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Everything posted by IneedAnewScreenName-983750

  1. My post primarily is focused on floro, not braid. I primarily fish murky water and I find my floro gets a brown or green tint after a good long day. Not to mention I often cast by docks and brush. The tip of those docks and cover is often hot metal and can fringe my ling. It all depends on where YOU individually fish. I say better safe than sorry. I don't want to be the guy to loose my 10-15lb lunker because of my line. Or better yet have the lunker not even bite because he sees my dirty floro.
  2. I said 15-20 feet of line. Yards would be three times that. That would be way to much lol. Though braid is a heel of a lot stronger. I would at least cut 6 feet. Let you lure drop to your reel and cut from 2+ feet. Because your front rod tip puts stress on the line and can't fray it ever slightly. I may be wrong. But I spend too much money to go out and not catch fish because they see my filthy floro. So I cut it each trip.
  3. I hear many people ask me when to change their line. Some fisherman tell me they keep the same line on their reel for the whole season. Here's some of the issues with people who fish floro: -depending on water clarity, your line is getting stained. -each trip adds to the color change of your line. -you could get unforeseen Knicks in your line -storing a tight spool on line on your pole in your hot garage can warp the line. -ext. Ever restring you pole and see a major knick you didn't know about. I bet you freaked. Ever have days you get skunked and wonder why? We spend to much money to get skunked. So here's what you do after each trip.... Primarily for floro. -unspool 10-15 feet of line and cut it off with clippers. -cut more if necessary. If you spool 150-200 yards of line on a pole. That's 20+ trips with a single spool. That's performing at the top of you game with fresh line and you'll loose less fish. Last tip: always wet your line when you make a knot. Line burns.
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