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Further North

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Everything posted by Further North

  1. I want red, but none of that metalic stuff - has to match Santa's coat within a ΔE of 2.0.* *That's color geek humor Yes. Here's an earlier topic about it: My trolling motor is a 112, so can't say how well they work on a 50". I can tell you that on the 112#, I can create habitat edges and nice slots in weed beds where ever I want to go.
  2. That's where I've landed...but thought if you had one, it was worth asking about... SO much for that...?
  3. Not trying to steal the topic...but do you think the G-Force Hub is worth the $$$?
  4. How would that even work?
  5. I can't recall if I told this story here, but the topic is as good a place as any: Last summer I was fishing a local lake the same day as a tournement. Late in the day, I 'd pulled up to a point, and was fishing my way towards the bay at the back when a guy in big bass boat comes flying into the bay at what had to be 60 MPH. Seemed extreme, but if he really wanted to fish back there it was fine with me. A while later, fishing dock to dock down the point, I see the same boat fishing towards me, dock to dock. Again, no big deal, I'd peal off when we got close. We get close, they're two docks down, and I toss a Senko up under the dock I'm on...and tie into a really nice fish. I net it, land it, unhook it, and put her back in the water. The other boat fires up it's motor and moves closer, "How big was that fish?" "I don't know, 23, 24 in." "That was MY fish!" I'm a little confused, "What?" "That was MY fish!" "I don't understand." "I'm fishing a tournament, and that fish should have been mine." This dude's belligerent, like he owns the lake or something. And I'm getting a little cranky...so I decide to screw with him. More fun that getting into an argument. "You're fishing a tournament? Oh, man...I'm sorry! Hey, around the other side of the point, there's a red house*, there's two huge bass hanging out on the dock. I couldn't catch them, but you might be able to." Belligerent Dude roars off...there's no red house, no bass...that I know of... As I'm pulling the boat out, Belligerent Dude comes screaming into the dock like everyone should clear the way for him, and I get out of his way as soon as I can. As he cranking out his boat, I ask, "Did you get those bass?" "Never found them." "Hmmm...you went to the red house, right?" "Yeah!" "The one with the green roof?" "I think so...um...no it had a black roof..." Aw, man...it was the one with the green roof..." Way more fun than an argument... *I can't remember exactly what the colors I told the guy were, but you get my point...
  6. Oh, OH! I've got one: Passive aggression. ? Having one beer on a boat is not evidence of a substance abuse problem any more than having a glass of wine at a restaurant is. Don't get me wrong: I live in a state where 5th, 6th, 7th...heck, 10th, OWI convictions are common, and I think it's pathetic, and we should be tossing them in jail after about three times and tossing the key...but at the same time, it's wrong to conflate responsible consumption of one beverage with the drunken cretins that are piling up bodies.
  7. I'd add drivers of cars that feel like they need to beep, gesture or yell impotently when you pass them, like they are the sole arbiters of what is reasonable and prudent speed on the road. I mean...really? Why does it matter?
  8. Here's another room temperature IQ move: Park you car (no trailer) in one of the boat + trailer spots at a busy ramp. I'm not a fan as main line, but it makes great leader material. They move when you start backing down. Most of the time.
  9. Throw rocks back. It works. ...Or so I've been told... Yes, in spades. Around here it's Gomers 'n Goobers in Pontoon boats with radios blaring cruising the shore line 50 feet from fishermen. It's best not to ask my how I know what a one ounce spoon banging off a pontoon sounds like, but you can guess. That's another keeper. Already this season...and it's not a month old yet... Gomer with a Pontoon parked at the take out for 40 minutes while his buddy Goober went to get the trailer. Goober with a bass boat angled ascross both lanes on a local lake. I parked him in, until I was done. Gomer who got his boat on the trailer pretty quickly...but didn't pull far enough ahead to let anyone else use the ramp. I parked him in as well...walked off, went to bathroom, got my boat ready...then moved.
  10. I keep trying other brands, and many are OK, but I'm with you here. If I had to pick one braid (which would be silly), I'd go to Suffix 832. I agree with your picks on line weight as well, and I bump up to 65# for most of my pike/musky rigs.
  11. Couldn't tell you, never tried it...
  12. I've seen plenty of incidents where what looked like problems with electronics turned out to be flakey batteries, wiring issues or something other than the equipment itself. It's good that his appears to be another, I will interested in what you find out when you get your batteries checked.
  13. I'm trying to get my head wrapped around what caused these knots. Is it line that's really too light for the application? I use nothing but braid (with one, seldom used exception) and I've never experienced the issue...or I've not recognized it as such? I've had plenty of "wind knots" in my fly gear, but the term is a misnomer there: sloppy loops (I've thrown plenty of those) will put the fly under the line and tie a real knot in the line, or in the leader...but I've not seen this with braid on gear rigs. Am I missing something?
  14. One of these... ...kidding...
  15. That had me scratching my head...but I popped a location on the last exit on HWY 90 at the west end of NY and another in La Porte...6 hours, 14 minutes... Fun to learn stuff like that.
  16. I was kidding - A-Jay is upgrading his Opti to an XS.
  17. ...and, BTW, we know where you can pick up a used OptiMax 200 for trade-in value... ?
  18. ...but don't forget to upgrade to 24 volt. ...if you can swing the $$$ to go to 80#, do it. It makes a difference.
  19. I've Grandpa is a key criteria, I'd agree on the V-Hull. Look at Lund, Crestliner, Alumacraft... I Know a ton of people here in WI who run all of the above and they all work great. Pick the layout/cost point/availability that suits your need and get 'er done. I run a Crestliner CMV, which, like the Lund Pro-V Bass and the new Crestliner Bass Hawk line is sort of a cross-over. With your concerns about your grandfather, I'd think the raised decks at the back of the Crestliners will not fit your needs, but the Pro-V Bass might. Done right, you'd keep that pretty much forever...
  20. Regardless of which motor you choose, put a Ninja Grass Blade (or equivalent) on it. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Ninja_Grass_Blade/descpage-NINJAGB.html Here's a topic on Bass Rescource with some details on my experience with it:
  21. It's always good to get perspective from the man who owns one (or in this case, both). Thanks! the high center console getting in the way of casting has been a thing I've been concerned about ever since I found how much vertical rod storage got in my way. ...I still wonder about a low (bass boat style) center console with deck and storage all the way around. I seem to recall that someone made one at some point.
  22. An unfortunate choice of words on my part - of course you would, I would also. ? Good stuff all of it; and well considered. I'd skimmed the specs before and hadn't realized it was a small displacement, light weight V-8. That baby's gonna purr...except when it doesn't...? I, of course, like this one best of all! I may, or may not have used, "Because I can!" as a reason for doing some things now and then...it feels pretty good! It's amazing what the long term result of making good choices is.
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