...they kinda do, it's just that those rods don't get discussed a lot on bass forums.
It's not hard to spend $1,000 on a fly rod.
You can easily spend $400 for a mid-level rod (and I often do, going with Temple Forks Outfiters). I just took a look...G Loomis has fly rods at $1,400.
...there are other, specialized, custom makers that'll double that.
...then we can edge into bamboo fly rods. The ones Orvis sells pop the cork at $2,795...and they are nowhere near the best thing going...and Orvis is still a mass market retailer (and that's not criticism, not even a little bit).
Start looking at a custom made bamboo rod, made by an acknowledged master tradesman...and you're probably looking at $5K, to start. Start adding in special wood for the reel seat, custom engraving for the metal parts...and you can get to elevations where it gets hard for a working guy like me to breathe in a heck of a hurry....
A quick Google search on "custom bamboo fly rods for sale" popped up a website for Oyster fly rods...and a selling price for a "standard" Legacy Series rod of $12,000...or 100x an "average" casting rod...just so you know I'm not making that up:
...the last car I bought...a nothing special, 2014 Ford Escape, had an MSRP of about $42,500 (I can't afford that, I bought it used, a year later for $23,500)...working the numbers, 100x $42,500 is $4,250,000...or about 280% more than a Bugatti Veyron...
Best I could quickly do for "average vehicle cost" was a USA Today piece from 2015 that put that price at $33,560...100x that is still $3,356,000...or about 234% of the $1,500,000 Veyron price tag...
Thanks for your post...It sent me down a quick gopher hole of fishing rod costs, and taught me a thing or three...I honestly had no clue you could spend, $12,000 on a fishing rod...my expectations were more in line with the $5,000 - $6,000 I've seen spent on 'Boo rods...which is more like 50x an "average $120 fishing rod...to see 2x that...educational...I really appreciate it.
There's a truism floating around the world of shotgun shooting: "Beware of the man who shoots one gun."
That "old timer" in bib overalls shooting a 1930s model 12 at every clay that flies...he's really, really likely to kick your butt...