22. What do y'all think this little cool snap we have gotten today, how will it effect the fishing? I know it's not a massive front, but the barometric pressure changing, just curious how it will effect things Thanks Rob
  23. Thanks Bass_Fanatic, and back water, I bet last Saturday was a rough outing in the rain. Glad y'all caught some fish, and thanks for the help. I'll post back first part of the week an let y'all know how things went. Thanks again Rob
  24. Thanks Bass_Fanatic, and back water, I bet last Saturday was a rough outing in the rain. Glad y'all caught some fish, and thanks for the help. I'll post back first part of the week an let y'all know how things went. Thanks again Rob
  25. That's some nice fish, still hunting my DD! They already moved to the beds on Rayburn? I'm sure gonna try my luck this coming weekend What's a good bait an color to use? Plastics, senkos, spinnerbaits an jigs? Thanks for any advice Y'all have a good day an good luck!
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