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Senko lover

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Everything posted by Senko lover

  1. Watch, you'll throw it out and catch a 30 pound catfish! Lol you've been catching so many of them.
  2. I use 30 and find it pretty ideal myself.
  3. 5-inch Yum Dinger or Senko Rage Structure Bug Rage Craw
  4. I would upgrade to at least 30 pound braid. That's what I use, it's a lot stronger and plus you really don't want to go under 30 for a casting reel due to line diameter.
  5. I would be purchasing the new Shimano Citica I. You can find it on Tackle Warehouse.
  6. At least you didn't ask to go fishing............
  7. What size jighead do you put those tubes on?
  8. Unless you have a depth finder, it's gonna be kinda hard to break down the deeper areas of the lake. You could spend days dragging a jig, but that would test your sanity . I'd stick to the bank, you'll find some big fish eventually.
  9. I'd definitely go for two. You may even be able to get three, used, and still have some nice gear.
  10. Try putting a fluke on a shakeyhead, it's pretty cool!
  11. Dang dude, those are some NC pigs! What did you catch them on?
  12. True enough. I guess it's so foreign to my mind....I rarely buy even Strike Kings new lol.
  13. Good work Justin.....that's a creative bait idea!
  14. I would just be thinking of the 250 TW order I could buy with that money.........or all the Strike Kings lol.
  15. Mine is pretty awesome.....great selection, lots of deals, and a big clearance section. I rarely walk out without a purchase.
  16. That's the 1/8 Shroomz head with the T.R.D. Only size TW had in stock. Fish didn't seem to care . Caught a lot of fish on it. I already need some more, already lost 2 of 3 jigheads, unfortunately
  17. Lol I think a stereotype vid of lawn customers would be hilarious! We hate working for rich people. We pull up to their house, which looks like a beach resort, mow their pristine grass, go past their huge shiny grills that probably cost more than a month's rent on my house, and try not to get grass on their BMWs and Mercedes.....and then they tell us that they can't be on a regular rotation for every other week because they don't have the money, so they'll just call us when they want it cut.
  18. 1/8 head. Casts pretty nicely on spinning tackle. It is a pretty stout hook, a lot of people say to set the hook lightly on a Ned Rig, but I set it pretty hard. Super sharp, had no problem hooking fish.
  19. It's hard to get perspective when I'm taking the pic, but she was 5 even.
  20. Yeah if I started throwing cranks and jerks a lot, I'd get a gripper. My Grandma got a baitholder hook imbedded in her calf when we took the whole family fishing......15 minutes of "Grandpa surgery" later, the hook was out. She was in a ton of pain. Not fun!
  21. 5 pounder on the Ned Rig! Hard to get perspective without someone else taking the pic, but it was officially 5 pounds even.
  22. You're probably not going to want to go with a rod for both flipping and skipping. Two different techniques that need at the very least different lengths.
  23. I don't know what to think......the most effective baits for me are Rage Tails, which have coffee scent. Nothing like a natural prey! I guess it hides my scent more than anything else.
  24. Second biggest bass of my life: Let's just say I believe in the Ned Rig now! This pond has produced a lot of bass for me with finesse presentations, so I was excited to field test the bait. It's a very pressured pond, the bass see a ton of lures, and the simple appeal of the Ned Rig was too good to be passed up. Caught five more chunky fish, but nothing like this one. Carp were out feeding all day, and I was 95% positive I had a carp on.....until it jumped. As much as I would have liked to land it on my new rod, I think it's a testament that I fought it on a Berkley Lightning rod and a Bass Pro Megacast reel.......super cheap combo, the reel was given to me, I'm planning on upgrading it, but hey: it got the job done! Funnest fight ever
  25. We get that too.......I'd say the biggest is overcharging complaint and we do have some super picky people. You probably know what I'm talking about....
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