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Senko lover

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Everything posted by Senko lover

  1. I'd be throwing a big ole swimbait or jig in that deep water.
  2. This is a thread I made for people in your situation: If you don't want to read the post, I would suggest learning how to effectively fish texas rigs and other soft plastics before you start with jigs; for some reason there seems to be less of a learning curve with them. Once you've gained confidence in them, start exclusively throwing jigs in the areas you've been catching them on. You'll hang on pretty quick. Good luck!
  3. @roadwarrior "From a human perspective, they're like twinkies"
  4. What are some ways you work on making yourself better every time you hit the water? I don't fish tournaments regularly and don't really have the need to be super competitive, but even in just a quick trip to the pond, I'm always trying to focus and grow better at presentation, mindset, and overall fishing ability. Nothing beats time on the water, but I'd love to hear other ways you guys try to up your game. Some of the things I've learned are simple, but effective. Nothing mind blowing. -Use good hooks, knots, and line -Always be mentally prepared for a bite on every second of the retrieve or cast; try not to be surprised by a bite. -Keep a fishing log or record -Polish your casting skills and learn to present a bait quietly -Fish your strengths but don't be afraid to have an open mind and be versatile Chime in!
  5. If I had some money to drop that THKO custom wakebait would get some serious attention. Love the paint jobs on those things.
  6. I like the Spro Bronzeyes the best, but haven't branched out much with other brands.
  7. The Structure Bug is a fantastic bait, love it to death.
  8. Attaboy Hootie!
  9. I mainly use three craw-style baits, and that would be the Missile Baits D Bomb for when the fish are a little more inactive, the Rage Craw for when they're more active and I'm looking for bigger fish, and the Berkley Chigger Craw for when I'm just looking for more bites. The rage craw and d bomb cover all my needs, I know they're more expensive but I like them better. I have nothing against the pit boss but it just isn't my thing.
  10. "Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see" I think that applies to fish weights even more than it does to life.
  11. Yeah, now that you mention it I think that is him! ?
  12. I saw that, the dang thing looks like a dinosaur ?
  13. I just use a regular book bag.
  14. I landed on my ankle the wrong way Saturday night and bent it almost 90 degrees; so I'm kinda babying it right now and didn't attempt the running part. But I did do the exercise part to see how well I could handle it. By far the toughest workout I've tried, but I did complete all ten rounds. The last three were harder than the first 7 combined. Looking forward to completing the whole thing!
  15. Little kid at the pond I'm fishing be like: "There's this other pond around here, I was fishing there and I CAUGHT A 50 POUND BASS. It was huge!!"
  16. Any time, I got a thick skin!
  17. I don't trash talk people who are better fisherman than I am .
  18. Naw, Catt has my ultimate trust and respect in that regard; I just give him a hard time anyway since he likes to throw shade on my selfies
  19. Strike King and War Eagle handle all my spinnerbait needs.
  20. Very happy for you AJay! You've been sharing your dream of this for a while, and it couldn't happen to a more deserving person. That's one sexy looking boat.
  21. I used to be freaked out about snakes, always trying to spot them out and the like. I gave up; they are masters of camouflage. An example; my best friend and I were fishing a pond, we were heading back to the woody, overgrown section, and another guy who was fishing told us to watch out for the "big ole snake" that lived back there. We thanked him and moved on, watching carefully the ground we were about to step on and keeping our eyes peeled. We both started fishing about 10 feet away from each other. After about ten minutes, I looked over at my friend, see his eyes bulging and a look of panic on his face. Turns out, that big ole cottonmouth had been coiled up literally two inches from his leg for the entirety of the ten minutes he had been fishing there, neither of us saw it. Just yesterday, I had a cottonmouth wriggle out from underneath the rocks I was standing on. I've kinda learned to deal with them, they always scare the ish out of me, but they've never once harmed me, so I kinda don't worry about them anymore. Seems like the harder I try to prevent an encounter with them, the more they show up.
  22. And that, my friend, is why it helps to take selfies with bass I took up the practice after being in a similar predicatment, my PB of 7.12 is unphotographed and still swimming around. I hope to get some pics with her before too long.
  23. Nice work Steve
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