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Senko lover

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Senko lover last won the day on April 3 2016

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About Senko lover

  • Birthday 12/18/2000

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    North Carolina
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Water? I'll fish it. 
  • Other Interests
    Bodybuilding, hunting. 

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Community Answers

  1. Gentlemen, It's been a minute but I got my reels shipped out from back home and it looks like I'll finally get the chance this memorial day weekend to travel up to Big Bear and do some bank fishing. Me and the boys are renting a cabin and bringing beer so it's going to be a fun weekend. Any advice on spots to focus on from the bank? Fish activity insight would also be very appreciated. First time fishing in CA so it's time to see what the hype is about. Kyle
  2. me and the boys enjoying the Marine Corps Ball afterparties in Vegas after a few weeks of training out in the desert. Got stationed out in an infantry unit in 29 Palms CA and this hellhole sucks ?. Hope you gents are doing well. Headed back to NC for christmas leave in 5 days and ready to hit the water again.
  3. @A-Jay Hey man, thanks for the suggestions. I looked at the program and it sounds sweet. I have a friend who did that and she really enjoyed it. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; still tryna be like you when I grow up. Hope everything is well on your end. ? @volzfan59 Hats off to you man. Thanks for reaching out. @Choporoz Solid advice man. I’ve been working out since I was fourteen; I got into really good “fitness” shape (running 11-12 miles, doing obstacle races, etc) and this year I’ve been focusing on bodybuilding and trying to bulk up some. Just starting back into running and bodyweight stuff as well. Honestly the physical aspect of it is what I’m mostlokking forward too. Working out is a huge part of my life. @Sam thanks for the support man! You’ve always encouraged me to work hard and have fun while doing so. Hope everything is well on your end. @NHBull oorah! @riverbasser @Pro Logcatcher @Oregon Native @flatcreek @lo n slo @CJE @Angry John thanks guys!
  4. Hey guys, It’s been a while since I’ve been active on here, although I still check the forums fairly often. Fishing is on the back burner at the moment, although still something I enjoy. Most of you knew that I was planning on joining the military, and after I finish my associate’s degree in December that’s the route I’d like to go with. My question is for those of you who have military experience, regarding what I do in the Marines. I really enjoy staying active, traveling, working out, and I hate being behind a desk. I get bored fairly easily and enjoy challenges and quick changes of pace. I also am looking towards a future career doing highly trained security or bodyguard work. Maybe not secret service but something along those lines. What route would you advise me to take? Some people have already suggested Military Police, to work towards MARSOC, and to stay the hell away from infantry ?. I still need to take the ASVAB and get in touch with a recruiter and I’m going to get that ball rolling in the next couple of weeks. I also have been looking at the Embassy Guard program as a long term goal I’d like to work towards. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks guys, Kyle
  5. I tanked this one. Got pushed back to about the 75th percentile. On to the next.
  6. Got three fishing this weekend and two in the top twelve going into today.
  7. I have: A. Wheeler B. Seth Feider C. Jordan Lee D. Matt Lee E. Russ Lane Pretty good tournament so far
  8. so I may have done alright on that one ? one of the better tournaments I’ve had in a long while A. Justin Lucas B. Jacob Wheeler C. Jordan Lee D. Ish Monroe E. Hunter Shryock
  9. This tournament seems to be a ish show for just about everyone - anglers and fantasy nerds alike
  10. Been at the beach catching bigger fish than bass so pardon me for not being on here I got: A. Jacob Wheeler: my boy, I pick him almost every time. One of the best in the game right now with both consistency and winning. B. Jordan Lee: see #1 C. Seth Feider: saved bucket C for me cause I didn't like my options except him D. Micah Frazier: I remember watching him fish his first elite series event here on the Sabine River in 2015. Rookie fresh out of college and he calmly flipped his way to a top 12 alongside the likes of Rick Clunn (or was it Shaw Grigsby?) and Chris Lane. He had a great year then and has been quiet since but I like him a lot. E. Hunter Shryock: Surprised he still hasn't done great yet but he's a very talented angler and likes river fishing. I didn't intentionally pick just young guys but that's what I came up with. Day one wasn't great but I think a lot of people tanked so I shot up the leaderboard a little bit (for me, at least). I'll probably come down after today though. BASSTrakk is too close for me to really take stock in it but looks like they didn't do too well. Great points by both of you. At the end of the day it's money (hence why they favor certain fisheries and venues like Lake Hartwell/Greenville) but they also do fish tough tournaments a lot.
  11. Clayton, I'm glad everything worked out man. It's incredible how painful it is watching someone more vulnerable than you go through something you can't control. I remember when my little sister had a stroke and was rushed to the hospital and it's a feeling I'll never forget.
  12. I got warriors in 5. I think they'll have at least one game, possibly two where Steph and Klay can't hit 3s and Lebron will duke it out with KD and drop 45 or something crazy. Looks like Kevin Love is on for tonight so I'm hoping for some close games. But I don't see the Cavs taking the dub this year. I have a lot of respect for Steph Curry and I can't help but have mad respect for what Lebron has continued to do year after year. But I hate that it's Cavs/Warriors again.
  13. My boys did good stuff yesterday. ? except Jason Christie. Was talking to Ronnie Moore about him yesterday. He’s had a lot of heartbreakers over the last year. Feel bad for him.
  14. I did the exact same thing. Elam Christie Jordan Lee Evers Wheeler easily the most “stacked” roster I’ve had. Not killing it but they doing aight
  15. He's had a curse on him ever since he switched to B.A.S.S.
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