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Further North

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Everything posted by Further North

  1. ...I have one of those...someplace...
  2. Pretty cool unit...I went with a Helix 12 Mega, because other than touch screen and a couple other minor things that don't matter to me, I went with Helix over Solix to save $$$. That's how I prefer it too...that said, my "small unit" at the bow is a 10" G2N. He's got his transducer set wrong. I get some SI at 30 MPH+, and all 2D at max speed. ...that said, there is some benefit to running a separate 2D transducer, and I do that. Call it $90 and the time to run the extra wires, drill the holes and mount the high speed transducer. Pretty good. Yes. It'd be odd that you can't share imaging as that works with networked Helix units, but I've not looked into it. Solis units can share maps, Helix units cannot. A Helix 12 G2N + a Helix 10 G2N cost a lot less than the extra map card...and they work just great sharing everything else, in my case that's Humminbird 360°, all the waypoints and other data, a MEGA SI transducer, the DI signal from the MEGA transducer, temperature and depth data from front and back transducer and control of the Minn Kota Ultera through iPilot Link. With all that in place...I couldn't talk myself into the extra $$$ for a Solix, as screen resolution is the same...if I really felt the need, I could swap in the longer Solix MEGA transducer...but I just don't see the need as I can see individual fish just fine in SI with the transducer that comes with the Helix 12 MEGA G2N. I hope all that helps...
  3. I'd keep the Terrova. If you're used to fishing that way, manual steering's gonna drive you nuts.
  4. I PM'd you links to a couple others, take a look, see how they shake out.
  5. Yup; I spotted the boat I have at about 11:00 PM one night, was on the phone at 8:00 AM the next morning, we had an agreement 15 minutes later, pending inspection. ...that boat was in Chicago, 5 hours away, but we got 'er done.
  6. That'll happen. Print out the adds, write down your notes, that'll help you keep things straight. Works with vehicles, too.
  7. Little difference between welded and riveted. I've owned both, they were both fine.
  8. I just spotted a Crestliner 1650 Fish Hawk that might be a fit. Check your PMs.
  9. That boat is gone, but yes, Crestliner makes a good boat. Fish Hawks are good boats within the Crestliner family, I know several people that have them and like them. Good advice. The hull on my Crestliner is very similar to the Fish Hawks, I have no problem fishing very shallow. I've never measured it, but I would guess 12". Yup.
  10. Nah... He'd look at data that showed how many people looked at objective data vs. subjective "feelings" and say, "Looks about right."
  11. Darwin says that if it was any good, it would have survived... "Evolution in Action"...
  12. That's it, right there. ...I run a 112# thrust, 36 volt system in an 18 1/2 foot aluminum hull. No way I'd ever go back to 80#, 24 volt...but I have the room...and the budget.
  13. I had to look the boat up; its a 17', 10" long by 82" wide glass hull... Where I fish, most people would go with an 80# thrust, 24 volt trolling motor. 12 volt is going to run out of power by the end of a day on the water, unless you don't use it much.
  14. Yamaha makes great motors...the Mariner on the Alumacraft is really a Mercury...also a good motor. Nothing wrong with either boat as long as they are in good condition and well maintained. Re Trailers: I've had both rollers and bunks. I'll never keep a boat on another roller trailer...
  15. @CroakHunter...sorry...your reply is such an internet standard...someone asks about "A", or a choice between "A and B", and gets all kinds of responses telling them why "X, Y and Z" are what they need. It makes me laugh. Best I've ever experienced was years ago, I was researching lawn tractors, had it down to Kubota and John Deere, was looking for experiences and service and durability...and some rocket surgeon told me I needed to get an ATV with a plow and pull behind mower... PS: I've done it too. Plenty of times.
  16. Jeez...that's even more nuts... We have to register canoes with motors in WI, but our process has no idiocy like that in it. When I hung a trolling motor on my old Colman, I just sent the state a check for like $15 and they gave me a number...actually...I did it on line. No check. Canoes in WI don't have titles...
  17. I've got a silly question...and don't take this the wrong way...but how did you wind up needing to jump start your vehicles that many times? Ah...never mind...
  18. I'm trying to figure what you're comparing Honda Civics to... They are great cars, some of the best in that class of vehicles. ...for reference, We have three Fords, one of which is a Focus...
  19. Man...that's gonna be a shocker for the 10s and 10s of thousands of folks running decades old tube framed boat trailers around the Midwest... I've had a blowout, on a single axle trailer...at 70 MPH...well, actually...the wheel came off... I still prefer single axles. Doubles are a PITA to move around, and heavy to tow... But...and this is a significant point: my boat maxes out at 2,800# with every lure I own, all my gear, a full tank of gas and my buddy's gear on the way to Canada...
  20. NY requires a title or a cert of sale of a canoe? That's nuts.
  21. ...and an ATV...and a snowmobile...and a camper, and a pick up truck... A couple paintings for the walls, a set of nice wine glasses, a pet boa constrictor....
  22. A-yup. Just nuts... Fish don't spend a lot of time swimming around looking up through the water's surface for fishing rods... ...but if it boosts his confidence and helps him catch fish...don't tell him...it'd be mean.
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