Not a lot of time to pick your rosters after the Delta, so get ready ladies and gentleman!
Bucket A: Michael Iaconelli
What I'm looking for: people who can fish those deep rocky resovoirs. I know both Aaron Martens and Dean Rojas are great choices, but they have an incredible ownership rate, so I'll pass for now. I think this fishery lines up well for Ike, especially since his finish at the Delta hurt a little because he's done so well there in the past. Get ready to get Ike!!
If I change my mind, I think I would go for Chris Zaldain, simply because he's really good with a dropshot and such.
Bucket B: Mike Mcclelland I think Mcclelland is a good choice here, seems to do well on these types of lakes. If I change my mind, I'll go with David Walker.
Bucket C: Alton Jones
My mind immediately runs to Edwin Evers, but I haven't seen the kind of performance yet from him that justifies that choice. Alton is a good guy and I think this fishery sets up for him well.
If I change my mind, I'll probably go with Edwin anyway.
Bucket D: Jonathon VanDam
As much as I want to say Brandon Palaniuk, because I really really like Brandon and I think he has the proper attitude going into this event, I'm gonna have to go with JVD. Why? Well, the two of them are both really good at deep, rocky lakes. There's always competition between them and one of them will always do really well. With 26.5% betting on Palaniuk and only 2.4% on JVD, I'll take the chance. I wish they were in separate buckets, though.
If I changed my mind, it'll be for Brandon because he's one of my fishing heroes.
Bucket E: Stephen Browning
Browning is an AR native, and it's time for a charge in the top twelve!! Expected to do well at the Delta, he didn't have his game together. But watch out........he could be dangerous
If I change my mind, it'll be for Takahiro Omori, just because.
Good luck guys!