Bucket A: Ish Monroe
This was easy. This guy is killer in California. He knows how to catch em down there and his strenths are punching and frogging. I think he'll whack them.
If I change my mind, it'll be for Skeet.
Bucket B: Brent Ehrler
Again, this is an easy choice. Cali native, fishes there a lot.
If I change my mind, it'll be for Chris Lane
Bucket C: Alton Jones
For some reason, I really struggled on this one. Everybody seems to be picking Hite and Evers, just didn't seem like I wanted to get either of those. This was a definite dark horse and he may be gone tomorrow. If I change my mind, I'll go with the flow and pick Hite
Bucket D: Bobby Lane I think he'll do well. He has some strong sibling redemption motives for catching up with Chris .
If I change my mind, it'll be for Paul Elias. Just another dark horse I think will do well.
Bucket E: Jared Litner
No-brainer again. He's a native and loves do the Cali stuff, froggin' and all that.
If I change my mind, it'll be for Brandon Palaniuk. He's bound to do well before too long.
Your choices?