Although other people have said some of this, here are my thoughts. Just browsing your old website earlier today and I literally thought, "he would benefit from a new website," so it's fresh in my mind.
-All the different jig types are slightly confusing and need clarification. Like Choporoz said, I'd love to see a detailed description of each one. You offer so many, it's hard to tell which ones are for which purposes.
-Also, I'd like to see main and sub categorization. So a category for "jigs" would have subcategories for "football jigs," "casting jigs," "swim jigs," "flipping jigs," etc. It's a lot easier to find what you're looking for that way.
-Lastly, I know you've worked on this before, but I'd love more blown-up color options that are bigger and easier to see.
Oh, and finally: you asked for criticism and you got it. But I just got my first SO jigs in a trade with a friend today, and boy are they awesome. You have a new fan!