Thanks SirSnookalot.
You know, I just got into bass fishing about a year ago. I read and watched as much as I could, took what I learned out on the water, and I feel like my skill level has improved over the year. That said, I am by no means an expert.
This thread was intended to help people like me who have started to fish senkos a lot to up their game. I'm not trying to rock the fishing world with some tricks that no one's seen before. I'm trying to create a fresh thread that helps people like me who haven't seen it all with some info that hasn't been said much on here before. I know, because I've looked through a lot of senko threads. Obviously people have talked about a quiet presentation and such before but some of what I posted hasn't been brought out on BR much, at least in the past year, if not the past fishing history.
Shutting up about a topic because it's been discussed a lot before doesn't help answer the new people's questions. I really care about helping newer people learn how to fish better. That's one of my passions. It's why I've written several articles on the main section of BR. My series on setting up a baitcaster is the same way. Obviously if you've been fishing for twenty years with a baitcaster, you're not going to gain anything from my series. If you've been fishing a senko for 30 or 40 years, this thread is not news to you. If you're more experienced and have seen it all, this thread really wasn't intended for you.
Hope this clarifies my intention.
I'm trying not to make this a battleground. I've seen plenty of people lose their tempers over the course of my time on here. I'm not going to be one of them. Please try to help advance the discussion. If you don't think this thread is anything special, no one's requiring you to read + post on it.