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Senko lover

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Everything posted by Senko lover

  1. Casey Ashley rebounded a little bit for me.....so did David Walker. Which puts them both the 60s. And my other three are top 12. I can't be complaining, could be a lot worse. I'm pulling for one of my three locals to win. Although I really like the Jesse Wiggins guy who led today.
  2. I have Skylar in 8th, Mullins, and Defoe.
  3. ^ Same deal for me.
  4. Walker is climbing that leaderboard like a boss; I think he must have read all our messages on this thread last night haha.
  5. David Walker unnoficially 54th place!! Ole Tennessee boy gettin it done!
  6. Just curious, aren't you guys all at work? Just playing man, yeah I'm homeschooled actually, taking college classes full time right now. So I can carve a little time out for Bass Live without getting in trouble haha. If I'm not working on a weekend, I usually schedule my school ahead when there's a live stream so I can catch a little bit of it.
  7. My team rests on David making the top 50 and Skylar not dropping, as he appears to be doing right now. BASSTrakk is not keeping up with some of the guys, including the leader right now, so the weights there are unofficial as always.
  8. David Walker is a man on a mission for making the top 50 too, he's doing better than yesterday.
  9. David Mullins and Ott Defoe making some good surges early on. I cannot freaking believe that Bassmaster took off the live chat. So stupid.
  10. 67.5th percentile. Worst day I've had since the start of 2016
  11. Take all of KVD's sponsors away and watch how fast he'll be promoting other equipment.....It's all in the money.
  12. I don't play fantasy for the money or the thought of prizes - never crossed my mind even with the 99.9th percentile finish last year. I do it because I love the sport. Even if we all have one or two guys bombing, it's still possible to get a good finish on this tournament. Three guys in the top 20 is actually quite good, sounds like most of us will maintain that.
  13. Casey Ashley now doing slightly better for me, still has a ways to go for top 50 though
  14. David Mullins unofficially 2nd place!
  15. Yes but we fantasy nerds live one second of refreshing basstrakk at a time!
  16. Yeah, I went with David Mullins late last night on a whim - I had Brandon on before that. Really thought he would be doing better. Tomorrow is a new day.
  17. Saw people saying that Cherokee is the type of lake where you can zero one day and hero the next - lots of uncertainty coming into the weekend so maybe Walker will do better for us tomorrow.
  18. We all seemed to do the same thing - go with the local guys. Makes good sense. No previous B.A.S.S. history on this lake and there were four guys in four different buckets who all call this lake their home - to me it was a very easy choice! I knew at least one or two of them would do really well. Turns out I was right, at least from the way the morning has gone. My roster: A: Ott Defoe. No way you couldn't have gone with this guy. I dug up an old outdoor article about the amount of recreational fishing he does on Cherokee during the winter and it was a done deal. Currently killing it out there right now. B. Casey Ashley: This bucket was difficult. I had Skeet Reese and Brent Erhler on, then decided to go with Casey. Now wishing I had done either of the two instead. Oh well. Somebody always bombs. C. David Mullins: Dude's a local hot stick, knew he would do well. D: David Walker: I have a bad history with picking David Walker and you'll never see him on my fantasy team again, but I went with the local thing again. Doesn't seem to be doing too well right now but that could change. E: Skylar Hamilton: Everybody went for Jacob Wheeler in this bucket, which is a smart choice and I had him too - but then I found out about local prodigy Skylar and he got added last night. Very glad for the last minute choice cause he's in 8th rn. Right now 3 of my guys are in the top 15 but the other two are doing poorly. Usually how it ends up for me anyways. I almost added Seth Fieder last night - I think he was in David Walker's bucket?? I forget - I knew he would do well, he dials in them smallmouth really well. Also really glad to see Mark Daniels Jr. doing well. Really like that guy.
  19. The servers are down. I wanted to make some last minute changes
  20. Bucket A is just absolutely killing me this time. I can take or leave a good amount of the other buckets, but this one. There's Gerald Swindle, who is a killer jerkbait and crankbait fisherman. There's Edwin Evers, who I really feel will do well. Ott Defoe, who fishes this lake nonstop every winter for the last few years. Justin Lucas, Aaron Martens, the list could go on. I hate it haha.
  21. Today is the day for me as a fantasy nerd where I have so much uncertainty about my choices - reevaluating everything and sometimes completely switching up my game plan. My approach so far has been not to go with risky choices and to play this one with favorites since it's the first tournament, but at the same time I do want to stand out of the crowd so it's a tough call.
  22. I like Scott Martin, he seems like a good guy. He'd sell his soul for a dollar but he's a very engaging personality and his YouTube channel is fun. I had the chance to meet him at an expo last year. HOWEVER, Kevin VanDam exemplifies the classiest attitude and demeanor you'll ever see among professional fisherman - hands down. The professionalism he displays is next level, and he's a competitor down to the bone. Nothing but props for KVD. GOAT in my book. If I wanted to learn about a lake and enjoy a fun day of fishing, I'd pick Scott. If I was in a tournament, KVD all day.
  23. Those morning sunrises bro!
  24. Any of ya'll got any advice/thoughts for a young guy looking at military? Been thinking about a reserve career for a while, and more recently have been considering the ROTC program to help me get through college. Obviously I have other reasons for signing up, but the tuition assistance is big since college costs so dang much $$ these days. I love PT and do boot camp style workouts all the time with my workout group. The physical aspect will be enjoyable. The aspect that seems the most unattractive to me is authority; I'm a disciplined and motivated person but very independent. That's not to say I'm a teenage jerk who has no respect for authority - I've been working a job since I was 14 - but I am more of an independent type. Not a problem for my regular employment but I'm the type who doesn't like stupid orders so I could see myself getting in trouble . Also, the commitment for ROTC seems like a long time if I end up not feeling like military is the right direction for me. Just my honest thoughts, I would love to serve my country and do more for a job than sit behind a desk, but do have some hesitations about the decision.
  25. BREAKING NEWS brother separated at birth reunited due to Father's military service
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