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Further North

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Everything posted by Further North

  1. Just here in WI when you register it. Bought my boat from a a guy in Chicago, registered here, paid tax due. Buddy did the same thing you're doing: Bought in Indiana, paid tax here. Not applicable in WI. The state isn't quite that desperate yet that they try to tax everything... Don't pay tax in Indiana...
  2. Lund Impacts are great boats and priced well. Good advice.
  3. Yep. Same with cars. I wish more people would learn/do this rather than rollin' down the road in the left lane at 65...
  4. A musky (or a pike) at the boat'll stop your heart...or start it. 'Specially if they're 40" or better, and it's topwater...
  5. I have both, thanks. Wanted to be sure I had a grasp of what folks were using.
  6. Those work well and I don't cry when I lose them. That uses the same head as this:
  7. Question: What do guys who don't use fly rods throw poppers on? And what kind of poppers? I've got a few, but am just curious.
  8. So..."Largemouth vs. Smallmouth"...do they...like...fight an' stuff? Can we bet on the winner? Who gets to eat the loser?
  9. That seems to be the case. Without a way to measure it, we'll just have to accept it. I certainly believe it to be the case.
  10. Raising the motor can help...but it can also have the opposite effect. Bets to have a way to take it up and down easily (and inexpensively).
  11. I used to run Lake Master maps on the 798 I had. I also have a Canadian Navionics chip that worked in it. Not sure what other chips will work. Check e-Bay for Lake Master, Navionics. Same with Craigslist and any fishing websites you're on, local is better.
  12. A friend caught that fish - I just love the picture.
  13. I don't get it...we ask that people search old posts for answers...but we also get tense when someone dredges up an old post? I get that this was a spammer...but in general...what's the problem with bringing back an old post...when we specifically ask that people check for them before starting a new one? I've seen people get cranky for exactly the opposite reason, "Didja do a search for XYZ? There's dozens of posts about that!" Help me out here...
  14. How did this shake out?
  15. ...that...sounds...dirty... Maybe that's their goal?
  16. Interesting and all...but none of those other fish live in our water... I've fished for and caught several...but it's like comparing Miller Lite to Cragganmore... I'll leave you with this: Pound for pound...yeah, a smallie beats an Esox. Problem is...that thing eats seven pound fish...and still comes after your lure...'cuz it's not full yet.. Pound for pound, a sunfish kicks bass butt...Imagine an 8 lb. bluegill...I'd be 'fraid to skinny dip in water that held fish like that...
  17. I agree with you about not taking the risk...and I wouldn't do it because if I blew up a TM because of a choice I made, that's my error... ...But how is the power coming off the batteries any different?
  18. Good point. I always assume folks'll dial it back from max pressure.
  19. I wish they had it for 2005 Johnzukis...
  20. Just curious...is there a reason you don't have lake maps? If you spend a little time on it, you can usually find the last versions on E-Bay, Craigslist or the sales section of fishing websites for half price or less.
  21. Should be. Watch it around any paint chips.
  22. ...and that's the stuff that really matters. Well...maybe not the relatives. That can be situational. ?
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