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Further North

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Everything posted by Further North

  1. I have mine mounted on Crestliner CMV, Crestliner's version of a bass boat from the mid-2000s (it virtually the same boat as the new Lund Pro-V Bass, just 10 years older). It works great. The key to using a Terrova is to not use it like a cable steer motor. Terrovas are about setting a direction and letting the motor do the work for you, not about constant adjustments and corrections and being on the pedal all day. If you need/want to be on the pedal constantly, a Terrova is not for you. If you'd rather let the trolling motor handle boat control and fish...and are willing to learn to do things differently...you'll spend more time with the lure in the water. The Terrova is only noisy if you make a lot of corrections to your direction...something you don't have to do if you learn how to use it. I'm sure the Motor Guide achieves the same things...but it's still a late to the party copy...which is fine...
  2. I haven't tried the MotorGuide...I'm sure it's a great product and works well... ...but let's not pretend it's anything other than a "me too!" copy of the Terrova with some (needed) improvements.... ...as to all the issues you have had...Wow...what did MinnKota say/do when you reported the issues to them? I have had nothing but excellent service from them...
  3. It is a powerful statement...and I agree with it 100%. The Terrova has changed how I fish and the how much time I spend fishing when I am out more than any other piece of equipment I have installed on my boat. If you don't try to force it into the paradigm of a cable steer motor, it will change how you fish...for the better.
  4. You're not the only one who doesn't catch fish on them...I fished with a guy this summer...I was catching fish all day, he finally got tired of it and rigged one up...nothing...and I continued to catch them...I have no idea what he was doing wrong...
  5. Interesting...I've had mine for 5 years, had it mounted on 3 different boats and have never had a problem I didn't cause. I've bent the shaft running it into shallow rocks twice, one time bad enough that the seal on the shaft leaked and ruined the motor itself. Both times fixed under warranty in just a couple days. For perspective, I fish upwards of 60 days a year and run the motor almost all the time when I fish.
  6. Yup. With that set-up, I'll get them into cover...hop them a few times like a craw...then retrieve back to the boat. I'll often pick up fish on the retrieve back to the baot - this seems to be where the pike and musky like to kill them...they just hate the things...
  7. I most often run them Texas rigged, they work great - they have accounted for hundreds of bass and pike over the last few seasons, a ton of pike and more than a few musky...up to 48". Very versatile bait, can be fished a lot of different ways and will produce fish in most of them. I even caught a 26 1/2" walleye on one back in June. They are one of my go-to baits.
  8. I thnk you've got it exactly right. Once I learned that I didn't want to use the Terrova the same way I'd used my cable steer trolling motors and dumped all that baggage, I found that I didn't need to...by letting the Terrova do the work while I fish, it really makes my time in the boat a lot more effective. About three weeks ago, I was working some docks off a steep drop off and I started showing a lot of fish in one spot, I set a quick waypoint, finished up the docks in the area, then pointed the Terrova in the general direction of the marked spot and hit "GO TO". When I got there, I hot Spot Lock and picked up a half dozen smallies in about 20 minutes.
  9. I've used them...they work...more definitively on walleye than on bass. Do they work better than other soft plastics on bass? I've got no objective evidence of that. I have other non-Trigger X - soft plastics that definitely work better.
  10. Correct. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/144395-thermal-turnover/ They might cool enough to loose stratification...but that's a different critter...and unless the weather has been unseasonably cold, I'm not sure that's what you're seeing. There's often a good two weeks between southern WI turnover and where I live in NW WI...and you're a lot further south than that.
  11. Surface temps have to get to 39° for turn over to start. Ours were 68° - 71° this afternoon.
  12. I'd be surprised if your lake had turned over that far south...I'm in NW WI, and we are weeks from turnover...water temps need to get a lot colder before turn-over happens.
