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Everything posted by roblo

  1. How did the HS tournament go? y'all get on some nice fish?
  2. I heard the tournament last weekend was won in 15-20 fow on c-rigs im more of a shallow water fishermen, you can catch some around the flooded grass, but not any size for a tourney. i need to force myself to fish offshore, may have to go with a guide for pointers. Never tried that. good luck with your tourney
  3. Good info Tomxs, I recently got a 73dv, going to get the 93sv for the console. I will have several questions I'm sure, but the biggest one now is, can you get a boat lanes chip for the Garmin i fish two lakes, Sam Rayburn and Toledo Bend in Texas, curious to if or how I could use a chip from boatlanes.com thanks Rob
  4. Thanks everybody for the advice. Going to try it Thursday-Saturday. I'm sure I'll start out shallow, I'm more confident with that. But will try to ease out if nothing going on. will report back, hopefully with good info, lol
  5. I went out this last weekend, carried my dad, bad conditions for me. Cold front blew in an the dreaded blue bird skies, I seem to struggle with those two conditions every time. Fishing was tough, stayed shallow due to the wind, only caught a few small fish using plastics. Had a good time visiting with my dad, and I thank the good Lord he is still able to get around an enjoy the outdoors and soak up the peaceful surroundings that nature has to offer. Wish that everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a safe and blessed holidays
  6. That's a nice fish Red I believe that little front that came in last wed or thur had something to do with the bite. Gotta love watching that blow up on the frog, nothing better
  7. Well I finally got over to the camp, was able to fish a few hours Friday and Saturday. Caught some dinks, just wasn't able to get anything going my way. That's the kind of relationship me and Big Sam has, it can love me one day, and hate me the next!! Lol Just being able to get out on the water is a great feeling, yeah a big bass would be great, but... Maybe next time Y'all have a great day An I hope you have better luck next time your out fishing
  8. I read somewhere that the Florida bass grow a lot faster than the other bass, not sure if that has a role with the tpwd deciding they didn't want that bass. A 13 lb bass to me, is a monster!! Don't matter if native or Florida! A fish of a lifetime for sure!
  9. Thanks for sharing that Red Congrats indeed to that guy, That is a fish of a lifetime! Skin mount, replica mount His fish his decision is right
  10. Red I've been checking in here to see how you've done, sounds like you had a good time. It's kinda funny throwing a frog, some days you can boat them, the next day your pulling out your hair! Could be dead wrong, but seems with all this cool rain and the runoff the lake will be getting, should have the shad in the creeks eating the plankton associated with the fresh water running into the lake. I haven't had time to go that way, but I am this coming weekend, weather permitting. Thanks for the report My wrist is not like it used to be, cranking a crank bait would wear me out, not the fish, lol Take care If I do get a chance this weekend, I'll come back an report
  11. Yeah the lake is a little low, not sure how much rain they got that way. With the cooler rain and small front, should drop the water temp, hopefully the bass will start getting in that fall pattern. I wanted to head that way this coming weekend but may have to wait until the next one. I'm sure the weekend I don't go, that's when the big girls will bite, lol Good luck Red Y'all take care
  12. They close all the boat ramps on Rayburn? Or is everybody taking care of that honey-do list? I was there last weekend, Friday did fairly good in the flooded grass both morning an evening. Saturday tried the same thing an all I could catch was a few dinks! The fish was there chasing shad, they just didn't want anything I threw at them! Going to try to head that way this coming weekend, weather permitting. Glad we're getting this rain an not that massive hurricane they got over there. That was a monster! Take care all, an let's hear some reports please!
  13. Thanks Big Sack and Red Bet ya that 11 lb'r had my name on it, lol That's a big toad for sure! Looks like this coming week will be a little cooler in the mornings, maybe that will help some Thanks guys
  14. Anybody get a chance to fish Big Sam the last few days? Hopefully I'll get my boat wet this coming Friday morning! Got the fever, lol
  15. The wind was blowing Friday, I caught some solid fish on my big toad, ended up in the back of a creek, out of the wind throwing a havoc kraw under the brush. Got a few an a few hung me up, they was hitting it as soon as it hit the water. Biggest one 5 lbs Saturday evening was good, the frog bit came alive, lol
  16. I really enjoy frog fishing first thing in the morning. I have a couple of those yellow magics, sure will give them a workout too, thanks for the advice, Red! Good luck to you this weekend, you too Skeeter!
  17. Red I'm gonna try and head that way thurs night. Hope the weather cooperates so I can get the boat wet! Maybe I'll snag me one of those "redneck bubba bass" lol
  18. 2 months is a good stretch, I have to work this weekend and next. Hopefully I'll get back over there after this rush job is done!! Rayburn does look good now!!
  19. Way to go Red! Very nice bass, yes indeed I'm still chasing my DD, it's fun chasing! Lol Congrats
  20. Well Red, I went out Friday morning, was throwing a top toad back in the flooded grass, second cast I drug out a 6 lb or better along with grass an everything else. 2-3 ft from the boat he came out of the water an spit the hook out. When he blew up on it, he swam toward the bottom, never set the hook. Surprised I was able to drag him 15 or so yards through all that thick stuff. When I got over having my head up my ___! I did end up keeping 4 Biggest a little over 4 lbs. Caught one on a swim bait hooked weedless close to the grass. Being overcast made fishing a lot better for me. Went Saturday morning didn't keep any. Went again this morning and was able to catch two more on the top toad. 3 an a 4 lb'r Love that cooler weather, fishing should get better an better! Y'all have a nice day
  21. With the lake level back to normal, or a hair low, anybody been seeing the hydrilla on the surface yet? Just curious!
  22. Red, I was born an raised in Orangefield. Worked that 12 hr rotating shift at Cloeren for years. Moved to Brenham in 97' work at MIC Group, machining oil and gas down hole tools. Always fished Big Sam, have a camp real close to Harvey Park. Would love to live closer, just to fish mid week. But like you said, deer season opens, might see 1-2 trucks at the ramp, if that. The fall is the best part of the year for me, just never seems to last long enough lol. Good Lord willing I'll be at the ramp Friday morning Can't wait
  23. Matter a fact, I had a chance to work today, so I jumped on it. Was going to the camp, just gonna put it off till next weekend. Plus it shouldn't be as much boat traffic, hopefully they'll be a few bass left in there, lol I enjoy fishing the fall, an it's getting close!! Y'all have a nice day
  24. Red, I sure will keep that in mind the next time I'm out after dark! Thanks for the warning!! Knats and skeeters flying around, a person just wouldn't expect that, lol Might have to fish a jig, really slowwww and quite lol
  25. Wow Red, I've seen bats at the camp there, around the security lights. Never thought about them bothering you on the lake like that!!
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