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  1. That bait is my go to for anything swimming:
  2. this is the area south of the launch: This is the area east of the launch:
  3. I'm going to be fishing next weekend and camping at Cowford Campground near Decatur on Wheeler Lake. I thought it might be fun to see how other people prepare for fishing a new area based on these excellent maps. Here's a link to Navionics web app: https://webapp.navionics.com/#@12&key=cmurEh_mrO Campground is the 2 boat ramps in this view. I never seem to have much success when I fish the big river. I'd really appreciate for somebody to look at the area map on Navionics and tell me where the best locations near that launch would be. I'm definitely going to fish those docks, but if you look around that area you'll see there's lot of humps and other structure to choose from... Where would you go first ? I'll post some other screen shots..
  4. For something as small as jig heads just get a decent ladle and heat it up with a propane torch outside. You don't need to spend money to have fun with a simple hobby like that. But you do need to wash your hands before lunch...
  5. The type of boat doesn't matter as much as the relative condition and quality of the boats available at the right price... skimmed craigslist in your area and found this one.... looks like a sweet deal for only $1300.... https://vermont.craigslist.org/boa/5482035850.html My point is that age, condition, maintenance, and price are much more important than design issues or what it's made out of. My advice is to be most concerned with finding a well maintained good quality boat.
  6. My advice would be to invest in a fish locator so you can better understand the lake. You should be trying to spot the underwater structure that could be holding larger fish.
  7. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/uploads/gallery/album_1558/tn_gallery_50357_1558_56816.png Red and black should tell you if the motor is burnt out or not.
  8. It's unlikely that any kind of adhesive is going to stick to that trunk liner type of looped fabric. Did you try to stick a piece of Velcro hook directly to it? That fabric is made just like the fuzzy side of Velcro. That usually works great and will hold a lot of weight.
  9. That looks like a good one.. wish I lived closer to it.
  10. I could very well be a top heavy old dork, but my advice would be to not assume that any kayak is stable enough to stand on until you've tried it yourself in wind and maybe a slight chop. Don't spend $1000 on something till you're absolutely sure it does what you think it's going to.
  11. take it apart till you can jump right to the 2 wires going direct to the motor. that should tell you if the motor works.
  12. Standing in a Kayak is a learned skill. It will take practice to become good at it. There is no magic version of one that is rock stable. A lot of people don't do it simply because it's uncomfortable to constantly be maintaining your balance like that... this video is a good example. If you don't think you'd like standing for extended periods on that board you probably should consider a more stable type of boat or remain sitting imo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkGICEaMPe8
  13. I've been looking for campgrounds in the mid south where you can beach your boat right near your campsite and leave it there for days. It's really nice to get up pre dawn and walk right down to your boat to begin fishing. It's also nice to be able to go out for a couple hours at night without having to launch a boat. My favorite place so far is Piney Grove campground on Bay Springs Lake, MS. http://www.recreation.gov/camping/piney-grove/r/campgroundDetails.do?contractCode=NRSO&parkId=71356 Beautiful campground with sites all along the shoreline. I really love Bay Spring Lake too. it has wild, sandy shoreline all the way around it. It has excellent spotted bass fishing and incredible crappies.. see the photo below... Does anyone else have favorite spot where you can camp and fish like that ?
  14. Test your loop fabric on the lids with a piece of Velcro hook. Most loop type materials holds Velcro very well. Just stick the adhesive Velcro hook to the back of the drywall edging. You will be able to take them off and move them around if my guess is correct.
  15. This is actually the best idea. If you can figure out how to live without a gasoline motor it's the best possible solution. 2 cycle outboard motors are notoriously finicky and poorly designed machines. with the advent of modern electric motors they really are almost obsolete. Unless you can afford a brand new 4 stroke or maybe a propane motor, ask yourself if you really need it or not ?..... couldn't you just spend a few more minutes travelling and use an electric ? I fish a lot of lakes that are electric only. Quiet... peaceful... reliable..... non polluting.... I never bring an outboard unless I absolutely need it.
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