  13. The story of How Partridge Built Bird's Canoes In ancient days Partridge was the canoe-builder for the other birds. And after he had finished all the canoes, he called the birds together and each got into its bark and paddled off. Oh, it was a great sight! First of all came the Eagle, in his big shell, paddling with the ends of his wings. Then came the Owl dipping his wings in the water, like the Eagle. Then the Crane, the Bluebird, the Robin, the Blackbird, and the Snipe went sailing proudly after, uttering shrill cries or whistling and singing. And last of all came the tiny Hummingbird in a very small canoe; and for him good Partridge had made a pretty little paddle. And the Fish-Hawk, who lives on the wing, skimmed over their heads, crying with amazement, as he saw the proud little fleet of canoes put out to sea. "Why, O Partridge," cried the Fish-Hawk, "have you made no canoe for yourself?" But Partridge gave no answer, only looked mysterious, and drummed; and the noise of his drumming sounded like an Indian at work on a canoe. Then the birds sailed back to land, and all cried out, "Why, O Partridge, have you made no canoe for yourself?" But Partridge shook his head, and said that when he built a canoe for himself, it should be a wonder such as no bird's eye had ever beheld. This went on for some time, until at last every bird knew that Partridge was making a wonderful canoe for himself. Now Partridge thought, "If a boat with two ends sails two ways, why, then, a boat, that is round, will sail every way." So he built a canoe like a nest, perfectly round. And when it was finished, he called together all the birds to watch him put out to sea. And as they looked at the round canoe, they all cried out: "What a wonderful boat! We were not wise enough to think of such a thing!" Then Partridge, swelling with pride, stepped into the canoe, and dipped his paddle. But the boat made no headway at all, only spun around and around. And the harder he worked, dipping his paddle, first on one side and then on the other, the faster spun the canoe. And when the birds saw what was happening, they fell to laughing, and mocking Partridge. And he left his round canoe, and, flying inland, hid himself for very shame under the low bushes. And to this day he flies close to the ground, and hides under leaves and bushes. And the noise of his drumming sounds far and near like an Indian making a canoe.
  14. Yeah...apparently I hit the wrong "quote" button...then failed to read what I posted. I'm with you on the cost...a guy can buy a pretty nice Predator Kayak for what he'd have in that gizmo...bt we'll have to wait and see how well it really works. It'd be fun to have one to try for a while, see if it works.
  15. I think there's a picture that addresses that - a three rod holder behind the seat?
  16. Breaker, if I have the choice, every time, all the time.
  17. Break Out Another Thousand...is true...if you don't do your homework. I had it happen one time...and I got lucky because I bought the boat for a good price to begin with...broke even...but it was a tense coupla weeks...
  18. Well said, and right on target. We have to have a realistic assessment of potential costs - both operational and replacement - before we jump off the ownership cliff. What will it cost to put gas into, and maintain that sweet 20 ft, 250 HP bass boat with 900 hours on it? If the motor blows up - because the seller overstated how well it was taken care of (true about 80% of the time), what will it cost to replace? Are the electronics OK...or will I need to replace them with something more modern? What might that cost? What is the quality of the post-purchase installations that have been done? That's a solid indicator of the level of care and attention to detail the previous owner(s) put into the boat...if you find a wire connection under the dash to a top-of-the line piece of electronics that is only done with twisting wires together and wrapped with tape...you know it's not been treated the best. Do a thorough inspection - if you're not fully qualified, hire someone who is. A couple hundred buck that gets you out from under a potentially bad deal is money well spent, no matter how things shake out.
  19. I posted this...not because I think you're gonna buy it...you're in WV, I'm in NW WI...but because it's exactly what a results focused buyer will zero in on. It's a flawed boat (Purple? Really?) offered by an exceptionally reputable seller, where a fair amount of due diligence will reveal that it's a great value for dollars spent. ...the last boat I bought - the one I'll have until I die, unless something stupid happens - Was the same kind of deal - a little above market...until I dug into it. 10 years old, set up like a wanted, and virtually unused (literally less than 4 hours on the motor) good performance, great components...I had it inspected by a dealer I selected...and I wrote the check...
  20. If you do your homework (what they call "due diligence" in business), used boats are an excellent choice. ...But I've walked away from a lot of boats...and cars, trucks, and other stuff...because they did not meet my requirements. Gotta be willing to do that. Just because it's a "great deal" doesn't mean its a good choice.
  21. More great advice.
  22. Your budget is the key point...what can you really afford? What are your COL (cost of living expenses), What are you setting aside for retirement (hint: We've done 20% - 30% for 30-some years and that'll work out well), what percentage of the left-over discretionary income does it take to keep the wife/family happy...what is left over is what you get to spend...
  23. Here you go: http://www.skeeterboatcenter.com/InventoryDetail.aspx?boattype=Used-Boats&model=&stocknumber=S1518A
  24. I've caught some of my best fish on "the wrong side of the boat". Every now and then, I turn around and chuck whatever I'm tossing out to the deep side...let it sink a bit and bring it back...this works sometime, sometimes not...but most often if it does, the fish is bigger than I'm catching along shore.
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