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Senko lover

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Everything posted by Senko lover

  1. You could also try rigging up a lawn mower to the back, I thought of that today.
  2. Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner! Randomest thing ever, dude.
  3. Get a used reel off the Flea Bay and get an 60-80 dollar rod.
  4. So was my Dad, so we bought an Oreck, and had more problems with it than the 100 dollar vacuums lol. Dyson is the way to go.
  5. If I lived in Florida, I'd go w the ribbontail, but here I'd definitely say straight because I'm more confident shakeyheading it.
  6. Haha, yeah he was his usual self, flossing with braided line .http://www.bassmaster.com/slideshow/real-ish-show-floor
  7. For my ponds, I consider: -0 fish day = SKUNK! -1-3 fish day = Not bad. -3-5 fish Day = Good day -5-9 fish day = Excellent day 9+ fish is a stellar day on my ponds, rarely happening. For size, -0-1 lb. = Dink -1-2 lb. = average fish -2-3 lb. = Chunker -3-5 lb. = Giant -5-8 lb. = HUGE bass Anything 3+ makes my week! What about you?
  8. Seems like most people either throw black or white frogs. I hear a lot of people say to throw black frogs when it's cloudy and white frogs when it's bluebird skies, but then others say it's the other way around. Some people don't think color matters at all. What's your take on frog colors in general and black/white in particular?
  9. My problem is that there are techniques I still haven't tried and classic lures I still haven't caught a fish on. Take a frog, for example, even though I've been throwing one since April. But the nice thing is, I have a solution: get right back out there and try it!
  10. That's great, man. Congrats and may you catch a whopper
  11. Dear Raider, Have you ever set up a trolling rig to the back of your motorcycle?
  12. It's been the weirdest weather here in NC, temps were in the 70s this morning and in the low 80s right now. Quite pleasant, until the sun decides to come out.
  13. Nice!
  14. Random old guy mowing his grass in his underwear yesterday...................
  15. I saw an article that said the deflation was not the issue, just a small "prank" essentially, but the issue was that Brady had his cell phone destroyed right after he found out that they had discovered the deflation, which most likely destroyed incriminating text messages.
  16. Clear is a popular color for Spooks lol.
  17. Those are some nice looking baits, I really like them!
  18. Just curious, what hook do you use for the rage craws dropshotted? I have been using them all summer and love them like crazy, but I seem to lose more fish with them than normal, even setting the hook hard with a standard texas rig and a 3/0 or 4/0 EWG or other hooks. Are you getting a good hookup ratio?
  19. Haha it's funny, I usually either catch a lot of small fish for a while and no bigguns, or catch one big one and then I can't get a bite for the rest of the week. It's worth it to me for a big bass, but it seems like I can't catch one right now after I caught a nice one last week. And get ready to get hooked on buzzbaits! Love those suckers.
  20. For some reason, the "chirp" sonar cracks me up. Try chirping back at it.....sometimes you've got to coax it into working lol.
  21. Ha! Took me a second. Swimsuit lol
  22. That's awesome!
  23. I keep some plastics in a Plano Box with my terminal tackle. Everything else going with me goes in it's original packaging in a ziploc bag. Bag #1: Worms Bag #2: Craws/Creature Baits Bag #3: Flukes/Swimbaits I can carry quite a few baits that way. Works pretty well for me.
  24. TROOPAH!!
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