I used to be freaked out about snakes, always trying to spot them out and the like. I gave up; they are masters of camouflage.
An example; my best friend and I were fishing a pond, we were heading back to the woody, overgrown section, and another guy who was fishing told us to watch out for the "big ole snake" that lived back there. We thanked him and moved on, watching carefully the ground we were about to step on and keeping our eyes peeled. We both started fishing about 10 feet away from each other. After about ten minutes, I looked over at my friend, see his eyes bulging and a look of panic on his face. Turns out, that big ole cottonmouth had been coiled up literally two inches from his leg for the entirety of the ten minutes he had been fishing there, neither of us saw it.
Just yesterday, I had a cottonmouth wriggle out from underneath the rocks I was standing on.
I've kinda learned to deal with them, they always scare the ish out of me, but they've never once harmed me, so I kinda don't worry about them anymore. Seems like the harder I try to prevent an encounter with them, the more they show up.