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Senko lover

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Everything posted by Senko lover

  1. I can't wait till that happens to me. Good work.
  2. Topwater and a Rage Craw have produced pretty well for me. Shakeyhead for numbers. Swimming a Rage Craw t-rigged with a 1/4 oz. weight has gotten me the bigger bites. Same with a Cut'R worm.
  3. Typically a bluegill will hit it really hard, take slack in your line, and disappear. A bass will suck it in and maybe move the line a couple of inches.
  4. I keep my most of my go-tos in a Plano box with my terminal tackle and everything else in Ziploc bags in their original packaging.
  5. I've caught one on a paddle-tail swimbait. Surprised me lol.
  6. Great job Wolfy!
  7. A lot of people do that. I've caught fish with it, but prefer a finesse worm. Try a Rage Craw, it's a pretty sick combo.
  8. You asked, "Is Shimano Calais Dc Casting Reel With The Money?" Can't answer that, but I will tell you: It has to do with the Monkey!
  9. That must have been a fun fight! I believe ya.
  10. Gotcha I figured you worked a little harder than that.
  11. Those are some great fish for MN! Nice job. Used to live there.
  12. That's awesome man! We believe
  13. I'd be careful about having that attitude Kevin: you may find yourself penniless and destitute sleeping under a bridge some day. With a fishing rod, of course.
  14. Yum Wollee Bullee in Black/Red Flake. Ironically, the first soft plastic bait I had ever bought. Used them a couple of times, didn't care for them. Pulled them out about a year later, and BOOM!
  15. Let me correct that for you. "Work is for people who want to retire and fish but don't have the money."
  16. Wow. Great work, hope he recovers and everything.
  17. I was trying to fodder discussion.....we throw a lot of things that don't seem to imitate prey at all. I guess I was trying to say that imitating the forage in your waters is a good place to start.
  18. I didn't expect ya'll to go into great detail, I was just thinking through it in my head and decided to type up my ramblings....... In the end, we're trying to imitate a basses' prey. Bass prey heavily on both bluegill and shad, two forage items that are pretty easy to imitate color-wise. I heard KVD say in a video, "pick a soft plastic color that matches the bottom of your lake." The crawfish and worms aren't trying to stand out, they're actually trying to blend in and not be noticed. That is why I believe Green Pumpkin works so well. It also matches a lot of crawfish pretty closely. More food for thought
  19. Today I had a discussion with an older man in my church who spent a lot of his life fishing tournament trails across the country, including co-angling for a long time in FLW. He was talking to me about not wasting money on buying lures and colors I didn't need. When he was younger, he bought every single lure and bait in every single color that caught his eye. He has over $15,000 of those lures, baits and colors that he never used and that sit in his garage gathering dust. Some of it is just that it's way too much for someone to use in their lifetime, (which is why I'm buying some of it!), but most of it is colors of baits that he found weren't as effective as others. So, I figured that a discussion of basic, proven colors would help many members on here from buying tons of colors they don't need. Here's his synopsis. He says that these colors are what 90% of the big names on the tours threw when he was fishing with them. no matter where they were fishing. These were the categories we discussed. -Plastics and jigs: No suprises here. Green Pumpkin and Black & Blue. (Excluding flukes/swimbaits/shad imitators and topwaters) -Lipped Crankbaits: Blue with chartreuse sides (citrus shad), and some sort of plain shad imitator, such as sexy shad or the like. -Lipless Crankbaits: Gold/Chrome, Blue/Chrome, and a Red/Orange. -Spinnerbaits: Chatreuse/white, and white. He didn't go through every category, but that sums a lot of baits up. So, contribute your own thoughts, in particular if you've been fishing a long time. If you had only two or three colors to fish for each category, which ones would see the water? Soft Plastics (general) Soft Plastics (shad imitators) Soft Plastics (topwater) Topwater Lipless Cranks Shallow/Medium Cranks Deep Cranks Jerkbaits Jigs Spinnerbaits Buzzbaits Chatterbaits Frogs Or, if you don't feel like going through the list, how 'bout a more general couple of colors or your favorite colors for a technique you've specialized in? I'm not even going to pretend to know a lot in these categories-that's why I posted the thread. But, the more I fish, the more I find that the following colors work best: -Plastics (general): Green Pumpkin, Black & Blue (or Junebug), and Black/Red -Plastics (shad imitators): Pearl white, White/Blue back, and a bluegill imitator, such as Arkansas Shiner. -Soft Plastics (topwater): Green Pumpkin, White -Topwater: White, and a generic green. (Baby bass, Tennessee Shad) -Lipless Cranks: Sexy Shad, Red -Shallow/Medium Cranks: Sexy Shad, Bluegill, Chartreuse/Black Back -Deep Cranks and Jerkbaits: I don't fish a lot. -Jigs: Green Pumkin, Black/Blue, and Green Pumpkin/Chartreuse -Spinnerbaits: Chartreuse/white -Buzzbaits: Chartreuse/white -Chatterbaits: Green Pumpkin (A lot of pros say this is the only color you need. I haven't tested out Black/Blue yet personally), chatreuse/white -Frogs: White, Black, and Green A discussion like this would have helped me back when I was starting my tackle collection, and I'm sure that if everybody pitches in, we can help beginners sort through color choices. Obviously, local colors have superstitious followers, like Margarita Mutilator in Cali, but let's focus on more general producers. If ya'll decide to contribute, after the thread dies down, I'll synopsize the most voted colors for each category. If I forgot a category, add it on lol .
  20. Zoom 4.5 inch finesse worm. I like Green Pumpkin/Chartreuse tip.
  21. Your said you caught two 8 lb 8 ozs, and I was just waiting for one of them to be a brown fish......
  22. Caught a 7 3/4s this spring but didn't get a pic....
  23. Lol Good to see you back. I don't know why but just thought of an old thread you had started and wondered where ya'd been.
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