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Senko lover

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Everything posted by Senko lover

  1. Pretty outlandish!
  2. Lebron carried the team on his shoulders the entire way....he and he alone put their team in the finals.
  3. Definitely try the Bill Lewis and the Cotton Cordell Spots.....both excellent cranks for a low price. Sometimes they want one, sometimes they want the other.
  4. Nice!
  5. Sitting at home will accomplish little for you. Getting a job will teach you tons about responsibility, a work ethic, and of course will provide you with some money. Someday you'll have to think about paying for your own gas, car, home, and perhaps college. Do yourself a favour and look hard for a job I'm 14, and got a job working for a lawncare company this summer. Today, with a high of 99 and a RealFeel of 104, it's gonna be a LONG day of work. But I wouldn't quit for the world.
  6. Trick worms and Zoom finesse worms are staples for me. Also had good success on a rage craw.
  7. DUDE! That was a good read!
  8. Sorry, can't help ya. On the side, I used to live in Minneapolis. Great place, but a little cold . I wish I had been into fishing then, because it is chock full of lakes and ponds.
  9. Skipping with a baitcaster is a bit intimidating, but it's pretty simply once you get it down. I took my baitcasting combo to the creek by my house for several trips until I finally learned. Once you have your brakes set correctly-I usually put the brakes up a little and the spool tension like I normally would for casting-tie on a lure that skips well, like a jig. The secret is, you must skip fast. You have to whip your rod and shoot the lure. You can't pause, hesitate, or skip slowly. Dean Rojas describes it like swinging a baseball bat. As the lure skips across the water, keep your thumb on the spool and stop it once it's where it needs to go. The only way to learn is to practice! It's been a valuable technique for me ever since I learned how. You will get some backlashes, but it's worth it. Hope that helps.
  10. No problem man, glad we could help ya help out.
  11. Depends. The private pond close to my house: 6-7 pounds, 8 or 9 would be a good bag. The pond a few minutes down the road: 10 pounds would be about average, maybe 12 on a good day. Now, the private pond that my boss takes me to? There's a possibility for a twenty pound bag there. He caught a 5 1/2 pound bass last week. Can't wait to get back there.
  12. Well googling often brings up past threads. I just find it's actually easier to google a simple question than to post a topic on it. But I definitely agree, you get a wealth of information on here.
  13. I would have fished him!
  14. Maybe it's a generational thing . I always google stuff before I ask questions. If I can't find what I'm looking for, I take the time (and your time) to make a thread about it.
  15. I found it too. LOL! If I had been around then you would have had one more person on your side .
  16. It amazes me that you just don't google it! The ned rig is a small finesse presentation consisting of a small mushroom jighead and a Z-Man Finesse TRD. There's several good videos on it, just do some searches.
  17. That's what I was wondering!
  18. Post up the threads that you've enjoyed the most, learned the most, or laughed the most at: Favorites that I've created: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/145541-catching-the-wrong-species/ http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/155420-most-innovative-lure-companies/ http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/145884-biggest-fish-youve-ever-seen-but-not-caught/ Favorites of all time: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/147176-latest-tackle-purchase-thread-bait-monkey-victim-support-group/ http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/40660-show-off-your-stuff/ http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/25485-show-your-ride/ http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/12403-jig-fishing-questions/ http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/12401-senko-faq-%C2%A0look-here-first/ Those of course are by far the best of BR. There's been a lot more that I've really liked but can't dig up.
  19. This video kinda struck me in a different way than most do. It's a very entertaining video. Can you imagine fishing braid and frogs with a light action rod?? It looks like it'll break! This one's awesome: This one is just wrong in so many ways:
  20. That's really weird!
  21. Sancho is definitely a bet! I still think of "Poppy Chula" whenever I think of him. Did ya'll see that? It was pretty funny.
  22. Get ready......He makes some awesome baits. They work great.
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