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Further North

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Everything posted by Further North

  1. I wasn't trying to imply you were. If it read that way, I wrote it poorly. Sorry about that. There's lots of acceptable reasons to not wear a PFD. I was just commenting that someone thinking they didn't look "cool" would be about the worst reason.
  2. I agree with that...but to make the decision based on how "cool" you look...evolution in action. I'm not a fan of any of the "for your own good" laws. Seat belts, helmets, PFDs, etc...though I feel we should have them in place for kids who can't know better. But I have a problem with people who don't use safety equipment and expect the rest of us to cover the costs when they screw up. I'm all about personal responsibility. Your choice, your problem...problem is...we're not set up that way...
  3. Similar to what I do...but without the waste basket. Toss the spool on the floor, apply line tension by grabbing the line about 10" up the rod with a leather glove and reel away. If my kid is around, I have her hold the spool.
  4. Made me laugh... I'm with you, often...and about half the time my leader is 12" - 18" of tieable wire. The reason I use leaders isn't because I believe fish are line shy, it's because braid takes a beating in the rocky lakes I fish and I wound up losing a lot of fish - and lures - when I didn't use it. The lightest leader I use for gear fishing is 10# FluoroHybrid.
  5. I set mine up so the knot can't quite make it onto the reel's spool. As cut them back to tie in new hooks/jigs/whatever, or when the end gets beat up in rocks...I'll trim it down until it's about three feet long, then replace it. 25' feels excessive. I can't think of any good reasons to go that long...even trout fishermen fishing gin-clear trout streams only typically go to 9 ft. They might go 12' or 15' with a really long nymph rig, but that's pretty special circumstances.
  6. Because there's no reason to make someone feel bad for asking a question that's been asked before. We all have to learn.
  7. I looked them up - interesting. Thanks.
  8. I have a ton of TFO rods, casting, spinning and fly rods. Great rods at decent prices. Never found one I like for Senkos as much as my St. Croix though.
  9. My primary Senko rig is a St. Croix Avid X 6' 8" medium extra fast ( AXC68MXF ) with an Abu Garcia LTX on it. The whole rig (Rod, reel and line) comes in at 9.55 oz. add in a hook and a Senko and it's just touching 10 oz. It'll throw Senkos Texas rigged (weightless) or wacky, no problem. I'm sure Loomis has a similar rod if that is your preference.
  10. Boomerangs are awesome, I've got 4 of them, I think. The serrated edges of the bladed makes a difference. I've also got a bunch of these: http://www.scotchbrand.com/3M/en_US/scotch-brand/products/catalog/?N=4335+3294529207+3294602456&rt=rud ...floating around too. They also work great. <$7 on Amazon Prime.
  11. I've never figured out why people get cranky about someone asking a question... If you don't like it...don't click on the topic... It's not like "Daiwa Tatula - Type R vs. SV TWS" can be interpreted as anything other than exactly what it is...why waste the effort clicking on it...and even more...why waste the effort to complain about it?
  12. Yeah. Evolution in action. ...at least I hope so...
  13. Some more info: Gas weighs ~ 6 lbs. a gallon. Batteries are between 50 - 70 lbs each. Charger is 20 - 45 lbs, depending on how many banks. Figure another 150 - 200 lbs in gear/tackle/stuff". Trolling motor is another 40 - 50 lbs. If you're still well under 3,500 lbs. after all that. you're fine. I tow a Crestliner CMV 1850 with a Johnzuki 140, a 40 gallon gas tank, a 36 volt Ulterra, 5 batteries, a 4 bank charger, a single bank charger and a bunch of gear/tackle/stuff with a '14 Ford Escape with a 3,500 lb. tow rating. It works just fine. There's a fair amount of folks who like a lot more margin than manufacturers specify. That's fine for them, and if that's what they are comfortable with, that's what they should do. Suggesting it's unsafe, or will wreck your vehicle/transmission is...IMO...way over the top. Others' opinions may vary, that's great for them. Manufacturers are not going to rate a vehicles above what is safe...they can't afford the lawsuits that would result...as litigious as the US society is, they simply will not take the risk.
  14. ...funny you should mention "cool". http://chippewa.com/news/state-and-regional/proposal-would-exempt-paddleboards-from-wisconsin-s-flotation-device-law/article_5f8ca88f-0a73-5b0d-b8ac-495882210c66.html From the the article:
  15. $500 to mount two Helix units is nuts, IMO. Even if you're putting in a a hub, and a Terrova, it's nuts. You can do this in a long afternoon in your garage, with a buddy. I've done a bunch of them. My last install was a Helix 12, a Helix 10, a hub, an Ulterra and a Humminbird 360°. No way I'd pay $500 for that. PECo's cot it exactly right. Unless you are all thumbs and lack basic mechanical ability (which is fine, lots of people do) this is an easy project.
  16. This is just one guy's opinion...but no way I'd let that boat go this fast. It's a great rig and you haven't spent much time looking for a solution to the problem. Take a deep breath, step back from the edge and evaluate some of the solutions you've been presented with.
  17. Ah, that makes sense.
  18. That's a bummer...it was still there last night.
  19. I can't recall who makes the Farm & Fleet batteries...but it's one of the reputable companies.
  20. BTW, I bought the Farm and Fleet series 29s to replace Interstate 27s. Nothing wrong with the Interstates...but no issues with the Farm and Fleet 29s either...and they run the TM longer....
  21. Out of that bunch, I'd go for the Skeeter with the Yamaha. IMO, in your price range, newer is better.
  22. Depending on what will fit in your boat, the Farm and Fleet 27 or the 29 series batteries will work great. Even the 31s will work great. I run a 112, 36 volt Ulterra on three Farm and Fleet 29s, they work great.
  23. Probably better to take to a marine mechanic than to do this yourself...unless you're really mechanically inclined.
  24. Good article to show your kids...this stuff isn't obvious to a lot of people.
  25. Yeah...if you're picking your braid to makes sure it matched your reel...I'm not sure what to tell you. Fish don't care, other fishermen don't care. Pick your line based on performance and what you like...not color matching your reels...
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