BL, it does take a bit of getting used to it, especially without a weight. You have to leave a little slack in your line, not a lot. watching your slightly slack line helps, but when mine is dropping from the cast, I'll twitch mine. Couple different reasons, first it's to get all the slack out of the line, lightly feeling my senko, I know I don't have to wait for a lot of slack to be taken out when it gets hit.
Second, a lot of the time a bass will hit it on the fall, with a very light twitch, I feel I have a better chance of feeling the strike.
And when the senko is falling from the cast, by lightly twitching you change up movement of the fall. If a bass is watching it and thinking about hitting it, a sudden change and quick little movement of the bait usually results in a strike.
now this is how I taught myself to use this weightless, I'm sure other ppl have there best way also.
theres no right or wrong way, just have to try a few and you'll automatically go with what you feel is better for you.