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Further North

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Everything posted by Further North

  1. Both good choices. If I had to bet, the Pro-V Bass boats are going to hang on to their value for a while. Have you looked at the Crestliner Bass Hawks? Same concept (they are effectively re-issuing the CMV they made in the 00s, same as the Pro-V Bass, but with a decade and a half's worth of better technology), welded, not riveted, similar HP and size, fewer moneys. Made in the same plant by the same people, same quality and attention to detail. I priced one when they came out to see what it'd cast to replace my CMV if something stupid happened, seems like it came in well under $45K, new.
  2. I agree with this, and it's why the smart play is to get it checked by a competent marina/dealer. Unless you know the seller...and even then, a dealer check can save a friendship.
  3. Sorry to hear about the test results...good choice to wait things out and see how they settle down.
  4. will this be a swapable option for the US2 transducer? Or only avaiable on the newer units?  Newer units. Transducer is a different shape.
  5. Big girl there, about 7".
  6. Thanks for the perspective, I will give it a thought. All my local fishing is small lakes, and I guess I was considering that the likelihood of two completely different systems failing at the same time is so low that it's not worth the weight and space.
  7. Wouldn't work here, too many lakes with no cell signal.
  8. At the risk of stirring the pot...I don't even keep an anchor on the boat, except when I go to Canada. Spot lock works just fine for the three two times a year I feel like I need to sit in one place. Why Canada? Anchor for lunch.
  9. The cool thing is...now you can get DI built into your Terrova, Ulterra, Ultrex or Fortrex! ...OK, not "now", but soon!
  10. If we look at the 2D and DI screens...they are still graphs, with the data right below the transducer being mapped on the right side of the screen and scrolling off to the left. It's really a cone of data, but close enough for rock 'n' roll. SI is showing two graphs, with the data from a line vertical to the transom graphing data down towards the bottom. 360° graphs in an arc, from the center out. I dialed one just this afternoon on the way home. Told my car to do it. ?
  11. I hear you...but time is worth more than money at this point in my life, to me. A good shop could have that back to me in a few days, where I'd only be able to work on it on weekends...sacrificing days on the water.
  12. I can run down and use that little boat for you, if you need someone to give it a work out. ? ...actually probably not. The Dells give me hives and there's better water closer...
  13. Worst continuous prop abuse I ever saw was on a lake up in Canada that will remain nameless...but a solid eight hour drive from the border. The folks in the cabin right below us in camp were using resort boats...and they were using up a lot of casting fluid each evening after fishing. Day two, they tore off most of a blade...how they didn't wreck the whole prop baffles me. Day four, they ground down all three blades on a new prop, worse than @slonezp did above. Day five...whole lower unit, had to be towed miles back to camp... They left with a heck of a bill...it was four hours to the nearest place that could fix that motor...
  14. Pictures would help, but from your description you need to either get the prop repaired or replaced. If you were even semi-local I'd recommend Brainerd Props ( http://brainerdprops.com/ ) but shipping would likely be prohibitive. There's someone like him near-ish to you and it'll be to your benefit to find them. A couple-three years back I launched my boat on a semi-local reservoir...end of the season, new prop, hadn't so much as even scratched one in two years... Backing it off the trailer, motor wasn't even on, but with the weight of the car pushing it...I heard the dreaded underwater "clang" and boat lurched to the side a good foot. Didn't look as bad as yours...but one entire blade was bent at least 1/4" backwards. There was a BAMF rock right in the middle of the sand launch...apparently all the locals knew about it but nobody had bothered to mark the darn thing...Was sorta hard to see...but man...could you ever feel it at anything above an idle... ...good thing I always have at least two props on board...
  15. Good boat, good motor, looks well kept and cared for from the few pictures available. Regarding electronics: To me, they are pretty much an non-factor unless they are no more than two or three years old. Most serious fishermen are going to replace them and they become worth only what you can sell them for...which isn't much.
  16. To me it'd be more about cost efficiency. Some people won't believe I'm posing this, and I'll deny it later, but: 36 volt maybe overkill for your boat.
  17. With that info, my advice would be to go 24 volt, 80# thrust. Whether you go electric steer or cable steer is a matter of preference and budget (I'd hang a Terrova, Ulterra or Ultrex on there in a heartbeat, but your budget might not support that). With "electric only" in the equation, it wouldn't be hard to get me to go to 36 volt, but again, budget's gonna enter the picture. You're looking at $2000, minimum for one of those motors unless you can find one used, than you'll need three batteries and a charger...an easy $500 more. Cool boat, BTW, looks very much like my Dad's 1986 Lund Mr. Pike from what I can see. Good luck and have fun.
  18. Yeah...they were sub $10,000 when I was a kid... To put things in perspective, I bought a 1968 Ford Galaxy 500 Police Police Interceptor for $300 in 1977... I think it got 6 MPG, downhill, with the engine off.... Might have done a little better if we'd dropped it out of a C130...
  19. Ah, thanks for the clarification. I'm an old guy, grew up when "SS" usually meant some kind of Chevy with a hot motor... You're really gonna like that rig.
  20. Good choice, it'll be fine.
  21. Good choice. I just looked at the options from the manufacturer...and they are all 12 volt models and under powered.
  22. When my OEM winch failed a couple years back, I replaced it with that same winch. Great choice...and if you ever need to help pull a crashed bus out of a ravine, you can kick it into low gear and get 'er done!
  23. @USMC22Did you go with the tiller version or the console version? That might help folks give you some other guidance. Question for Mods: Why is "g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e" getting rplaced with "***". Makes it look like I'm swearing about something.
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