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Senko lover

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Everything posted by Senko lover

  1. I honestly don't know....I just want to fight one really bad.
  2. Finally, someone who smiles in their pics! Great fish.
  3. Swinging fish with drag low is not a good idea.
  4. Warning: Graphic content! lol those bites are nasty!
  5. There are carp in the ponds I fish ranging in my estimation up to 60 pounds. I've tried corn, bread, cherry tomatos, even snagging, and I can't catch one of the darn things.
  6. These are a little older pictures, I have more stuff than that now, but that gives you an idea of how I roll.
  7. I absolutely love Hula Poppers. They produce better than anything else for me.
  8. Nice fish Joe! Hopefully you double that one soon!
  9. Dang! Those are some beasts! Nice job.
  10. Lund, I realize nothing I say is going to further the conversation or appease you, so I'm not going to take it any farther. Have a great Memorial Day weekend, and I hope that your march won't be rained on. Congrats on your granddaughter graduating!
  11. Here's somebody who wasn't sure if he wanted to be a mechanical engineer or a computer engineer, so he majored in both: http://www.njit.edu/features/student/michael-anderson.php
  12. I just picked up my first chatterbait. I got the original ZMan one because Cabelas didn't carry anything else.
  13. On behalf of all the bank fisherman on BR, I let it go on record that I take offense at your title. Is that the only way you can catch or lose bass? The best bass I've banked this year was a 7 3/4 lb. largemouth. I was dragging a Yum Wollee Bullee with a 3/0 VMC hook and a 1/4 oz. sinker over some logs and she grabbed it. The best bass I've lost this year was the same one in the same pond. She smoked a Cyclone Classic buzzbait in pouring rain. I fought her for about a minute, she jumped and let me get a good look at her, and then suddenly she was gone.
  14. Now what would have been funny, is if you have left out the "r" in friend!!
  15. First of all, I'm really sorry if I offended you. I did in my original post say that I'm sure-and my friends have told me- that there are some positive influences in public schools and some teachers that invest in their students and try to make a difference in their lives. But, I have heard far, far, more stories about all the bad influences. I did say that often the students and teachers are mean. On the contrary, many of my friends are public schoolers who are great people. But for every school that my friends have told me about and I've heard elsewhere about, for every good student and positive teacher, there are multiple bad ones. For every good student and positive teacher, there are multiple others that undo their work. For every public-schooled friend I have, I've had to choose not to hang out with lots of others who couldn't be clean if they tried, or smoke weed, or could care less what their parents tell them. Can you honestly say that every teacher in your school and every student in your school are people you would want your kids or your best friends kid's to be around/under? Thank you for your work and your investment in your student's lives. If you make a positive influence in your school, I'm not saying anything about you. Again, I apologize for coming across your work in a negative light. Public school is something, as you've seen, that I feel strongly about. I have had a lot of good friends switch ovre from private school or homeschooling, and that experience created a rift in our relationship. They were easily swayed by negative influences and suddenly became people that I had no interest in being friends with. Forgive me if I went too far. It's ironic the posts that I can get myself into in a Bass fishing forum. There are times when it would be better just to shut my mouth. Kyle
  16. I like their Pencil Tate better than a Spook.
  17. No, no no no no! See a psychologist. Get counsel. Do ANYTHING other than doubt the senko. Please don't share such depressing information again.
  18. Got the goods today at Cabelas, so hopefully I'll try it out on Monday.
  19. Oh, and, homeschool has really helped me fish more and learn how to fish better, FWIW. My parents let me take the day off or work ahead to watch BASS live and the Classics. I get out of school earlier than most people because I don't have a bus and such, and when I'm not working, I'll usually hit the pond.
  20. Disadvantages.....It's a little harder to get into sports, but you can aways do Rec leagues. You don't have as many friends, although I have plenty. Homeschooling is a lot more relaxed, and if you're not a person that really has initiave and wants to excel, it's a lot easier to get away with things like late assignments and such. My mom used to micromanage my schooling, but now that I'm older I pretty much have my own schedule and such. Procrastination is a lot easier. Thankfully, I have that type of "go-and-get-em" nature, but I know other people who have slacked off a good bit and gotten away with it. I started at age 4 instead of age 5, and so I'm a grade ahead of most public schoolers. Plus, one of my parent's goals in the schooling I get and the curriculum we use is to make me think for myself. My siblings and I are far advanced in thinking and writing for our age. That has actually played into bass fishing, with articles I've written for BR and posts on here. Social skills.....I have lots of friends in my neighbourhood that I play backyard sports with, and friends at church, so I don't struggle to strike up a conversation and make friends. But again, I have an outgoing personality and that helps. It depends on the way you are. One of the things about homeschooling is that you can help your kids make their dreams accessible. For instance, my older sister has no aspirations of future education. She wants to be a mom and a photographer. She's struggled a lot in math and science through the years. She just graduated last week. Well, the last year, she did a lot of photography classes and did a lot of Homeck by making all the meals at home. She still did some regular stuff, but those things helped her far more than Trigonometry would have. For me, my life aspiration is to serve God on the mission field somewhere or be in Pastoral ministry. Alongside with math and science and regular stuff, I do a lot of Bible and do some very advanced theological essays and reading. Instead of taking Spanish or German or something, I'm taking Biblical Greek so that I can translate the bible in it's original language. We're probably pretty unusual in future life goals , but you get my point: you can customize your kids learning experience to their skills and dreams.
  21. Yes, I have. I've had a lot of time to think about advantages. People tend to stereotype homeschoolers as nerdy geeks, which is certainly not true. I have a lot of problems (as do my parents) with public schooling and common core education. Public schools are really lousy. The teachers are often mean, the students are often bullies and very inappropriate. I have seen lots of nice little kids start going to public school and become wrongly influenced, and turn out to be rebellious brats. There may be some positive influences, but my parents would far rather put their influences more into my life than people that they have no idea about. Plus, we are strong Christians, and that influences our curriculum and worldview as well. The biggest advantage of homeschooling is the flexibility. Because I can do school around other things, I was able to secure a job this spring in landscaping. It's next to impossible for public schoolers to get a job during school, yet I got one at 14. I do school when I get home. Homeschooling does have it's downsides, but the pros far outweigh the cons for me. It's very unusual to get a job like I have at 14, and I can get a headstart on saving up for college. Really the key for a successful homeschool is what makes most people not do it; your wife has to stay at home instead of working and invest more in your kids. Most moms and families aren't willing to give up a second income for that.
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