We all seemed to do the same thing - go with the local guys. Makes good sense. No previous B.A.S.S. history on this lake and there were four guys in four different buckets who all call this lake their home - to me it was a very easy choice! I knew at least one or two of them would do really well. Turns out I was right, at least from the way the morning has gone.
My roster:
A: Ott Defoe. No way you couldn't have gone with this guy. I dug up an old outdoor article about the amount of recreational fishing he does on Cherokee during the winter and it was a done deal. Currently killing it out there right now.
B. Casey Ashley: This bucket was difficult. I had Skeet Reese and Brent Erhler on, then decided to go with Casey. Now wishing I had done either of the two instead. Oh well. Somebody always bombs.
C. David Mullins: Dude's a local hot stick, knew he would do well.
D: David Walker: I have a bad history with picking David Walker and you'll never see him on my fantasy team again, but I went with the local thing again. Doesn't seem to be doing too well right now but that could change.
E: Skylar Hamilton: Everybody went for Jacob Wheeler in this bucket, which is a smart choice and I had him too - but then I found out about local prodigy Skylar and he got added last night. Very glad for the last minute choice cause he's in 8th rn.
Right now 3 of my guys are in the top 15 but the other two are doing poorly. Usually how it ends up for me anyways.
I almost added Seth Fieder last night - I think he was in David Walker's bucket?? I forget - I knew he would do well, he dials in them smallmouth really well.
Also really glad to see Mark Daniels Jr. doing well. Really like that guy.