Plenty of time to pick your rosters for this one. I think it's gonna prove to be a really cool tournament. From what I've seen about Kentucky Lake, cranking is king on it, so I'm looking for solid crankers who don't have everybody and their brother picking them.
Here's mine:
Bucket A: Keith Combs
I wasn't the only one who wanted KVD, so I decided to go with Keith Combs, who is a fabulous cranker as well. Unfortunately, 7.2% have picked him already, but compared to the 42.1& that picked Kevin, I'm content.
I really like Ike as well, and I think Ike's gonna get back at it after not making the 50 cut at Havasu. If I change my mind, it'll definintely be for Ike.
Bucket B: Mark Davis
Mark is a solid angler, and more importantly, an experienced cranker. Only 2.3% have picked him, so I consider him a steal in this bucket.
Bucket C: Brian Snowden
Lot of variety in this bucket. I seriously considered Brian Snowden and Hank Cherry and finally decided on Brian. A dark horse but I think he'll do well.
Bucket D: Kurt Dove
I'll take all the dark horses I can get, and Dove has 0 ownership right now. I think this lake will set up well for the texas people, and I'm confident he can catch them.
Bucket E: Kevin Hawk
Nobody really stood out to me in this bucket, so I went with Kevin Hawk for no real reason.
Good luck guys! Hopefully that 2000 dollar giftcard will be mailed out to one of us after this!!